Hawassa University (HU) and Wondo Genet Collage of Forestry & Natural Resources are to Receive Equipments

Ethiopian Universities is to receive donation of equipments worth two million Birr, including laboratory equipment, machines, printers and projectors.
Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center & Network (HoA-RECN), which leads the Ethiopian consortium of sustainable tourism based on natural resource management with balance towards women (STRONGBOW) project, and the Center for International Cooperation at University of Amsterdam (CIS-VU) will hand over these equipment to selected higher learning institutions in Ethiopia on September 9, 2014 at HoA-RECN headquarters inside Gullele Botanic Garden, Addis Abeba.
The Handover ceremony will take place in the presence of Araya Asfaw (PhD), executive director of HoA-RECN, Denyse Snelder (PhD), STRONGBOW Project director, Henk van den Heuvel, senior advisor for higher education management & Organization for CIS-VU, Rawda Seman, STRONGBOW project coordinator for HoA-RECN and representatives of different higher learning institutions in Ethiopia.
STRONGBOW is a project designed to build capacity in five Ethiopian higher education institutions including Addis Abeba University (AAU), Jimma University (JU), Hawassa University (HU), Wondo Genet Collage of Forestry & Natural Resources, Mizan Tepi University (MTU) and Arba Minch University (AMU).

Source: allAfrica.com


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