Beauties in South Ethiopia, Sidama Zone

This week I have been to Bensa Daye Woreda in Sidama Zone and I took some pictures (Even though I am not a professional photographer,I tried my best to do it). Bensa Daye is some 135 km far away from Awassa. Naturally Bensa Daye is the source of Ethiopian coffee and other beautiful fruits like banana etc.
Tabour Terara ( Mount Tabour) just 5 km away from Awassa
Large Cattle field near Aleta Wondo, about 50 km away from Awassa
Sidama Cultural Hats. According to the experts these hats have 50 up to 100 years life span. Surprising!!!
Inset (False Banana) is the main edible plant in the whole parts of Southern region. It is evergreen plant. If a family has no any of it in its garden, that family is said to be  extremely poor in our culture. In my experience, I know many families who have no any “Inset” in their garden, that mean there are many poor families in the region. I am not talking about the poorness relative to the world but about the poorness of the people among themselves (the region). If we talk the poorness relative to the other, it has many worst things to be raised!!! FOVC works to end the cycle of poverty in the region, particularily in Shanto. We invite you to be a part of this mission to reach suffering children and families in the region. We can do it together!!!


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