The Awassa Children’s Project (ACP) and Faye Foundation (FF) have recently teamed up

August 5, 2012
Chicago; Los Angeles, August 6, 2012: The Awassa Children’s Project (ACP) and Faye Foundation (FF) have recently teamed up to work together in addressing the orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) crisis in southern Ethiopia! “With the prevalence of HIV/AIDS currently rising and the urgent need for life-saving anti-retroviral medication, organizations need to unify around finding sustainable solutions.” said Jamie Lynne Grumet, Founder, Chief Executive Officer of the Faye Foundation. Members of FF and ACP will visit the Children’s Center and other parts of southern Ethiopia in late August to examine areas where they can work together. “This partnership is exciting for several reasons,” said Paul Chadha, President of the Awassa Children’s Project, “together we can bring change to so many kids that need simple things like food and medicine.”
The Fayye Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the orphan crisis in the Sidama region of Ethiopia. Additional information:


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