Ethiopian Washed Coffee Prices Fall as Much as 6.9%

Prices for unwashed arabica coffee from Ethiopia fell as much as to 6.9 percent last week on the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange.
Volumes of both washed and unwashed coffee traded rose to 2,529 metric tons in the week ending Dec. 9 from 2,295 tons a week earlier, according to e-mailed statement from the Addis Ababa-based exchange on Dec. 9.
The following are prices for the most heavily traded types of arabica in dollars per pound on the last day they were exchanged in the week. Week-on-week data may reflect changes in exchange rates.
Volumes are in metric tons and the percentage change is measured from the previous week’s closing price.
Region           Type  Grade   Volume   Price      % Change
Forest            A     9     232.54    $1.9058     -0.14%
Forest            A     UG     80.78    $1.9211      3.59%
Forest            B     7      45.9     $1.998       n/a
Jimma             A     8      30.02    $1.9672      1.45%
Jimma             B     6      45.9     $1.9903     -1.28%
Jimma             B     7      69.5     $1.9826     -0.9%
Jimma             B     8      45.9     $1.9365     -2.87%
Lekempte          n/a   5      53.81    $1.993      -3.72%
Lekempte          n/a   6     145.35    $1.9853     -0.8%
Lekempte          n/a   7      61.2     $1.9622     -1.96%
Lekempte          n/a   8      30.67    $1.9238     -1.99%
Local byproduct   n/a   4     117.78    $1.6929     -3.54%
Sidama            A     6      73.05    $2.1546      6.02%
Yirgacheffe       B     6      66.91    $2.1869      9.27%

Limmu             A     3     460.85    $1.7213     -6.79%
Limmu             A     4     224.69    $1.6906     -6.91%
Sidama            A     3      32.39    $2.0856      n/a
Sidama            B     3      53.99    $2.0287      n/a
Sidama            B     4      48.59    $1.9519      n/a
To contact the reporter on this story: Hilton Shone in Johannesburg at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at


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