በኣለታ ጩኮ እና ኣለታ ወንዶ ወረዳዎች ለህጻናት ጤና መጓደል የእናቶች የጤና ኣያያዝ ግንዛቤ ማነስ ምንክያት መሆኑንን ኣንድ ጥናት ኣመለከተ

የፎቶ ከ © ACF - Ethiopie 
ACF - Ethiopie

በኣለታ ጩኮ እና ኣለታ ወንዶ ወረዳዎች በጤና ኣጠባበቂ ዙሪያ የእናቶች ግንዛቤ ኣነስተኛ መሆን ለህጻናት የጤና እንከኖች መባባስ ምክንያት መሆኑን ታወቀ። 

ዝርዝሩን ከታች ያንቡ፦
ሙሉ ሪፖርት

ACF conducted a Link-NCA in the maize livelihood belt of Aleto Chucko and Aleta Wondo Districts. Data collection took place in four villages during March and April 2014 at the beginning of the hunger gap. The prevalence of GAM was estimated at 5.6%. The major causal pathways of undernutrition were multi-sectoral and related to child health status, poor health service access and utilization, the WASH environment, economic factors, care practices. The low status of women was found to be a significant underlying factor.
ላይ  ACF conducted a Link-NCA in the maize livelihood belt of Aleto Chucko and Aleta Wondo Districts. Data collection took place in four villages during March and April 2014 at the beginning of the hunger gap. The prevalence of GAM was estimated at 5.6%. The major causal pathways of undernutrition were multi-sectoral and related to child health status, poor health service access and utilization, the WASH environment, economic factors, care practices. The low status of women was found to be a significant underlying factor.



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