የጣሊያን ህጻናት በሃዋሳ ከተማ እና ኣከባቢያዋ የሚገኙትን ከዝቅተኛ ቤተሰብ የመጡ ተማሪዎችን በትምህርት ቁሳቁስ ለመረዳ የገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ የጎዳና ላይ ሩጫ

በሃዋሳ ከተማ እና ኣከባቢያዋ የሚገኙትን ከ18 ሺ በላይ ከዝቅተኛ ቤተሰብ የመጡ ተማሪዎችን በትምህርት ቁሳቁስ ለመረዳ የገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ የጎዳና ላይ ሩጫ በሰሜናዊቷ የጣልያን ግዛት ሶውዝ ትይሮል ቦልዞን ከተማ ተካሄደ።

በጎዳና ሩጫው ላይ ከ3 ሺ በላይ ህጻናት ተሳታፊ ሲሆኑ ወደ 80 ሺ ዩሮ ከሰፖንስሮች መሰብሰቡን የሩጫው ኣዘጋጆች ተናግረዋል። 

ዜናው የሰቶል ነው

ዝርዝር ዜናውን ከታች ያንቡ፦

Once Bolzano-Tokyo round trip

Around 3,000 students, scouts, confirmands and young people of various parishes who attended the fifth edition of the "miracle run" in 15 different places in South Tyrol. The distance walked: Bolzano-Tokyo back and forth, say, 25,000 km, to help their peers in Ethiopia.

Bolzano, Laives, Neumarkt, Longostagno Gummer, Mölten, Tarsch Meransen, Dobbiaco, Kien, Neumarkt, Sarn Valley and Elections: There are many villages and towns in South Tyrol, who participated in organized by the youngCaritas solidarity initiative.  
Around 3,000 students, confirmands and scouts have personal sponsors found that have per kilometer run donated a previously agreed amount.
"Many boys and girls have previously trained to run as many laps as possible can. Some of them are even ran 15 laps during the 90 minutes, "says the coordinator of the Initiative and member of youngCaritas, Isabella Distefano.
Walk 80,000 euros
Their effort was rewarded: the young people were able to travel 25,000 kilometers and thus collect 80,000 euros.
With this money a project is supported, which allows nearly 18,000 boys and girls in Ethiopia, in the region Hawassa to visit the school.
With the donations books, notebooks, pencils, and the necessary school supplies for children from poor farming families to buy. In organizing the running miracle teachers, volunteers and parents who helped. 
The "miracle run" will be held again next year. Interested schools, youth centers and parishes in South Tyrol are now encouraged to incorporate with the staff of youngCaritas contact in order to obtain information concerning the organization and execution of the next run.

Bolzano, Laives, Neumarkt, Longostagno Gummer, Mölten, Tarsch Meransen, Dobbiaco, Kien, Neumarkt, Sarn Valley and Elections: There are many villages and towns in South Tyrol, who participated in organized by the youngCaritas solidarity initiative.  
Around 3,000 students, confirmands and scouts have personal sponsors found that have per kilometer run donated a previously agreed amount.
"Many boys and girls have previously trained to run as many laps as possible can. Some of them are even ran 15 laps during the 90 minutes, "says the coordinator of the Initiative and member of youngCaritas, Isabella Distefano.
Walk 80,000 euros
Their effort was rewarded: the young people were able to travel 25,000 kilometers and thus collect 80,000 euros.
With this money a project is supported, which allows nearly 18,000 boys and girls in Ethiopia, in the region Hawassa to visit the school.
With the donations books, notebooks, pencils, and the necessary school supplies for children from poor farming families to buy. In organizing the running miracle teachers, volunteers and parents who helped. 
The "miracle run" will be held again next year. Interested schools, youth centers and parishes in South Tyrol are now encouraged to incorporate with the staff of youngCaritas contact in order to obtain information concerning the organization and execution of the next run.
Bozen, Leifers, Neumarkt, Lengstein, Gummer, Mölten, Tarsch, Meransen, Toblach, Kiens, Neumarkt, Sarntal und Wahlen: Es sind viele Dörfer und Städte in Südtirol, die an der von der youngCaritas organisierten Solidaritätsinitiative teilgenommen haben.  
Rund 3.000 Schüler, Firmlinge und Pfadfinder haben persönliche Sponsoren gefunden, die pro gelaufenen Kilometer einen bereits vorher vereinbarten Betrag gespendet haben.
„Viele Mädchen und Buben haben vorher trainiert, um so viele Runden als möglich laufen zu können. Einige von ihnen sind während der 90 Minuten sogar 15 Runden gelaufen“, erzählt die Koordinatorin der Initiative und Mitarbeiterin der youngCaritas, Isabella Distefano.
80.000 Euro erlaufen
Ihre Anstrengung wurde belohnt: Die Jugendlichen konnten 25.000 Kilometer zurücklegen und damit  80.000 Euro sammeln.
Mit diesem Geld wird ein Projekt unterstützt, das es fast 18.000 Mädchen und Buben in Äthiopien, in der Region Hawassa ermöglicht, die Schule zu besuchen.
Mit den Spenden werden Bücher, Hefte, Bleistifte und das nötige Schulmaterial für Kinder aus armen Bauernfamilien gekauft. Bei der Organisation des Laufwunders haben auch Lehrer, Freiwillige und Eltern mitgeholfen. 
Das „Laufwunder“ findet auch im nächsten Jahr wieder statt. Interessierte Schulen, Jugendzentren und Pfarreien in ganz Südtirol sind schon jetzt angehalten, mit den Mitarbeitern der youngCaritas Kontakt aufzunehmen, um Informationen betreffend Organisation und Abwicklung des nächsten Laufes zu erhalten.


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