In Retrospect..

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In Memory of the two precious sidama children shot by police last june in Chuko woreda demonstrating for the causes of the entire sidama people;

This last summer has witnessed many glaring events in the history of sidama nation. Provoked by the state's move to federalise the Hawassa city thereby diminishing the strongholds of power of sidama people, this peaceful land has evidenc
ed historic accomplishments and failure in various times and places. The two entirely divergent philosophies of the gov't and the people as to the issue at hand make the situation and any harmonizing attempt fruitless, resulting in wholesale adversity b/n the people and the state.

Being anxious and disguised by this very gov't orientation, the people determined to call for regional self-determination, claiming that these all atrocities are pressing on the people due to lack of such a status like other comparable nations in the Ethiopian polity. This endless struggle resulted in havoc, lack of peace, insecurity and disorder in many parts of the sidamaland.

Massive rallies, petitions and demonstrations claiming their constitutional rights spread to the entire sidama villages and Hamlets. Therefore, the genuine sidamas brought to the testimony of others their strong unison and greater solidarity for their common cause. This faced brutal suppression from the heavy hands of the state.

This very move resulted in far reaching consequences and bearings on the general psychological, moral, political, economic, and social affairs of the sidama people. It also brought in to attention many legal and constitutional questions and it also gone to the extent of questioning the observance of the very constitution, the fundamental law of the land. Civil strife and disobedience has became manifest aggrieved by the undemocratic measures of the rulers.

The following are some of the leading events we witnessed since last May.
1. Mass demonstration to maintain the historic place of Hawassa to be under the administration of sidama people.
2. Different media announcements about the agenda and the misconceived behavior of the public resulting in denunciation of the popular measures- The so called SOUTH FM 100.9 AND ABYOTAWI DEHIDEN hAS been keen in insulting and denouncing the people's will.
3. Different public conferences about the then political affairs to force the people to accept what is unacceptable.

4. A highly magnificent public discussion held by the Hawassa university and other neighboring collegiate students of the contemporary sidama politics changed both the dimension and direction of the movements. In this discussion with regional president, every piece of issues has been raised with a greater caution for the interest of the entire sidama people. OUR MOTO THEN WAS "DIALOGUE IS AN ESSENCE OF FREE SOCIETY".

5. Boycotting gov't works by public servants, accompanied by questioning of the lawfulness of the gov't acts, marshalling for autonomy, and calling to the state rulers to cooperate with the overwhelming mass.

6. Violence and forced repulsion of the state agents from every part of rural sidama making clear the fact that the struggle will continue using whatever means as long as the popular demand is not respected and responded.

In this regard, many rural districts gloriously managed to put resistance to the forced suppression of the state military force callin that this suppression may not result in desirable consequences. Opting for brutality was said to have been unwise political decision.

Aletawondo, and Aleta Chuko led the first ever marshalling rallies in which three children were shot by the police and brutally wounded. This glaring situation continued unabated through out entire sidama districts.

The lack of peaceful solution from the part of the state forced the peace-loving sidama people to start the send phase of struggle. The second phase of the movement , even with a greater magnitude with the oceanic rise and wave of MALGA WOREDA, who reacted more violently than ever with the state machinery has shown the greater pressure the sidamas could pose to the Ethiopian politics.. Left without option, they were obliged to react to defend their rights in such a way that was proportionate to the action of the abusers. This fact has managed to become the top news agenda across the globe.

7. The post-Fichee-chambalaalla phenomenon brought a despairing and disruptive consequences and shifted the advantage in favor of the state force. Using the fichee Qeexal;a as pretext, massive detention of the people was undertaken acciompanied by frustration and harassment of even innocent individuals. Talking about the sidama cause has became then untouchable zone.
8. Many college and university students were detained in rural districts various times for mobilizing the people for self-determination.

Many renowned personalities were imprisoned, charged, and prosecuted and underway to be sentenced. Individuals suspected of advocating for sidama regional question are being closely controlled and subjected to strong surveillance.

9. A close alliance with the Diaspora community has been established
These all boils down to...................................

PARADOX: Is there any future for the sidama people's quest for regional autonomy??

Although it is to early to judge the fate of the popular question for autonomy, which appraise the fundamental values enshrined in the constitution, it is clear from the very outset that sidamas are more likely not to waive their rights. They have shown their triumph on that, and they seem to be determined to that very cause. Many national and international legal instruments give a due legal ground for the lawfulness and constitutionality of their quest for regional autonomy. Concerted efforts needs to be made to show clearly that it is a compulsive necessity to respect the sidama peoples right to regional self-determination.


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