
የይርጋለም ከተማ ወጣት መምህራን

መምህርት ሰብለ ሽፈራው እና መምህር ታምራት ታደሰ ትምህርት ቤት የወጣትነት ትውስታ ነው። አብዛኞቻችን ትምህርት ቤትን የመጀመሪያ የዕውቀት መቅሰሚያ አድርገን ትተን ወደ ተለያዩ የሙያ መስክ ስናመራ፤ አንዳንድ በፍላጎት አልያም በአጋጣሚ የመምህርነት ሞያን ይዘዉ ፤ በዝያዉ እዉቀትን በቀሰሙበት፤ ትምህርት ቤት ይቆያሉ። መምህርት ሰብለ ሽፈራው እና መምህር ታምራት ታደሰ ይባላሉ። ወጣት መምህራኑ እንደሚሉት አስተማሪ መሆን ሁሌም ምኞቻቸው ነበር።ታምራት የ9ኛ ክፍል የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ መምህር ነው። ወደ ይርጋለም የሄደው በዚሁ በሥራ እድል ምክንያት ነው፤ ያደገው ግን ሐዋሳ ከተማ ነው። መምህርት ሰብለም እንዲሁ ከይርጋለም ከተማ 12 ኪሎ ሜትር ወጣ ብሎ በሚገኘው ትምህርት ቤት ውስጥ የ10ኛ ክፍል የባዮሎጂ መምህርት ናት።ወጣት መምህራኑ፤ ከከተማ ትንሽ ወጣ ብሎ ማስተማሩን እንደ ህዝባዊ ግዴታ ነው የሚቆጥሩት። በዚህም ደስተኛ ናቸው። መምህራኑ ከሙያው የሚወዱት ነገር ምንድን ነው? አስተማሪነትስ ምን አይነት ኃላፊነት አለው? በመምህርነት ከሚያገለግሉት ሁለት ወጣት መምህራን ጋር በወጣቶች ዓለም ዝግጅት ያካፈሉንን ከዚህ በታች በድምፅ ያገኛሉ። ምንጭ፦

Opposition Parties go Ahead Despite Complaint Over Observers’ Election

ፎቶ  ኣዲስፎርቹን As polling stations around the country have opened for registration of the electorate on January 9, 2015, opposition political parties are expressing their discomfort on the pre-election process. Teferi Mekuria is among 33 million voters projected by the electorate board for the upcoming election. Fortune met with him while he was registering to vote at his nearby polling station. He was the 29th voter registered at Woreda 7 of Arada District at three o’clock on the very first day. The station is among three polling stations located at the former Kebele 13/14 office. According to the statement from Tsege Alemu, a registrar at the station, they are responsible for registering electorate at the specific Kebele and residents from house number 001 to 299 and operates seven days a week from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Each polling station around the country is structured in a way that each station is only allowed to register a maximum number of 1,000 electorates and the arrang

Debub Global Bank Recovers from Previous Loss with 18m Br Profit

The Bank has mobilised 500 million Br deposit, disburses 266 million Br loans and advances Debub Global Bank S.C. has registered a profit after tax of 18.5 million Br for the fiscal year, recovering from the previous year’s loss of 14.3 million Br; it has registered earnings per share of 90.9 Br. Debub, which has worked hard in financial intermediations and other services such service charges, commissions and foreign exchange dealings has earned 37.2 million Br from interest incomes, which increasedby 427pc from last year. Non-interest earnings have staggeringly went up to 44.2 million Br showing an increase of 414pc. Debub has disbursed loans and advances of 266.6 million Br and invested 94.8 million Br in the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) bond. The loan and advances that the Bank has disbursed has shown an increase of 168pc and the investment in the NBE bonds represents 1.8pc of the Bank’s total assets and 18.9pc of its deposit. Although the amount that Debub disburse

ሲዳማ ቡና ፕሪምየር ሊጉን በ5 ነጥብ ልዩነት በመምራት ላይ ነው

በትናንትናው እለት በተደረገ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪምየር ሊግ ጨዋታ ሲዳማ ቡና ወልዲያ ከነማን 1 ለ0 ሲያሸንፍ ሀዋሳ ከነማ ደግሞ ከሙገር ሲሚንቶ ኣቻለኣቻ ተለያይቷል። ኢትዮጵያ ቡና በበኩሉ መከላከያን 2ለ0 በሆነ ውጤት አሸንፏል።  ክልል ላይ በተደረጉ ጨዋታዎች አርባምንጭ ከነማ ከቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስን 1 ለ0 በሆነ ውጣት ሲጠናቀቅ፥ ደደቢት ዳሽን ቢራን በተመሳሳይ 1ለ0 በሆነ ውጤት አሸንፈዋል።   ፕሪሚየር ሊጉን ሲዳማ ቡና 11 ጨዋታዎች አድርጎ በ23 ነጥብ ሲመራ፣ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ በ10 ጨዋታ 18 ነጥብ ይዞ ሁለተኛ ላይ ይገኛል እንዲሁም መከላከያ በ11 ጨዋታ በ16 ነጥብ  በሶስተኝነት ይከተላል።

Ethiopian opposition says electoral body blocks party registration

(Reuters) - Ethiopia's sole opposition member of parliament said on Friday the country's electoral board had turned down all four election logos his party had submitted, preventing it from registering for the May election. Girma Seifu said his Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) and the board had been haggling over the logo for months. "From the very beginning, (government) activities have not been free and fair," Girma said. "They do not want us to participate. It is a tactic." Girma said however that the UDJ would not boycott the poll. No electoral board or government spokesperson was immediately available to comment. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition of four regional parties, has been in power since toppling military dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991. Dissidents and rights groups say the government routinely cracks down on activists and journalists. The government denies this. Opposition