
የሞ ኢብራሂም ፋውንዴሽን በየዓመቱ በሚያወጣው የአፍሪካ መልካም አስተዳደር ጠቋሚ ኢትዮጵያ ከ52 አገሮች 32ኛ ወጣች

እ.ኤ.አ. የ2014 የሞ ኢብራሂም የመልካም አስተዳደር ጠቋሚ ከ30 ገለልተኛ የአፍሪካና ዓለም አቀፍ ታማኝ ምንጮች የተገኙ ከመቶ በላይ መለኪያዎችን በመገምገም ነው የአገሮች የመልካም አስተዳደር ደረጃን ማውጣቱን የገለጸው፡፡ ዋነኛ መለኪያዎቹ አራት ምሰሶዎች መሆናቸውን የሚገልጸው ሞ ኢብራሂም ፋውንዴሽን፣ እነዚህም ሕዝቦች ከመንግሥታቸው የሚጠብቋቸውና መንግሥትም ማቅረብ የሚጠበቅበት ግዴታዎችን የሚዳስስ ነው፡፡ እነዚህ መሠረታዊ ምሰሶዎች የመሠረተ ልማት ዝርጋታ፣ የመናገር ነፃነት፣ የንፅህናና የንብረት ባለቤትነት መብቶች ጥበቃን የሚዳስሱ ናቸው፡፡ በዚህም መሠረት ሞሪሺየስ፣ ኬፕ ቨርዴና ቦትስዋና ከአንድ እስከ ሦስተኛ ወጥተዋል፡፡ ደቡብ አፍሪካ፣ ሲሸልስ፣ ናሚቢያ፣ ጋና፣ ቱኒዚያ፣ ሴኔጋልና ሌሴቶ እስከ አሥረኛ ደረጃ ላይ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ከምሥራቅ አፍሪካ አገሮች መካከል ሩዋንዳ በ11ኛ ደረጃ፣ ኬንያ 17ኛ ደረጃ፣ ኡጋንዳ 19ኛ ደረጃ ላይ ሲገኙ ኢትዮጵያ 32ኛ ላይ ትገኛለች፡፡ ሶማሊያ የመጨረሻው ደረጃ ላይ ስትገኝ ማዕከላዊ አፍሪካ ሪፐብሊክና ኤርትራ ይከተሏታል፡፡  ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ የሞ ኢብራሂም ፋውንዴሽን በየዓመቱ ለአፍሪካ መሪዎች የሚሰጠውን ሽልማት የሥልጣን ዘመናቸውን በማጠናቀቅ ላይ ለሚገኙት የናሚቢያው ፕሬዚዳንት አድርጓል፡፡ ይህ ሽልማት ላለፉት አራት ዓመታት ብቁ የሆነ መሪ ባለመገኘቱ ሳይካሄድ መቆየቱ ይታወሳል፡፡  ሽልማቱ በሥልጣን ላይ እያለ ለአገሩ መልካም አስተዳደር ላሰፈነ፣ የሕዝቦቹን የኑሮ ደረጃ ከፍ ላደረገና በሰላማዊ ሽግግር ከሥልጣን ለወረደ መሪ የሚሰጥ ነው፡፡ ሽልማቱም በአሥር ዓመት ጊዜ ውስጥ ተከፍሎ የሚጠናቀቅ አምስት ሚሊዮን ዶላርና እስከ ዕድሜ ልክ ደግሞ በየዓመቱ 200 ሺሕ ዶላር ያስገኛል፡፡ እ.ኤ.አ. ከ2004 ጀምሮ ሁለት

African jawbone discovery pushes birth of humanity back by 400,000 years

A fossilised jawbone found poking out of the ground in Ethiopia has set the story of human origins back nearly half a million years to a time when early man shared the vast grassland plains of eastern Africa with a rich variety of prehistoric animals. Scientists have confirmed that the jawbone belongs to the Homo genus and, at 1.8 million years old, is more than 400,000 years older than the oldest previous fossil of the same group of early humans who eventually gave rise to our own species, Homo sapiens. The discovery begins to fill in a huge gap in human origins between the primitive “ape man” of Australopithecus afarensis – best known from the Lucy fossil discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 – and the earliest known members of the “human” family, the species Homo habilis or “handy man”. “The jaw helps to narrow the evolutionary gap between Australopithecus and early Homo. It’s an excellent case of a transitional fossil in a critical time period in human evolution,” said Bill Kimb

በደቡብ ክልል በሚገኙ ትምህርት ቤቶች መካከል በሃዋሳ ከተማ ሲካሄድ የሰነበተው የስፖርት ውድድር በሲዳማ ተማሪዎች አጠቃላይ አሸናፊነት ተጠናቀቀ

መንግስት በመከተል ላይ ባለው ሲዳማን ከፋፍሎ የማስተዳደር ፖሊስ የተነሳ የሲዳማ ዞንን እና ሐዋሳ ከተማ ኣስተዳደርን ወክለው በክልሉ የተማሪዎች ውድድር ላይ የተሳተፉት የሲዳማ ተማሪዎች በኣጠቃላይ 38 የወርቅ፤ 36 የብር እና 40 የነሀስ ሜዳሊያዎችን ስብስበዋል። የመዝጊያ ፕሮግራሙን የተከታተለው የወራንቻ ኢንፎርሜሽን ኔትዎርክ ሪፖተር እንደዘጋበው፤ የሲዳማ ተማሪዎች በክልል ደረጃ ተዘጋጅቶ ለሁለት ሳምንታት በተካሄደው በዚህ ውድድር ላይ በእግር ፣በመረብና በእጅ ኳስ ፣በአትሌቲክስ፣ ፣ በውሃ ዋና፣ ፣ በሜዳና በጠረጴዛ ቴኒስ ፣ ተሳታፊ ሆነዋል ። በፓራሎምፒክ ወይም በአካል ጉዳተኞች የስፖርት ውድድርም የሃዋሳ ከተማ አስተዳደር ወክለው የተሳተፉ የሲዳማ ተማሪዎች 11 የወርቅ ፣ 9 የብር ፣ 10 የነሀስ ሜዳሊያ አግኝተዋል።

Abandoned horses no longer doomed to suffer in Halaba, what about in Hawassa?

Abandoned horses no longer doomed to suffer New by-laws in Halaba, Ethiopia have be introduced to allow abandoned working horses to be put down. International welfare charity  the Brooke has been working with the Ethiopian government to get the by-laws changed  in the area. The charity’s teams will now be able to  euthanise abandoned working equines that are injured and beyond medical help . The problem of abandonment of working horses in urban areas of Ethiopia is a  growing problem , especially in Halaba. Horses that are too sick or weak to work are  left suffering on the streets before they die  or are attacked and eaten by hyenas. The horses are often beyond help and the  only option  to end their suffering is being put down. In the region of Halaba, an  owner has to give consent before an animal can be euthanised . But when the horse has been abandoned, the owner is often  very hard to track down . The new by-law means that the Brooke can put an abandone

How Europe, America exploit Africans-Obasanjo

Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo presenting a paper on “The African Scientist in a Fast-Changing World” at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences Memorial Lecture for Prof. Ali Mazrui, in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia Former Nigerian president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo on Friday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia berated the exploitation of African scientists in Europe, America and Asia continents, lamenting that their efforts on global horizon is fast regressing. Obasanjo speaking while delivering a paper entitled: “The African Scientist In A Fast-Changing World” presented at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences in honour of Late Professor Ali Al’Amin Mazrui, however, noted that on the aggregate, African scientists have not been push-over over the ages. He disclosed that his choice of the topic was borne out of the fact that, “since my friend, Ali Mazrui, was a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences and we are celebrating him at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, I have decided to reflect