Bamboo roundhouse by the Sidama people of Ethiopia

ፎቶ ከፌስቡክ
This is a traditional split bamboo plaited roundhouse by the Sidama people of Ethiopia. The dome, with its pointy top, is designed to shed heavy rainfall where a circular dome would have a flat region prone to leaks. Bamboo once played an important role in the rural economies of East Africa but indiscriminate clearing of natural bamboo forests have resulted in losing natural resources and many of the traditional building skills. You can find out more about traditional bamboo construction at The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan.
 የቀርካሃ እንዴት ማልማት እንደምገባ የምተርከውን መጽሀፍ ከታች ያንቡ
ቀርካሃን እንዴት ማልማት ይቻላል


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