
Ethiopia crackdown on student protests taints higher education success

የጽሁፉ ምንጭ፦  The guardian Western backers of the Ethiopian education system should not ignore reports of violent clashes on university campuses Over the past 15 years,  Ethiopia  has become home to one of the world's fastest-growing higher education systems. Increasing the number of graduates in the country is a key component of the government's industrialisation strategy and part of its ambitious plan to become a middle-income country by 2025. Since the 1990s, when there were just two public universities, almost 30 new institutions have sprung up. On the face of it, this is good news for ordinary Ethiopians. But dig a little deeper and tales abound of students required to join one of the three government parties, with reports of restricted curricula, classroom spies and crackdowns on student protests commonplace at universities. Nowhere has this been more evident than in Ambo in Oromia state. On 25 April, protests against government plans to bring parts the town


የጽሁፉ ምንጭ፦  Addis standard Kiram Tadesse A new survey conducted by Selam Development Consultants, assisted by JGAM Donors in collaboration with the Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission, revealed Ethiopia’s Customs and Revenue Authority as the most corrupt government office followed by the construction permit and land administration offices. Entitled “Perception of the Level of Corruption by Foreign Investors in Ethiopia”, the study, which also aimed at identifying public sector institutions that are more prone to corruption according to foreign investors operating in Ethiopia, states corruption in Ethiopia has generally decreased. However, according to the survey, in institutions dealing with customs, import & export, foreign currency, taxes and tax collection, land acquisition for business purposes and other public utilities such as electricity and telecom, corruption has shown an increase.      “Even if there were no documented and study based focus area

ሲዳማ፦ ሕዝብና ባሕሉ ዳግም እትም በኣማዞን ድረገጽ በመሽጥ ላይ ነው

ሲዳማ፦ ሕዝብና ባሕሉ  ዳግም እትም  በኣማዞን    ድረገጽ  በመሽጥ ላይ ነው በሲዳማ ህዝብ እና ባህል ላይ የመጀመሪያው እና ብቸኛውን መጽሃፍ በኣማርኛ ቋንቋ በመጻፍ እና በማሳተማቸው የሚታወቁት ካላ ቤታና ሆጤሶ፤ የመጀመሪያውን እትም ሲያሳትሙ በጊዜው በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የነበረው መንግስት ይከተለው በነበረው ሰንሶርሽፕ( censorship ) ተቆርጠው እንድወጡ የተደረጉትን መረጃዎችን ጨምሮ በኣዲስ መልክ ያዘጋጁትን ዳግም እትም በታዋቂው ኣማዞን ድረገጽ ላይ ለገበያ ኣቅርበዋል። የወራንቻ ኢንፎርሜሽን ኔትዎርክ ሲዳማውያን እና የሲዳማ ወዳጆች መጽሃፉን በመግዛት ከፖለቲካ ኣመለካከታዊ ኣድሎ ነጻ የሆነውን እውነተኛ የብሄሩን ታሪክ እንዲያነቡ ይጋብዛል።  Sidama, People and Culture(Amharic Edition)   (Amharic)   Paperback   Product Details Paperback:  304 pages Publisher:  Book Empire; 2nd edition (2013) Language:  Amharic ISBN-10:  9090932186 ISBN-13:  978-9090932187 Product Dimensions:  8.1 x 5.7 x 0.6 inches Shipping Weight:  3 pounds Average Customer Review:   Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank:  #6,528,434 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books )   መጽሃፉን ለመግዛት እዚህ ላይ ይጫኑ

ዊኪሊክስ ስለ ሲዳማ ከጻፏቸው መካከል

PRODUCTION ON FOOD SECURITY IN SNNP REGION ------- Summary ------- 1. Late, uneven, and generally poor 2008 seasonal rains resulted in poor coffee production and expected decreases in sweet potato cultivation, negatively affecting food security in eastern Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP) Region. Humanitarian agencies expect food insecurity in coffee-producing and sweet potato- dependent areas of SNNP Region to continue until the usual green maize harvest in June, negatively affecting more than 600,000 individuals in coffee- producing areas in the coming months. 2. In response, USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and USAID/Ethiopia continue to provide assistance through non- governmental organization (NGO) partners and report on humanitarian conditions. In Sidama and Wolayta zones, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia multi-donor Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) protects a

ዛሬ ሲዳማ ቡና ከ መብራት ኃይል በኣዲስ ኣበባ፤ ሃዋሳ ከነማ ከሙገር ስሚንቶ በሃዋሳ ይጫዋታሉ

አዲስ አበባ ፣ ግንቦት 13 ፣ 2006 ( ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ. ) 21ኛው ሳምንት የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ በተለያዩ ጨዋታዎች ይቀጥላል።  በዚህም መሰረት በዛሬው ዕለት  በ9 ሰዓት  መብራት ሃይል ከሲዳማ ቡና በአበበ በቂላ ስታዲየም ሲጋጠሙ ፥  ደደቢት ከዳሸን ቢራ ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ ከሀረር ቢራ በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት በአዲስ አበባ ስታዲየም ይጫወታሉ። በክልል ጨዋታዎችም ሃዋሳ ላይ  ሀዋሳ ከነማ ከሙገር ስሚንቶ እንዲሁም  ወላይታ ዲቻ ከአርባምንጭ ከነማ ይገናኛሉ። አምስት ጨዋታዎች ብቻ በሚቀሩት ሻምፕዮናው ፥ የሊጉን ዋነጫ ለማንሳት ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ አንድ ነጥብ ብቻ ያስፈልገዋል።