
ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስና ሲዳማ ቡና ተጋጣሚዎቻቸውን አሸነፉ

አዲስ አበባ የካቲት 12/2006 በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚዬር ሊግ በ11ኛው ሳምንት ጨዋታ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ መሪነቱን አጠናከረ። ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ  ትናንት ጨዋታውን  ከሐዋሳ ከነማን ጋር አድርጎ  1ለ 0 በሆነ ውጤት በማሸነፉ ከሌሎች ቡድኖች ጋር ያለውን የነጥብ ልዩነት ይበልጥ እያሰፋ ነው። በኃይሉ አሰፋ ለቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ብቸኛዋንና ለአሸናፊነት ያበቃቻቸውን ግብ አስቆጥሯል። ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ  ዘጠኝ ጨዋታዎችን አድርጎ በ 27 ነጥብ አንዱንም ሳይሸነፍ የሊጉን መሪነት እንደያዘ ነው። በሌላ በኩል  ሲዳማ ቡናና  ሙገር ሲሚንቶን በይርጋለም ላይ ባካሄዱት ጨዋታ ሲዳማ ቡና  2 ለ1 በሆነ ውጤት አሸንፏል።አሁን ላይ  ሲዳማ ቡና 9 ነጥቦች ያሉት ሲሆን ይህን  ጨዋታ በማሸነፉ  ከወራጅ ቀጠና ለመውጣት ችሏል። የቅዱስ ጊዮርጊሱ ኡመድ ኡክሪ በ9 ጨዋታዋች 9 ጎሎች በማስቆጠር የፕሪሚሪ ሊጉን የኮከብ ግብ አግቢነቱን እየመራ ይገኛል።

የሰሞኑ የሲዳማ ፖለቲካ ትኩሳት ወዴት ያመራ ይሁን

ለተጨማሪ ንባብ የዘ ሐበሻ መጽሔት ድረ ገጽ ይመልከቱ ፦

Ethiopia Accused of Using Spyware Against Citizens Living Abroad

Peter Heinlein Ethiopian refugee Tadesse Kersmo talks to the media at the London offices of Privacy International Monday, Feb. 17, 2014. February 20, 2014 WASHINGTON — Several Ethiopians living abroad are accusing their home government of using sophisticated computer spyware to hack into their computers and monitor their private communications. One Washington area man has filed a federal suit against the Ethiopian government, and another has filed a complaint with British police. The Ethiopian native, who is a U.S. citizen, charges that agents used a program called FinSpy to monitor his emails, Skype calls and his web browsing history. A suit filed in Federal District Court in Washington Tuesday asks that Ethiopia be named as being behind the cyber-attacks and pay damages of $10,000. The suit includes an affidavit asking that the plaintiff’s name be kept secret. Attorney Richard Martinez of the law firm Robins, Kaplan, Miller and Cirese helped to prepare the suit. Martinez

Big Tent: Ethiopia's Authoritarian Balancing Act

By Terrence Lyons When Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia’s leader of more than 20 years, died in August 2012, many anticipated significant and potentially destabilizing change. Past political transitions in Addis Ababa had been violent and settled at the barrel of the gun, so the precedents were worrisome. Meles’ eulogies emphasized his individual brilliance and his personal role in bringing development to the modern Ethiopian state. What would happen with the strongman gone? Could the strong and effective authoritarian developmental party-state engineered under Meles’ leadership sustain itself without him? Instead of instability, the ruling Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) quickly moved Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn into the leadership spot without public drama or fuss. Meles’ Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) remains the party’s guiding policy document, and key initiatives such as the Grand Renaissance Dam are moving forward steadily. Ethiopia was

Methods of Control: Authoritarianism in North Korea, Iran and Ethiopia

The common goal of all authoritarian regimes is to preserve their grip on power, but how they do so varies across a spectrum of repression and control, with major implications for their ability to maintain stability in times of transition. Charles Armstrong examines how the Kim family consolidated a hereditary brand of authoritarianism in North Korea, and what the current transition under Kim Jong Un portends for the regime’s future prospects. Manochehr Dorraj explains how the tensions between the republican and Islamic components of Iran’s regime leave it vulnerable to moments of spontaneous popular participation. And Terrence Lyons looks at the nature of Ethiopia’s party-based authoritarianism and the balancing act required to maintain it. Subscribers can  click here to download the PDF version  of this feature. You must be logged in to complete the download.