
Implications of the Election of the new PM from Southern Ethiopia on the Sidama Regional Question- A Brief Analysis

By Hawassa Teessonke 17 September 2012 A sudden ascendancy into the helm of the Ethiopian politics dominated by the Amhara and Tigray ruling elites for the past 120 years, by a national of a minority Wolayita ethnic group from Southern Ethiopia symbolizes a “radical” shift in Ethiopia’s political tradition. Haile Mariam Desalegn, 47, and a former University Professor at Arba Minch Water Technology, who was elected as the country’s new PM over the weekend,  is the first leader of Ethiopia from the South in the history of the country. Despite talks of continued behind the scene rule by the Tigray ruling elite; I assume that it is not entirely feasible to have two puppet leaders in one country- the President and the PM- at the same time. I therefore am inclined to believe that the PM will have a reasonable political leverage to exercise.     Although South Ethiopia and Oromia together account for 58% of the country’s population,   they have never had assumed any political leade

ሃዋሳ የከተማ አውቶብስ ትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ጀመረ

ከመስከረም ኣንድ ጀምሮ  የሃዋሳ ከተማ የከተማ ኣውቶቡስ ተጠቃሚ ሆናለች። በቅርቡም አራት አውቶብሶች ገብተው ስራ የጀመሩ ሲሆን በቅርቡ ሌሎች ኣራት ተጨማሪ ኣውቶቡሶች ወደ ስምሪት እንደምገቡ ተነግሯል።   አውቶብሶቹ ከከተማዋ ውጭ ለሚገኙ አዋሳኝ ከተሞችም የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት የምስጡ ሲሆን ቱላ፤ ወንዶ ገነት እና ዶሬ ኣገልግሎቱን በማግኘት ላይ ካሉት ከተሞች ውስጥ ይጠቀሳሉ ። የከተማዋ አስተዳደር እንደሚለው ለነዋሪዎች የትራንስፖርት አማራጭ ከመስጠትም ባለፈ በከተማዋ ቀስ በቀስ ደረጃቸውን በጠበቁ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ለማቅረብ ያስችላል ። አውቶብሶቹን  24 የማቆሚያ ፌርማታዎች ስራ ጀምረዋል። በአሁኑ ወቅት በከተማዋ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት እየሰጡ የሚገኙ ከ3 ሺህ በላይ የሚበልጡ ተሽከርካሪዎች ሲኖሩ ፥ ከእነዚህ ውስጥ አብዛኛዎቹ ባጃጆች ናቸው። የአስተዳደሩ የትራንስፖርት ፅህፈት ቤት እንደሚለው የአውቶብሶቹ ወደ ከተማዋ መግባት ነዋሪው አማራጭ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት እንዲያገኝ ያስችላል። Ethiopia: Hawassa Develop Public Transportation System Tagged:  Business ,  East Africa ,  Ethiopia ,  Transport BY ABENET ASEFFA, 12 JULY 2011 Comment (1) The city administration of Hawassa has introduced Bishoftu buses to provide public transportation service for its residents. The commencement of the service marked the first public city bus transportation system in the So

Beauties in South Ethiopia, Sidama Zone

This week I have been to Bensa Daye Woreda in Sidama Zone and I took some pictures (Even though I am not a professional photographer,I tried my best to do it). Bensa Daye is some 135 km far away from Awassa. Naturally Bensa Daye is the source of Ethiopian coffee and other beautiful fruits like banana etc. Tabour Terara ( Mount Tabour) just 5 km away from Awassa Large Cattle field near Aleta Wondo, about 50 km away from Awassa Sidama Cultural Hats. According to the experts these hats have 50 up to 100 years life span. Surprising!!! Inset (False Banana) is the main edible plant in the whole parts of Southern region. It is evergreen plant. If a family has no any of it in its garden, that family is said to be  extremely poor in our culture. In my experience, I know many families who have no any  “Inset”  in their garden, that mean there are many poor families in the region. I am not talking about the poorness relative to the world but about the poorness of the people am

Tesfaye's story

His Story Sidama, Soccer, and Chickens (watercolor crayon) Over the Summer, Tesfaye has been sharing his story. We've heard snippets since he's come home, but over the course of two months, we took the time to be intentional about officially documenting his memories. Some memories have sadly already been forgotten.  It is important to preserve as much as we can about his early years and his first home.  A year ago, he would have remembered more, but he lacked the language to communicate and he wasn't emotionally ready to share.  He is sadly realizing he is starting to forget.  He is mature enough to recognize the importance of capturing his memories in a book.  He desperately wants to remember. This Summer he has been pouring out his heart, and very proudly telling his tale.  His story is told in snippets, captured in his voice - a sweet broken English - him talking while I frantically type, wanting to capture each tale in his own voice.  The more

አቶ ሀይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ የኢህአዴግ ሊቀመንበር ሆነው ተመረጡ

New አዲስአበባ፣መስከረም5 2005 (ኤፍቢሲ) የኢህአዴግ ምክር ቤት አርብና  ቅዳሜ  ባደረገው መደበኛ  ሰብሰባው የግንባሩን ሊቀመንበርና ምክትል ሊቀመንበር መረጠ ። ምክር ቤቱ   አቶ  ሀይለማሪያም ደሳለኝን  የግንባሩ ሊቀመንበር አድርጎ  የመረጠ  ሲሆን ፥  አቶ  ደመቀ መኮንንን  ደግሞ በምክትል ሊቀመንበርነት መርጧል ። የምክር ቤቱ መደበኛ ሰብሰባ ውሳኔዎችን በተመለከተ ፓርቲው  ማምሻውን በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ  ቅዳሜ ከሰዓት  በኋላ  በተደረገው  የአመራር  ምርጫ  አቶ ሀይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ ከቀረቡት ሶሰት እጩዎች  መካከል ሙሉ  ድምፅ  በማግኘት ሊቀመንበር ሆነው ተመርጠዋል ። በመግለጫው ላይ እንደተመለከተውም የአመራር  ምርጫው ከመካሄዱ በፊት  የኢህአዴግ ምክር ቤት አባላት ቀደም ሲል ፓርቲው ባስቀመጠው የመተካካት እቅድ መሰረት ምርጫው እንዲካሄድ  ተስማምተዋል ። በቀደመው አመራር የተጀመረው  ትግል የሚቀጥለው የተለያዩ  ትውልዶች ተቀበብለውት እንደሆነ በማስመርም  የህዳሴው አመራር ሙሉ  በሙሉ  ከአዲሱ  ትውልድ  እንዲሆን  በመወሰን እጩዎች እንዲቀርቡ መደረጉን ነው የኢህአዴግ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ አባልና  የመንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ሚኒስትር አቶ በረከት ስምዖን ያስረዱት  ። አቶ በረከት በኢህአዴግ አሰራርም  አሁን በሊቀመንበርነትና በምክትል ሊቀመንበርነት የተመረጡት አመራሮች የኢፌዴሪ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትርና ምክትል  ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር  እንደሚሆኑም አመልክተዋል ። አዲሱ ጠቅላይ  ሚኒስትርም በአገሪቱ  ህገ በመንግሰት መሰረት  ካቢኒያቸውን ማዋቀር እንደሚችሉ የገለፁት አቶ በረከት ፥  አቶ ሀይለማሪያም ደሳለኝም ከፓርቲያቸው ጋር በመመካከር ካቢኒያቸውን መልሰው ሊያዋቅሩም ሆነ ሊያስቀጥሉ እንደሚችሉ ነ