
በከተማዋ ያሉ የተለያዩ አደረጃጀቶች የሚያደርጉት እንቅስቃሴ ውጤታማ እንዲሆን ድጋፉን አጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥል የሃዋሳ ከተማ አስተዳደር አስታወቀ፡፡

የከተማው የህዝብ ግንኙነትና አደረጃጀት ዘርፍ ሃላፊ አቶ ተገኔ ታደሰ የሴቶችንና የወጣቶችን አደረጃጀት ለማጠናከር በተካሄደው ውይይት ላይ እንዳመለከቱት የአምስት ዓመቱን እቅድ ለማሳካት እያንዳንዱ አደረጃጀት ሚናውን ሊወጣ ይገባል፡፡ እነዚህ አደረጃጀቶች የሚያደርጉት እንቅስቃሴ መልካም ቢሆንም በቂ አይደለም ያሉት አቶ ተገኔ በሚደረግላቸው ድጋፍ የልማት ተዋናይነት ሚናቸውን መወጣት ይገባቸዋል፡፡ የሃዋሳ ከተማ ሴቶች፣ ህጻናትና ወጣቶች መምሪያ ሃላፊ ወይዘሪት ስምረት ግርማ በበኩላቸው መድረኩ ውስጣዊና ውጫዊ ችግሮችን በመለየት የተጠናከረ አደረጃጀት ለመፍጠር  ታስቦ መዘጋጀቱን ተናግረዋል፡፡ በከተማዋ ከሚገኙ የተለያዩ አደረጃጀቶች የተወጣጡ አካላት የመድረኩ ተሳታፊ ነበሩ ሲል ደስታ ወ/ሰንበት ዘግቧል፡ ፡

Over a billion US Dollar commodities traded through ECX's floor in 1000 days: ECX CEO

Addis Ababa, February 8, 2011 (Addis Ababa) - Over a billion US Dollar worth of commodities were traded through Ethiopian Commdity Exchange (ECX) floor in its 1st 1000 days of operation, ECX Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Eleni Gabre-Madhin said. In an exclusive interview with ENA on Tuesday, Dr. Eleni said during ECX’s 1st one thousand days of operation, over 583,501 tons of commodities worth a billion US dollars were traded in its trading floor. Dr. Eleni said Sir Bob Geldof rang the first trading bell April 24/ 2008 that heralded ECX’s operations, it has registered impressive results in many aspects. She said when ECX went in to operation in 2008 the daily value of trade started very low. ‘‘The first day of trade we have traded only 200 tons but today we are trading many times over. The difference is off course very very big.’’ Dr. Eleni said. ‘‘Now we are trading 3.000 or 4,000 tons of coffee, and 3,000 or 4,000 of sesame on daily basis. Roughly around the same time of our

Ethiopian Music - Sidama Music and Culture


Fiche: New Year among the Sidama

By Yelibenwork Ayele Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning Hawassa was in a festive mood as the Sidama, one of the tribes in the south, celebrated Fiche their new year. While the Sidama celebrated their New Year in the rural areas some of them travelled to Hawassa to join their relatives in the town. The unique traditional dressing style of those from the country, as they danced in groups along the main roads, was a breath-taking spectacle. Old men wielding spears and shields performed war dances while riders brought their country-traversing horses to the town and did a show of fine horsemanship.     The Sidama have their own unique calendar in which a week has five days and a month twenty-eight days. Each of the twenty-eight days has its own name. And a year is thirteen months long. However, their New Year does not fall on the same day every year. The day is determined by elders who practice astrology and announce it to the communities. The Ethiopian New Year falls on September

Ethiopia Football: St. George to face Sidama Coffee

Yirgalem- Ethiopian Premier League (EPL) defending champions St. George will face Sidama Coffee here tomorrow as one the matches it has in hand. St. George and Dedebit FC had a number of their matches postponed during the CECAFA Challenge Cup as both teams had 5 players each with the national squad. League officials have earlier this month temporarily suspended the championship so that the two sides can catch up with the rest of the league teams. Meanwhile Dedebit FC beat Sebeta City 3-2 in Addis Ababa yesterday. EPL Remaining Fixtures for St. George & Dedebit FC: Saturday, Jan 15 (Tir 7): Yirgalem: Sidama Coffee vs St. George Tuesday, Jan 18 (Tir 10): Addis Ababa: Dedebit vs Dire Dawa Friday, Jan 21 (Tir13): Addis Ababa: St. George vs Harar Brewery