

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  – The  Walias of Ethiopia  defeated  Sao Tome e Principe  3-0 here today to advance to the next round of the  2018 FIFA World Cup  qualifier. The Walias, who were stunned by Sao Tome in the first leg match, were craving for a revenge and it took just one minute for them to open the score through  Dawit Fekadu . Although Ethiopia dominated the match, they couldn’t add a second goal until the start of the second half when  Gatoch Panom  converted a penalty kick (48′).  Ramkel Lok  added a third in the 74th minute. Overall, the Walias dominated the match and could have added 4 or 5 more goals. Walias’ next opponent is Congo Brazzaville in the next round in November. Source:

Sao Tome shock Ethiopia in World Cup

View  gallery . Johannesburg (AFP) - Sao Tome e Principe, an island state of 200,000 inhabitants off the Gabon coast, shocked Ethiopia 1-0 Thursday in the first leg of a 2018 World Cup qualifier. Portugal-born Luis Leal scored three minutes from time at Estadio National 12 de Julho in Sao Tome to give the fourth weakest African national team by rankings an unexpected victory. Ethiopia, 85 places above the Saotomeans in the world rankings, host the second leg of the first-round tie in Addis Ababa Sunday with a match-up against Congo Brazzaville at stake. Leal, a 28-year-old striker on loan to Belenenses of Portugal from Apoel of Cyprus, rewarded an impressive performance by a country with some unhappy World Cup memories. Sao Tome were overwhelmed 5-0 at home by Congo Brazzaville in a 2014 qualifier and crumbled 8-0 away to Libya in an earlier competition. The islanders faced Ethiopia desperate to shake off poor Africa Cup of Nations form with a 7-1 aw

Central Statistics Agency (CSA) is to construct building for its branche in Hawassa

Central Statistics Agency (CSA) is to construct buildings for its four branches in Mekelle, Hawassa, Ambo and Bahir Dar. Three of the buildings will be three storeys high, while the one in Bahir Dar will have four storeys to meet the minimum standard of the municipality, said Tessema Geda, project manager of CSA. The Agency awarded the construction of Ambo building to Bereket Haile Building Contractor on September 30, 2015. The construction aspect of the project is supported by a World Bank grant of 800,000 dollars. This is part of the 10 million dollars which the Bank has set aside for building the capacity of CSA. Design and supervision work will be undertaken by Solomon Gebre Architect & Engineers Consultancy Plc, which was selected from seven bidding firms. CSA has 25 branch offices in different regional states. At present the Hawassa and Bahir Dar branches are rented from private owners, while the Mekelle and Ambo branches are government-owned houses. The Mekelle bra

IMF worried over growing debts by state enterprises, limited room for the private sector

Little appears to have changed in the views of those at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about Ethiopia’s macroeconomic performance. Disclosing its latest conclusion, on September 30, 2015, the assessment and recommendations of the IMF executive board for Ethiopia is the “same ol’ same ol’,” despite an unusually brief report with a couple of omissions from its predecessors. The verdict is that growing at 8.7pc, Ethiopia’s economic performance remains “buoyant,” a word with connotations of “light-heartedness”, which executive board members used, changing the tone from “robust,” the term used in their previous assessments, implying vigour in the economy over the years. The size of the economy grew from 877 billion Br in 2013 to 1.2 trillion Br last year, largely due to “prudent fiscal and pro-poor growth” policies the government has been following, according to the IMF. Yet, it warns that the economy faces risks from “rising domestic and external vulnerabilities,” again looking

ሙስና በአዲስ አበባ በኔትወርክ በመያያዙ ከኢሕአዴግ በስተቀር የሚፈታው እንደሌለ ተነገረ

-  ተመዘገበ የተባለው የባለሥልጣናት ሀብት ይፋ እንዲደረግ ተጠየቀ ‹‹በየስብሰባው እየተወዳደሱና በጭብጨባ እየተደጋገፉ መለያየት ይቁም›› የፌዴራል የሥነ ምግባርና ፀረ ሙስና ኮሚሽን ሙስና፣ ኪራይ ሰብሳቢነትና የመልካም አስተዳደር እጦት ከወረዳ እስከ ከተማ አስተዳደሩ ድረስ በኔትወርክ የተያያዙ በመሆናቸው ሊፈታቸውም ሆነ ሊያስቆማቸው የሚችለው ‹‹ድርጅቱ›› ኢሕአዴግ ብቻ መሆኑ ተጠቆመ፡፡ የፌዴራል የሥነ ምግባርና ፀረ ሙስና ኮሚሽን መስከረም 20 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም. በግዮን ሆቴል ለግማሽ ቀን አዘጋጅቶት በነበረው የውይይት መድረክ ላይ ከተለያዩ የመንግሥትና የግል ተቋማት፣ የሁሉም ክፍላተ ከተሞች፣ ወረዳዎች ተወካዮችና ባለድርሻ አካላት ተገኝተው ነበር፡፡ ተሳታፊዎቹ እንደተናገሩት የመልካም አስተዳደር እጦት፣ ሙስናና ኪራይ ሰብሳቢነት በተለይ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ተባብሶ ቀጥሏል፡፡ በመጠናቀቅ ላይ ካለው መስከረም ወር አጋማሽ ጀምሮ በሁሉም ክፍላተ ከተሞች ሊባል በሚችል ሁኔታ ከግንባታ፣ ከመሬትና ቤቶች ጋር በተገናኘ ነዋሪዎች እያለቀሱ መሆናቸውን ተናግረዋል፡፡ የመድረኩ ተሳታፊዎች በተለይ በአዲሱ የሥራ ዘመን ከኃላፊነታቸው እንደሚነሱ ያወቁ፣ የጠረጠሩና ሹክሹክታ የሰሙ የክፍላተ ከተሞችና የወረዳዎች ተሿሚዎች ‹‹የሚፈርስ የማይፈርስ፣ መንገድ የሚወጣበት የማይወጣበት፣ ክርክር ያለበት የሌለበት፣ ግንባታ የተፈቀደለት ያልተፈቀደለት…›› በማለት በሥራ ሰዓትና ከሥራ ውጪ የነዋሪዎችን ግድግዳና የውጭ በር ቀለም ሲቀቡ እንደሚውሉ ጠቁመዋል፡፡ ያለምንም ማስጠንቀቂያ የሚያደርጉት እንቅስቃሴ ኅብረተሰቡን ሰላም እየነሳው በመሆኑ፣ የአስተዳደሩና የመንግሥት ከፍተኛ ኃላፊዎች ትኩረት ሰጥተው ሊያስቆሟቸው ወይም ዕርምጃ ሊወስዱባቸው እንደሚገባ ተሳታፊዎቹ አሳስበዋ