Black Inventors and their Roles in Global Scientific and Technological Revolution
1. Introduction The absurd and false notion that one race is superior to another is founded either on absolute lack of knowledge about or deliberate denials of the contributions of different races to human civilization; it has nothing to do with skin colour. Human civilization as we know it today cannot be solely attributed to a single race or region of the world. Today's revolution in science and technology is a cumulative outcome of the ideas of all great human minds from all parts of the planet earth during the past six millennia of recorded history of human civilization. As a cradle of all human races, Africa remains undisputed origin of the early human civilization. Ancient Egyptians, who claimed to have originated in the heart of Africa from around Mount Ruwenzori range in East Africa, are credited for various inventions that laid foundation for today's development in science and technology. The first farming technique, oxen-driven plow, which revolutionized the ag...