
New industrial park to give ten-fold boost to Ethiopia’s textile output

Source Fifteen global fashion firms, including giants H&M and PVH Corp., are tenants in a major new textile industrial park that officially opened its doors in Ethiopia yesterday. Inaugurated 13 June by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, and built by a Chinese contractor, the 1.3-million-sq-m Hawassa Industrial Park will house 21 apparel and textile manufacturers in all, leading to a doubling of the number of jobs for Ethiopians in the sector, and the ballooning – by a factor of 10 – of the revenue generated by textile exports, the government says. The Hawassa complex will be the single most dominant contributor to the country’s manufacturing sector, and will help the country generate $1bn from export revenues, said Arkebe Okubay, special advisor to Ethiopia’s prime minister and chairman of the country’s Industrial Parks Development Corporation, according to  local media Currently just over $100m is secured from the export of Ethiopian-made textile and apparel, but A

Would you like to have your whisky with coffee?

The Singleton Presso-Tini comes with a marshmallow garnish that helps to balance out the bitterness and sourness of the drink perfectly. Photos: Diageo Malaysia Of course, when you’re pairing whisky and coffee, it helps when both the whisky AND the coffee are good quality stuff in the first place.How would you like to have your single malt whisky with a dollop of espresso? Pairing whisky and coffee may seem like a far out idea, but it’s hardly a new one. After all, the popular “Irish coffee” is essentially a cup of coffee with a shot of whisky in it. Single malt whisky brand The Singleton recently launched the Singleton Selects campaign, a unique and creative food and beverage movement that aims to create exceptional eat-drink experiences for Malaysians. “Singleton Selects is a platform for us to welcome a new generation of whisky drinkers, particularly for those who are new to malt whisky,” according to Rajesh Joshi, marketing director of Moet Hennessy Diageo Malaysia for Di

Exclusive New Year at Sidama

Photo  If you had your New Year in January and you are craving for the next holiday, just come to Ethiopia which can allow you to have an exclusive New Year in June. The UNESCO registered heritage festivity marks the Sidama people New Year. The Fichee-Chambalaalla festivity started by a married Sidama woman who paid a visit to her parents and relatives annually. She used to bring ''buurisame'' a local favorite made from false banana tree (quocho flour) mixed with spiced and purified butter and organic milk._ She served the special dish to her family and the neighbours which remained to be a symbol of unification and generosity of the society. The people kept the gala marking their New Year. The Sidama have their own unique calendar; a week has five days, a month has twenty-eight days while a year is thirteen months long. Each year, the celebration date is fixed by the local elders who count the days through astrology practice. The day is commemorated with colo

የሐዋሳ ምዕራፍ ሁለትና የሌሎች ፓርኮች ግንባታ በስድስት ወራት ውስጥ ይጠናቀቃል ተባለ

ሙሉ ዜናውን ከ ሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ ላይ ያንቡ በሐዋሳ ከተማ በ300 ሺሕ ካሬ ሜትር ቦታ ላይ የተንጣለለው የሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ፣ ለማምረቻ የተገነቡት 37 የማምረቻ ሼዶች ሙሉ በሙሉ በውጭና በአገር ውስጥ ባለሀብቶች መያዛቸው ተገለጸ፡፡ ከቀናት በኋላም በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ኃይለ ማርያም ደሳለኝ ተመርቆ በይፋ ሥራ እንደሚጀምር ታውቋል፡፡ የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ልዩ አማካሪ ዶ/ር አርከበ ዕቁባይ ለሪፖርተር እንደገለጹት፣ የሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ፣ በዘጠኝ ወራት ውስጥ ያልቃል ተብሎ በተያዘለት የጊዜ ሰሌዳ መሠረት ከክረምቱ ወራት በፊት ሊጠናቀቅ ቀናት ቀርተውታል፡፡ በመሆኑም ሰኔ 23 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም. የግንባታ ሥራው ሙሉ ለሙሉ እንደሚጠናቀቅ ዶ/ር አርከበ ገልጸዋል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ኢንቨስትመንት ኮሚሽን ኮሚሽነር አቶ ፍጹም አረጋ በበኩላቸው እንደገለጹት፣ ከውጭ ከመጡት አሥር ዋና ዋና ዓለም አቀፍ ኩባንያዎች በተጨማሪ ስምንት የአገር ውስጥ ኩባንያዎች በሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ የማምረቻ ሼዶችን ተረክበዋል፡፡ እስካሁን ስድስት ያህል እንደነበሩ ሲገለጽ ቢቆይም፣ አቶ ፍጹም ግን ስምንት እንደደረሱና በጠቅላላው በአገሪቱ እየተገነቡ በሚገኙት ፓርኮች ውስጥ የማምረቻ ቦታ ለመከራየት የሚጠባበቁት የአገር ውስጥ ኩባንያዎች ቁጥር 22 መድረሱን ለሪፖርተር በሰጡት ማብራሪያ ጠቅሰዋል፡፡ ከዚህ ባሻገር በሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ ውስጥ በአምራችነት ለመሳተፍ በሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ የማምረቻ ቦታ የተከራየው የአሜሪካው ግዙፍ የአልባሳት አምራች ፒቪኤች (ዘ ፊሊፕ ቫን ሂውዝን ኮርፖሬሽን) ከሌላኛው የአሜሪካ ቪኤች (ቫኒቲ ፌር ኮርፖሬሽን) ከስዊድኑ ኤችኤንድኤም (ሔንስ ኤንድ ማውሪትዝ ኤቢ) ኩባንያዎች ከመንግሥት ጋር በመተባበር ባዘጋጁት ጉባዔ ላይ 35 ያህል የውጭ ኢንቨስተ

Fiche Chambelala promotes tolerance, unison, says President Mulatu

( FBC ) - Fiche Chambelala is an event which created tolerance and unity of people, said President Mulatu Teshome. туристический онлайн-справочник Лучшие Андроид планшеты The President made the remark at the colorful celebration of Fiche Chambelala, an anniversary celebrated by the Sidama people as a New Year event, in Hawassa town today. The celebration promotes tolerance and unity of people, the President said at the celebration. It is an event where people resolve their differences and the youth take advice from elders on environmental conservation activities. This year’s event is unique as it is being celebrated at a national level for the first time after it was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. During the past regimes, Ethiopians were deprived of their rights to use and improve their culture, language and history. However, following the demise of the Derg regime, the Constitution which was endorsed in 1994, guaranteed the equa