
‹‹የሐዋሳ ሀብቷ ሆቴሎቿ ናቸው››

ምንጭ፦ ሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ  አቶ ፍትሕ ወልደሰንበት፣ የሐዋሳ ሆቴሎች ማኅበር ፕሬዚዳንት   አቶ ፍትሕ ወልደሰንበት የሐዋሳ ሆቴሎች ማኅበር ፕሬዚዳንት ናቸው፡፡ የሐዋሳ ሴንትራል ሆቴሎች ሥራ አስኪያጅ ሲሆኑ በማኅበሩ ወቅታዊ እንቅስቃሴ እንዲሁም ቀጣይ ዕርምጃ  ታምራት ጌታቸው  አነጋግሯቸዋል፡፡ ሪፖርተር ፡- ማኅበሩ እንዴት ተቋቋመ ምን ያህል አባላትስ አሉት? አቶ ፍትሕ ፡-  የሐዋሳ ሆቴሎች ማኅበር ከተቋቋመ ገና አንድ ዓመቱ ነው፡፡ መጀመሪያ ፎርም በትነን ሞልተው የላኩና የተመዘገቡ 100 የሚሆኑ ናቸው፡፡ ማኅበሩ አዲስ እንደመሆኑ መጠን ከዚህም በላይ ብዙ አባላት እንደሚኖሩን እንጠብቃለን፡፡ ሪፖርተር ፡- አንድ ሆቴል ሲቋቋም ብዙ የሥራ ዕድል ይፈጥራል ተብሎ ይታሰባል፡፡ የማኅበሩ አባላት የሆኑ ሆቴሎች በምን ያህል ደረጃ የሥራ ዕድል ፈጥረዋል? አቶ ፍትሕ ፡-  ያሰራጨነው ፎርም ብዙ ነገሮችን የያዘ ነው፡፡ ምን ያህል ሠራተኞች አሉ? በምን ያህል ካፒታል ነው የተቋቋመው? ሆቴሉ ምን ያህል የመኝታ ክፍሎች አሉት? የሚሉና ሌሎችም በመጠይቁ ውስጥ የተካተቱ ሲሆን እነዚህን የተሰበሰቡ መረጃዎች ወደ ዳታ ቤዝ ገና እየቀየርናቸው ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ በአሁኑ ወቅት ምን ያህል ሠራተኛ እንደሚያስተዳድሩ መናገር አይቻልም፡፡ ነገር ግን መረጃውን የማጠናቀር ሥራ ሲጠናቀቅ ይታወቃል፡፡ ሪፖርተር ፡- የማኅበሩ ተቀዳሚ ዓላማ ምንድነው? አቶ ፍትሕ ፡-  አንድ ማኅበር ሁሌም የሚመሠረተው ከችግር በመነሳት ነው፡፡ ችግሩ ካለፈ በኋላ ብዙ የመቀጠል ነገር አይታይም፡፡ እኛ ግን ከዚህ ለየት ያለ ነገር እናስባለን፡፡ ማኅበሩን የመሠረትንበትና ትልቅ ዓላማ ብለን የያዝነው ሐዋሳ ከኢትዮጵያ ተመራጭ የመዝናኛ ቦታ እየሆነች በመሆኑ ከዚህ ገበያ በሰፊው መጠቀም አለብን ብለ

Welcome Aboard Flight ET-154 to Hawassa

YOTEK completes runway project short of schedule Source: Addisfortune Jemal Adem, a farmer from nearby Wondo Genet, displayed 15 tickets to his family, including his seven children to experience what is to him a once in a life time opportunity. ‹ › It is rare to see private individuals intrude on an official function where dignitaries deliver a series of speeches, uninterrupted, at grand inauguration of public projects. But that was what Jemal Adem, 42, did on the morning of April 16, 2016, in the presence of officials from the Hawassa City Administration and federal officials of the civil aviation sector. A farmer in nearby village of Wondo Genet, 25Km north of Hawassa, Jemal interjected from the background of a tent with a thunderous voice unmistakably drawing attention to his message. He had waved a number of air tickets up in the air, and expressed his delight at being able to get, what to him, is a lifetime opportunity of boarding an airplane. “Praise be to

የሲዳማ ፖለቲካ እስረኞች ያለምንም ቅድሜ_ሁኔታ በኣስቸካይ እንድፈቱ ተጠየቀ

በተለያዩ ፖለቲካዊ ምክንያቶች ያለኣግባብ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ታስረው በእስር ቤቶች መመማቀቅ ላይ ያሉት የሲዳማ ተወላጆች ያለምንም ቅድሜ ሁኔታ በኣስቸካይ እንዲፈቱ የሲዳማ ብሄራዊ ነጻነት ግንባር ጠየቀ። ዝርዝር ዜናውን ከታች ያንቡ፦ The following Sidama scholars and businessmen have been kidnapped by the security forces of the TPLF led government of Ethiopia and are currently languishing in the most notorious prison of the country known as ‘Maikelawi’ in the country’s capital Finfinnee (Addis Ababa):  1) Solomon Naayu (A Business Person)  2) Desalegn Meessa (A Professor at Wolayita Sodo Univeristy)  3) Girma Dishe (A Busienss Person)  4) Shura Kachara (A Business Person)  5 Debebe Daaka (A Business person) In stark violation of their human rights, some of them have been in detention since November 2015 while others have been incarcerated since early 2016 without any trial. They have been tortured repeatedly to extract confession on crimes they never committed. The reasons given by the Ethiopian security forces for their detention and torture are extreme

Transforming Harvest Season in Ethiopia -Sidama

An innovative approach to coffee production in the Sidama region is helping smallholder farmers improve their livelihoods while setting an example of environmental sustainability. An innovative approach to coffee production in the Sidama region is helping smallholder farmers improve their livelihoods while setting an example of environmental sustainability.     0     April is Earth Month, an opportunity to honor our planet and affirm environmental commitments. Given TechnoServe’s work with smallholder farmers, who are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change and environmental degradation, we are continually reminded of the importance of sustainable farming. During harvest period, I didn’t even want to wash my school uniform in the river because it smelled like rotten coffee pulp, and I didn’t want to be ashamed at school. IKITE THOMAS Throughout Ethiopia's Sidama region, thousands of farmers rely on coffee farming as their primary source of income. Because

No Takers for Hawassa Industrial Park Sheds

Nine companies bought the tender documents but none show up on the D-day The Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) has decided to announce the bid again, after the Monday, April 04, 2016 the blow at the tender opening where none of the offerers appeared. The IPDC tendered a bid for the Hawassa Industrial Park factory sheds only for local investors but failed after nine companies bought the detailed documents of the tender and never issued an offer. "This is our pilot project following the policy direction adopted encourage local industrialists" Arkebe Oukubay (Phd) , told Fortune. "Since this is the first trial, we have learnt a lot and adopt a mechanism to ensure participation of locals" He also said that an immediate bid would be announced by the end of this week. Owner of one pioneering garment manufacturing plant told Fortune that the bid invitation came as a surprise. "The time given was so short that we could not meet the deadline,&quo