
Transforming Harvest Season in Ethiopia -Sidama

An innovative approach to coffee production in the Sidama region is helping smallholder farmers improve their livelihoods while setting an example of environmental sustainability. An innovative approach to coffee production in the Sidama region is helping smallholder farmers improve their livelihoods while setting an example of environmental sustainability.     0     April is Earth Month, an opportunity to honor our planet and affirm environmental commitments. Given TechnoServe’s work with smallholder farmers, who are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change and environmental degradation, we are continually reminded of the importance of sustainable farming. During harvest period, I didn’t even want to wash my school uniform in the river because it smelled like rotten coffee pulp, and I didn’t want to be ashamed at school. IKITE THOMAS Throughout Ethiopia's Sidama region, thousands of farmers rely on coffee farming as their primary source of income. Because

No Takers for Hawassa Industrial Park Sheds

Nine companies bought the tender documents but none show up on the D-day The Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) has decided to announce the bid again, after the Monday, April 04, 2016 the blow at the tender opening where none of the offerers appeared. The IPDC tendered a bid for the Hawassa Industrial Park factory sheds only for local investors but failed after nine companies bought the detailed documents of the tender and never issued an offer. "This is our pilot project following the policy direction adopted encourage local industrialists" Arkebe Oukubay (Phd) , told Fortune. "Since this is the first trial, we have learnt a lot and adopt a mechanism to ensure participation of locals" He also said that an immediate bid would be announced by the end of this week. Owner of one pioneering garment manufacturing plant told Fortune that the bid invitation came as a surprise. "The time given was so short that we could not meet the deadline,&quo

Ethiopian Airlines to Begin Regular Flights to Hawassa

Hawassa becomes the 20th domestic destination for Ethiopian Airlines, which has announced that it will begin flights four weekly flights there from April 16, 2016.  Ethiopian’s Q-400 aircraft will make the 40 minute flight every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  The Airline has pledged to offer international standard services for domestic travellers at the lowest possible cost. This will not only boost the region’s growing investment and tourism industry but will enhance the socio-economic relations of the state with others. Domestic and international travellers will be able to easily make flight transfers to and from Hawassa.  The city is the capital of the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples State and is one of the best tourist destinations in Ethiopia. Its attractions include one of the seven lakes of the Great Rift Valley as well as its diverse cultures and languages.  Hawassa’s 457 million Br Airport is yet to be inaugurate, and is said to be officially in the same wee

ሐዋሳ ከተማ በ457 ሚሊዮን ብር የሚያስገነባው ዓለም አቀፍ ኤርፖርት በከፊል አገልግሎት መስጠት ሊጀምር ነው

የኢትዮጵያ ኤርፖርቶች ድርጅት ሐዋሳ ከተማ በ457 ሚሊዮን ብር የሚያስገነባው ዓለም አቀፍ ኤርፖርት በከፊል አገልግሎት መስጠት ሊጀምር ነው፡፡ የኤርፖርት ግንባታው ከ14 ወራት በፊት የተጀመረ ሲሆን፣ ግንባታውን የሚያካሂደው አገር በቀል ኩባንያ የሆነው ዮቴክ ኮንስትራክሽን ነው፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ኤርፖርቶች ድርጅት የኮሙዩኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ኃላፊ አቶ ወንድም ተክሉ ለሪፖርተር እንደገለጹት፣ ፕሮጀክቱ ሦስት ኪሎ ሜትር የአውሮፕላን መንደርደሪያ፣ የአውሮፕላን መዞሪያ (Taxi way)፣ የአውሮፕላን ማቆሚያና የመንገደኞች ማስተናገጃ ተርሚናል ያካትታል፡፡ ከዚህ ውስጥ ዮቴክ የአውሮፕላን ማኮብኮቢያ፣ ማዞሪያና ማቆሚያ ግንባታውን በማካሄድ ላይ መሆኑን የገለጹት አቶ ወንድም፣ የፕሮጀክቱ 85 በመቶ መጠናቀቁን ገልጸዋል፡፡ ሦስት ኪሎ ሜትር ርዝመት ካለው መንደርደሪያ ግንባታ ውስጥ ሁለት ኪሎ ሜትር መጠናቀቁን የተቀረው አንድ ኪሎ ሜትር በሁለት ወራት ውስጥ ሙሉ በሙሉ እንደሚጠናቀቅ ተናግረዋል፡፡ የአውሮፕላን ማረፊያው እንደ ቦይንግ 777 ያሉ ግዙፍ አውሮፕላኖች ማሳረፍ የሚችል ሲሆን፣ ሁለት ኪሎ ሜትር የአስፋልት ኮንክሪት በሁለት ዙር ለብሷል፡፡ የሁለት ኪሎ ሜትር ግንባታ ሙሉ በሙሉ የተጠናቀቀ በመሆኑ፣ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ የአገር ውስጥ በረራ አገልግሎት የሚሰጥባቸው ቦምባርደየር ኪው 400 አውሮፕላኖች በተገቢው ሁኔታ መነሳትና ማረፍ እንደሚችሉ ተረጋግጧል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ኮርፖሬት ኮሙዩኒኬሽን ሥራ አስኪያጅ ወይዘሮ ሃና አጥናፉ ለሪፖርተር እንደገለጹት፣ አየር መንገዱ ወደ ሐዋሳ በሳምንት አራት ቀናት በኪው 400 አውሮፕላኖች የበረራ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት በዝግጅት ላይ ነው፡፡ ዝግጅቱ ከተጠናቀቀ አየር መንገዱ ሚያዝያ 15 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም. በረራውን ለመጀመር ማቀዱን ወ

Ethiopia body suspends farm lease programme after poor results

(Reuters) - An Ethiopian state body that has been involved in leasing tracts of land for commercial farming has suspended the issuance of new licences until it completes a review because of scant progress in developing areas leased so far, an official said. The Horn of Africa country in 2011 allocated 3.6 million hectares of land, close to the size of Switzerland, for firms seeking to invest in agriculture, mostly around its western Gambela and Benishangul Gumuz regions. More than 2.43 million hectares has been leased to nearly 5,700 domestic and foreign firms at 20 Ethiopian birr ($0.90) per hectare on average, said Daniel Zenebe, spokesman for the Agriculture Investment and Land Administration Agency. But investors have only developed 30 percent of the land leased. "There is a need for a review on where it has gone wrong. The suspension is indefinite," he said. For now, the suspension affects the Agriculture Investment and Land Administration Agency, which has lea