
የሎቄ ተጠቂዎች ያለ ምንም ፍትህ 14ኛ ኣመታቸውን ልይዙ ነው

የሰፊውን የሲዳማ ህዝብ መብት እና ኣንድነት ለማስጠበቅ ስሉ ሎቄ በካሄዱት ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ላይ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የጸጥታ ኃይሎች በግፊ የተገደሉት፤ ለተለያዩ ኣካላዊ እና ስነልቦናዊ ጉዳቶች የተዳረጉ ሲዳማውያን ያለ ምንም ፍትህ ኣስራ ኣራተኛ ኣመታቸውን ልይዙ መቃረባቸው ታውቋል። ዝርዝሩን ሊንኩን ተጭነው ያንቡ፤   ኣያንቱ

አዳዋና ኣዲስ የሲዳማ ሙዝቃ

Ethiopian Music - አዳዋና - መቅደስ ዓ/መስቀል - (Official Music Video) New Ethiop...

የቀድሞ የሲዳማ ነጻነት ግንባር መሪ ካላ ጋልፋቶ ፌቃ ኣረፉ

የወራንቻ ኢንፎርሜሽን ኔትዎርክ ከተለያዩ ምንጮች ያነገኘው መረጃ እንደምያመለክተው ከሆነ ካላ ጋልፋቶ ባደረባቸው የኩላልት ህመም በሲዳማዋ ዋና ከተማ በሚገኘው ሆስፒታል ስታከሙ ቆይተው ህመሙ ኣገርሽቶባቸው ለሞት ዳርገዋቸዋል። ካላ ጋልፋቶ ፌቃ ለረዥም ኣመታት ስመሩት የቆዩትን የሲዳማ ነጻነት ግንባር በመልቀቅ ከገዥው ፓርት ጋር ለመስራት እንደፈረንጆቹ የዘመን ኣቆጣጠር 2008 ጀምሮ ወደ ሲዳማ ማግባታቸው ይታወቃል። ወደ ሲዳማ መግባታቸውን ተከትሎ በርካታ የትግል ኣጋሮቻቸው እና የሲዳማ ዳይስፖራ ካላ ጋልፋቶ የወስዱትን እርምጃ ለሲዳማ ህዝብ የማይበጅ ነው በማለት ማጣጣላቸው ይታወሳል። ዝርዝር ወሬውን ከታች ይመልከቱ፦ Kaala ‘Galfatto Feqqa Dommee’ the former Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) leader passes away due to long standing illness which eventually resulted him in a serious Kidney failure. The report from Sidama land reveal that Kaala Galafatto has been in and out of Hospital for several months in Sidama Capital, Hawassa until he has passed away on the evening of 15 th  of November 2015 in his home. Kaala Galafatto has been the leader of Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) for a decade up to the mid 2008 until he’s decided to return back to Sidama land, Ethiopian for the reasons at the moment we can go int

Extra funds released to help Ethiopia’s food crisis

The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has released $17m to help those affected by the worst drought to hit Ethiopia in decades. Ethiopian girls. Credit:Shutterstock After failed rains in the spring, the climate phenomenon El Niño has further exacerbated the crisis in the country increasing food and water shortages and driving malnutrition up. Around 2.9 million people in Ethiopia were in need of emergency food aid at the start of this year. By August this had almost doubled to 4.5 million and by October had almost doubled again to 8.2 million. Stephen O’Brien, UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief co-ordinator, said: “A timely response to the emergency is critical. If we don’t act today, we face an even graver situation tomorrow, with more immense needs in 2016. “CERF funds will immediately provide crucial food supplies for people affected by the drought now, when they need it most.” The emergency funding will be rele

Ethiopia Sidama Hunkut

Hunkute is a coop comprised of nearly 2,000 farmers who deliver their cherries to two washing station in the south part of the Wonsho District in Sidama, Ethiopia. A small group of highly-trained cuppers evaluate every batch of coffee produced in the country, maintaining the caliber of the area’s prized coffee. With such ideal growing conditions and commitment to quality, it is no wonder that Hunkute is a long standing favorite of our sourcing team. Pouring over this coffee we imagine ourselves, paint brush in hand, covering a sheet of textured paper in gouache. Not to be confused with watercolors’ diluted washes and transparent streaks, gouache pigments build up color to capture the blush of sun-ripened stone fruit, the matte shell of green beans or even the desert-cracked melon rind with depth and delicacy. We set down our brush, pick up our mug and if we could paint as well as this coffee tastes, we would frame it, too. Source