
Diabetes Treatment – Do I Have to Take Medication For Diabetes?

Being diagnosed as a diabetic means lots of developments in your lifestyle. More exercise a fresh diet, and tracking all will become a part of your day-to-day routine. One thing that many recently diagnosed patients need to be aware of is if they must take medicine within their diabetes treatment. While there are infrequent instances of diabetes that react nicely to lifestyle changes and only dietary, many patients need at least occasional drug to maintain their diabetes in check. A substantial portion of diabetic patients need drugs within their diabetes treatment, to help them handle their glucose levels. Your physician may prescribe insulin injections or alternative medicines that may assist you together with your diabetes treatment in case you are diagnosed. Other drugs could be taken frequently to assist the body maintain healthy rates of insulin, although insulin is usually used only when blood glucose levels are outside of the standard range. Medicine is additionally taken

Ethiopia inflation rises to 8.5 pct in March

ADDIS ABABA, April 6  ( Reuters ) - Ethiopia's year-on-year inflation rose to 8.5 percent in March from 8.2 percent the month before, the statistics office said on Monday. The Central Statistics Agency said food price inflation increased to 10.1 percent in March, up from 9.6 percent the previous month, owing to a rise in the prices of items such as cereals, vegetables and fruits. The non-food inflation rate also increased, to 6.9 percent last month from 6.8 percent in February, as prices rose for clothing and khat -- a leafy plant chewed as a stimulant in East Africa.

Ethiopia to Show Up At SCAA Event

Ethiopia has been selected as a portrait country at the 2015 Specialty Coffee Association of America's (SCAA) annual event to be held in Seattle. The event that is going to bring more than 8,000 visitors and 2,700 exhibitors is said to be a great opportunity for Ethiopian coffee as it will connect buyers and sellers at the same spot. "The event will help us show our coffee's peculiar quality and taste; there will also be lectures focused on Ethiopia's coffee," said Seifu Mulugeta, export promotion director at the Ministry of Trade. Participation from the Ethiopian side that is said to be represented by 40 delegates led by officials at ministerial level will include the exporters, the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA) and the Fine Coffee Association of Africa (FCAA). The event, which is to last for four days starting from April 9, 2015 with the theme 'Origin and Diversity' will place more emphasis on the country as the origin of co

Ethiopia's Current Election - 'Eliminating the Contestant Ahead of the Match'

It could well be said that literally no election had been completed happily to the minimal satisfaction of many contending political actors, and notably to a fair contentment of the Ethiopian people, ever since the assumption of power by the ruling Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) in 1991. Nor is it uncommon to hear the major opposition parties blaming the ruling party for imposing upon them unbearable financial, physical, psychological and morale constrains before or during every election. Often, at the center of dissension are issues that have to do with the questionable impartiality of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) and other state institutions directly or indirectly impacting the process and outcome of general elections. Owing to this, there were even occasions in the past whereby some opposition parties have gone to the extent of boycotting the ensuing election all together. In somewhat unprecedented manner this time around however ins

ሲዳማ ቡና መሪነቱን ከቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ተረከበ

ሃዋሳ መጋቢት 28/2007 በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ የእግር ኳስ ግጥሚያ በ17ኛው ሳምንት ሲዳማ ቡና አርባ ምንጭ ከነማን ትናንት በይርጋለም ስታዲዬም ሁለት ለዜሮ በማሸነፍ መሪነቱን ከቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ተረከበ። ጨዋታው በተጀመረ በ15ኛው ደቂቃ በ13 ቁጥሩ ኤሪክ አማካኝነት ባስቆጠረው ግብ ሲዳማ ቡና በመምራት እረፍት ወጥተዋል፡፡ ሲዳማ ቡና ከእረፍት መልስ አጥቅቶ በመጫወት የሁለተኛው አጋማሽ ጨዋታው በተጀመረ በሶስተኛው ደቂቃ በ21 ቁጥሩ አንዷለም ንጉሴ አማካኝነት ባስቆጠረው ጎል በማሸነፍ በሊጉ አናት ላይ ለመቀመጥ ችሏል። የአርባ ምንጭ ከነማ  አሰልጣኝ  አለማየሁ አባይነህ ከእረፍት በኋላ ጨዋታውን ለማሸነፍ ተጽዕኖ ፈጥረን ለመጫወት ብንሞክርም ውጤቱን መቀየር  አልቻልንም ዕድሎኞች አልነበርንም ብለዋል። የሲዳማ ቡና  አሰልጣኝ ዘላለም ሽፈራው ጨዋታው በጣም ከባድ ነበር ነገር ግን ያገኘናቸውን ዕድሎች ወደ ጎል በመቀየራችን አሸንፈን ለመውጣት ችለናል ብሏል። አሸንፈን መሪነቱን ብንይዝም ግባችን በቀጣይ ያሉንን ጨዋታዎች በሙሉ አሸንፈን ዋንጫውን ማንሳት ስለሆነ ይህንን ለማሳካት  ትኩረታችን ቀጣይ በሚኖሩን ጨዋታዎች ላይ ነው ብለዋል፡፡ በሊጉ 17ኛ ሳምንት ጨዋታውን ያደረገው ሲዳማ ቡና 35 ነጥብ በመያዝ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስን አስከትሎ ቀዳሚ ደረጃ ላይ ይገኛል። - See more at: