
Abandoned horses no longer doomed to suffer in Halaba, what about in Hawassa?

Abandoned horses no longer doomed to suffer New by-laws in Halaba, Ethiopia have be introduced to allow abandoned working horses to be put down. International welfare charity  the Brooke has been working with the Ethiopian government to get the by-laws changed  in the area. The charity’s teams will now be able to  euthanise abandoned working equines that are injured and beyond medical help . The problem of abandonment of working horses in urban areas of Ethiopia is a  growing problem , especially in Halaba. Horses that are too sick or weak to work are  left suffering on the streets before they die  or are attacked and eaten by hyenas. The horses are often beyond help and the  only option  to end their suffering is being put down. In the region of Halaba, an  owner has to give consent before an animal can be euthanised . But when the horse has been abandoned, the owner is often  very hard to track down . The new by-law means that the Brooke can put an abandone

How Europe, America exploit Africans-Obasanjo

Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo presenting a paper on “The African Scientist in a Fast-Changing World” at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences Memorial Lecture for Prof. Ali Mazrui, in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia Former Nigerian president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo on Friday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia berated the exploitation of African scientists in Europe, America and Asia continents, lamenting that their efforts on global horizon is fast regressing. Obasanjo speaking while delivering a paper entitled: “The African Scientist In A Fast-Changing World” presented at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences in honour of Late Professor Ali Al’Amin Mazrui, however, noted that on the aggregate, African scientists have not been push-over over the ages. He disclosed that his choice of the topic was borne out of the fact that, “since my friend, Ali Mazrui, was a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences and we are celebrating him at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, I have decided to reflect

ካላ ዳንቦባ ናቲ ስለ ሲዳማ ምን ኣሉ?


‹‹ገዥው ፓርቲም ሆነ ተቃዋሚዎች እንዲህ እናደርጋቸዋለን የሚሏቸው ነገሮች እጅግ ጠቅለል ያሉና ያልተጣሩ ናቸው›› ዶ/ር ካሣሁን ብርሃኑ፣ የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ ባለሙያ

ዶ/ር ካሣሁን ብርሃኑ የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ ባለሙያ ሲሆኑ፣ በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ጉልህ ሥፍራ የሚሰጣቸው ጉዳዮች ላይ በርካታ የምርምር ሥራዎችን አሳትመዋል፡፡ ከእነዚህ ሥራዎች መካከል ትልቅ ትኩረት የሰጡት በገዥውና በተቃዋሚ ፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ባህርይ ላይ ነው፡፡ ይህን ምክንያት በማድረግ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች በምርጫ ቅስቀሳ በሚያሳዩት ባህርይ ዙሪያ  ሰለሞን ጎሹ  ዶ/ር ካሣሁን ብርሃኑን አነጋግሯቸዋል፡፡ ሪፖርተር፡- የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ አስፈላጊነትን እንዴት ይገልጹታል? ዶ/ር ካሣሁን፡-   ብዙ ፓርቲዎች በሕግ ተፈቅዶ በሚንቀሳቀሱበት የፖለቲካ ሥርዓት ውስጥ የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ አስፈላጊ ነው፡፡ ፓርቲዎች የፖለቲካ፣ የማኅበራዊና የኢኮኖሚያዊ ፕሮግራም ሊኖራቸው ይገባል፡፡ የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ ለማድረግ ሥርዓቱ የምርጫ ውድድርን የሚፈቅድ መሆን አለበት፡፡ ምክንያቱም የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ እንደ ኢሕአፓና መኢሶን በድብቅ የምታካሂደው አይደለም፡፡ ሕዝቡን በግልጽ ሰብስበህ ፕሮግራምህን የምታስተዋውቅበትና ከሌሎች የሚሻልበትን መንገድ የምታሳይበት ዘዴ ነው፡፡ ፓርቲው ሥልጣን ቢይዝ ከሌሎች በተሻለ የመራጩን ሕዝብ ፍላጎት እንደሚያሟላ፣ የአገሪቱን ጥቅም እንደሚያስጠብቅ፣ የኅብረተሰቡን ደኅንነት እንደሚጠብቅ የሚገልጽበት መሣሪያ ነው፡፡ ፓርቲዎች ፕሮግራማቸውን በየጊዜው ሊያስተዋውቁ ይችላሉ፡፡ የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ ግን በምርጫ ጊዜ ነው የሚካሄደው፡፡ በተቻለ መጠን የምርጫ ድጋፍ የሚያሰባስቡበት ነው፡፡ የምርጫ ቅስቀሳን በተሳካ ሁኔታ ለመፈጸም የገንዘብ አቅም፣ የሚዲያ ተደራሽነት፣ አመቺ ደኅንነትና ነፃነት ያስፈልጋል፡፡ የፖለቲካ ሥርዓቱ ለጤናማ የብዙኃን ፓርቲ ውድድር አመቺ ነው ወይ የሚለው በእርግጥ አጠያያቂ ነው፡፡ ለምሳሌ የሕዝብ ወይም የመንግሥት ሚዲያን በእኩልነት ባይሆን እንኳን

ከበልግ ዝናብ መዘገየት ጋር ተያይዞ በሲዳማ የምግብ እጥረት ልከሰት ይችላል ተባለ

ከበልግ ዝናብ መዘገየት ጋር ተያይዞ በሲዳማ የምግብ እጥረት ልከሰት ይችላል ተባለ፤ ካለፈው የጥር ወር ጀምሮ ከበንሳ  እና ቡርሳ ወረዳዎች በስተቀር ኣብዛኛዎቹ የሲዳማ ወረዳዎች በድርቅ ተመተዋል፤ Food Security Outlook Update March to May rains may not fully restore rangelands in pastoral areas In most parts of  Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) , three-to-five days of  Sapie  rains fell in January. However, this year, the rest of January has been remained dry except in Bensa and Bursa Woredas of Sidama Zone and Konta Special Woreda where there were light showers fell during the third week of January.  Belg  rains typically start in early February in parts of SNNPR, but they have not yet started. Sweet potatoes, other root crops, and to some extent maize were planted in November, and they have reached the vegetative stage. However, many of the crops are wilting. Read more at: