
ሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በወርልድ ቴኳንዶ የመጀመሪያ የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ አገኘ

እየተካሄደ ባለው የመንግሥት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች 8ኛው የስፖርት ፌስቲቫል ላይ የወርልድ ቴኳንዶ ውድድር ትናንት በመክፈቻው በሴቶችና በወንዶች በድምሩ 37 የዙርና የፍፃሜ ጨዋታዎች ተካሄዱ።              በርካታ ተመልካች የነበረውና ብርቱ ፉክክር የተደረገበት የወርልድ ቴኳንዶ ውድድር በሦስት ምድብ የተወዳዳሪዎች የክብደት ልዩነት ተከፍሎ በሴቶች ከ46 እና 49 እንዲሁም በወንዶች ከ54 ኪሎ ግራም በታች የዙርና የፍፃሜ ጨዋታዎችን አስተናግዷል። ለፍፃሜ በተደረጉት ውድድሮች ሦስት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ ማንሳት ችለዋል። ከ46 ኪሎ ግራም በታች በተደረገው ውድድር ምህረት ከድር 5 ተጋጣሚዎቿን በማሸነፍ ለአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ ከማስገኘቷ ባለፈ የአምና የሻመፒዮንነት ክብሯን ማስጠበቅ ችላለች። በዚህ ዘርፍ የአዳማ ሣይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የብር እንዲሁም የድሬዳዋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የነሐስ ሜዳሊያ ተሸላሚ ሆነዋል። በተመሳሳይ በሴቶች ከ49 ኪሎ ግራም በታች በተደረገ ውድድር ህይወት ተስፋ ለሀዋሳ ወርቅ ስታስገኝ ድሬዳዋና ወልዲያ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች በቅደም ተከተላቸው የብርና የነሐስ ሜዳሊያ መሆን ችለዋል። በወንዶች ከ54 ኪሎ ግራም በታች ደግሞ የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲው ውብሸት ደስያለው ድንቅ ብቃት በማሳየት ጭምር የወርቅ ሜዳሊያውን አንስቷል። የመቐለና የሀሮማያ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ደግሞ በቅደም ተከተላቸው የብርና የነሐስ ሜዳሊያ ተሸላሚ ሆነዋል። የወርልድ ቴኳንዶ ውድድር ዛሬም በወንዶች ከ58 ኪሎ ግራም በታች የሚጠበቅ ሲሆን ሌሎች የማጣሪያና የፍፃሜ ውድድሮች በመካሄድ ላይ ናቸው። በአዳማ ሣይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አስተናጋጅነት እየተካሄደ ያለው የመንግሥት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች 8ኛው የስፖርት ፌስቲቫል በመልካም ስፖርታዊ ጨዋነት ታ

Battling Breast Cancer in Ethiopia

When  Dr. Carol Harris  arrived for an early morning meeting this summer at Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, dozens of weary patients and their families huddled together in dark stairwells, or on wooden benches lining the hallways outside the dimly lit oncology ward. One patient lay motionless, shrouded in a colorful sheath, surrounded by family. (From left) Drs. Aynalem Abreha, Carol Harris and Agonafer Tekalegne at Black Lion Hospital, in Addis Ababa As Ethiopia's main cancer referral hospital, the government-run facility offers the only sliver of hope for more than 200 new patients who arrive every day from around the sub-Saharan nation. Each year, Black Lion gets about 6,000 new cancer cases, most of them poor individuals traveling from distant villages by bus, foot,  bijaj,  or even donkey cart.       On this rainy day at 8 a.m., the lights flickered and the radiation machine was shut down—a frequent occurrence with the rolling power outages that regularly

Ethiopia: Released Report “The Possible Lost of 16.5 Billion Dollars”

Public Diplomacy and Regional Infrastructure investment news . By Lucy Kassa, Addis Fortune. African Union’s (AU) high level panel on illicit financial flows (IFF) from Africa ranked Ethiopia ninth from the top 10 African countries with high illicit financial flows from 1970 to 2008 next to Côte d’Ivoire and Sudan. The panel, which was chaired by Thabo Mbeki, former South African president and comprised nine other members, released its report at Hilton Hotel on February 1, 2015. The high level panel is the first African initiative mandated to be established after the fourth joint annual meeting of the AU/ECA conference of ministers of finance, planning and economic development adopted a resolution to establish the level of IFF from the continent, to asses its long term impacts and to propose policies in reversing the illegal outflows. The Report of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, used estimates by various researches on illicit financial flows from

Tears (still) are not enough, 30 years later

"As every day goes by..." David Foster is singing over the phone, remembering Gordon Lightfoot"killing it" on the opening vocals of  Tears Are Not  Enough,  the all-star Canadian charity single recorded 30 years ago today. Foster's Malibu, Calif., home is far away in both time and space from the frigid February Sunday in 1985 when more than 50 of Canada's top entertainers met at Toronto's Manta Studios to make a recording for African famine relief. "It was a magical day," he says.  Who was who in 'Tears Are Not Enough' CBC ARCHIVES: Northern Lights record 'Tears Are Not Enough' But it's all a blur to him, because he barely slept the night before — so intense was the pressure to get it right after fellow music producer Quincy Jones phoned and asked him to helm a Canadian song for the  We Are the World  album his USA for Africa supergroup was recording. Foster, working with manager Bruce Allen, had nine days t

Other voices: Ethiopia's stifled press

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While enjoying its status as an international development darling, Ethiopia has been chipping away at its citizens' freedom of expression. The country now holds the shameful distinction of having the second-most journalists in exile in the world, after Iran. That combination of Western subsidies and political persecution should not be sustainable. According to a new report by Human Rights Watch, at least 60 journalists have fled the country since 2010, including 30 last year, and at least 19 have been imprisoned. Twenty-two faced criminal charges in 2014. The government closed five newspapers and a magazine within the past year, leaving Ethiopia with no independent private media outlets. With the country headed toward elections in May, the pressure on the media has undermined the prospect of a free and fair vote. Ethiopia has long been known for its censorship and repression of the media, but the situation has deteriorated in recent years. According to the