
ቦርዱ ለ5ኛ ጊዜ ለሚካሄደው ጠቅላላ የምርጫ አፈጻጸም የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ይፋ አደረገ

 የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ለ5ኛ ጊዜ ለሚካሄደው ጠቅላላ ምርጫ አፈጻጸም የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ይፋ አደረገ። ቦርዱ በመጪው ግንቦት ወር የሚካሄደውን አገራዊ ምርጫ  የጊዜ ሰሌዳና  ስላከናወናቸው ተግባራት ለጋዜጠኞች መግለጫ ሰጥቷል። የብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ሰብሳቢ ፕሮፌሰር መርጋ በቃና በዚህ ወቅት እንድተናገሩት ቦርዱ ያለፉትን አራት ምርጫዎች በመገምገምና  በቦርዱ ተመዝግበው ፍቃድ ካገኙ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ጋር ውይይት አካሂዶ ለ30 የክንውን ሂደቶች የጊዜ ሰሌዳ አውጥቷል። በዚህ መሰረት ከህዳር 15 እስከ ህዳር 30 ፓርቲዎች የመወዳደሪያ ምልክቶች የሚመርጡበት፣ከታህሳስ 16 እስከ 27 የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ዕጩ ምዝገባና ከጥር 1 እስከ 12 የመራጮች ምዝገባ የሚካሄድበት ጊዜ ይሆናል። ከየካቲት 7 እስከ 13  ደግሞ ዕጩዎች የምርጫ ውድድር እንቅስቃሴ በይፋ የሚጀምሩበትና የሚያጠናቅቁበት፣ ግንቦት 16 የድምፅ መስጫ ቀን ሲሆን ሰኔ 15 ውጤቱ ለህዝብ ይፍ ይደረጋል ሲሉ ሰብሳቢው አብራርተዋል። ይህ የክንውን የጊዜ ሰሌዳ የተለየው በአዲስ አበባ ካሉት 23 የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ከ22ና በክልሎች ከሚገኙ ፓርቲዎች ጋር በአዳማና በሃዋሳ ከተማ ዝርዝር ውይይቶች ከተደረገ በኋላ እንደሆነ አስረድተዋል። ከፓርቲዎቹ ጋር በተደረገው ውይይት የዕጩዎችና የመራጮች ምዝገባ እንዲራዘም ለቀረበው ጥያቄ ስምምነት ላይ ተደርሷል። ቦርዱ ምርጫው የተሳካ እንዲሆን የ2002 ጠቅላላ ምርጫን ከሚመለከታቻው  ባለድርሻ አካላት ጋር በመሆን ሰፊ ሳይንሳዊ ጥናት አካሂዶ የጥናቱን ወጤት ለሚመለከታቸው ባለድርሻ አካላት አሰራጭቷል። ከጥናቱ በኋላ የቦርዱ የትኩረት አቅጣጫንና የአምስት አመቱን የእቅድና ትራንስፎርሜሽን ዕቅድ መሰረት በማድረግ ከፍተኛ እንቅስቃሴ አድርጓል ብለዋል።

Prevalence and Correlates of Prenatal Vitamin A Deficiency in Rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia

Gebreselassie, Samson Gebremedhin, Gase, Fikre Enquselassie, Deressa, Melaku Umeta, Journal of Health Population and Nutrition INTRODUCTION Vitamin  A  is  an  essential  micronutrient  required  for  the  normal  functioning  of  the  vision  system, immunity,  epithelial  integrity,  cellular  differentiation,  growth  and  development,  and  possibly reproduction  (1, 2).  The  World  Health  Organization  (WHO)  defines  vitamin  A  deficiency  (VAD) as  tissue  concentrations  of  vitamin  A  (VA)  low  enough  to  have  adverse  health  consequences,  even if  there  is  no  evidence  of  clinical  deficiency  (3). VAD  remains  a  serious  public- health  problem  in  the  developing  world  (4).  Preschool  children and  pregnant  women  suffer  the  most  widespread  and  severe  effects  of  VAD  (2).  According  to WHO,  VAD  is  of  moderate  to  severe  public- health  importance  in  122  countries  (2).  Globally,  190 million  preschool  children  and 


  (Redirected from  Irgalem, SNNPR ) Irgalem Abosto, Dalle Irgalem Location within Ethiopia Coordinates: 6°45′N   38°25′E  /  6.750°N 38.417°E Coordinates :  6°45′N   38°25′E  /  6.750°N 38.417°E Country Ethiopia Region Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Zone Sidama Elevation 1,776 m (5,827 ft) Population  (2005)  • Total 43,815 Time zone EAT  ( UTC+3 ) Irgalem  ( Amharic :  ይርጋለም ? ; also spelled  Yrgalam ,  Yrgalem [1]  and  Yrga Alem ; alternate names include  Abosto ,  Dalle ) is a town in southern  Ethiopia . Located 260 kilometers south of  Addis Ababa  and 40 kilometers south of  Awasa  in the  Sidama Zone  of the  Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region  (or  kilil ), the town has a latitude and longitude of  6°45′N   38°25′E  /  6.750°N 38.417°E  and an elevation of 1776 meters. It is the largest settlement in  Dale  woreda. Postal service is provided by a main branch; electricity and telephone service are

Commercial bank of Ethiopia has added Daka and Tesso as the 9th and 10th branches in Hawassa

Commercial  bank of Ethiopia has inaugurated  Daka and Tesso as the 9 th  and 10 th  branches in Hawassa  in this week. Worancha Information Network has learnt that  Ato Yonas Yosef, Mayer of Hawassa, Ato Bekalu Zeleke, president of the CBE, Officials of the Hawassa city administration, CBE management members, the Bank’s customers and other invited guests have attended the inaugural ceremony. Ato kidane Mengesha during his opening remarks noted the significant role the newly opened branches will play in making banking services accessible to the larger section of the society and mobilizing saving.  Ato kidane has taken the especial moment to thank the regional state and the city administration for the valuable support stretched towards the Bank. Source:

USAID and Ministry of Education Launch a National Mother Tongue Reading Program

Hawassa, October 29, 2014. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MOE) launched a national mother tongue reading curriculum to improve the reading skills of 15 million primary school students in Ethiopia. Minister of Education Shiferaw Shigute and USAID Mission Director Dennis Weller opened the event on the eve of the Ministry's annual review meeting in Hawassa, Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region. This year's introduction of the new curriculum and reading materials to grades 1-4, complemented by teacher training, resulted from a massive two-year effort involving federal and regional officials, educators, linguists, and illustrators, teacher training colleges and pilot schools. A similar effort is now underway for grades 5-8. To address the major challenge of poor reading comprehension in early grades, the Ministry of Education and USAID designed a national early grade reading p