
ደኢህዴን በኣጼ ምኒልክ ላይ የሰራው ዶክመንተሪ ብኣዴንን ኣስኮርፏል ተባለ

ደኢህዴን በአጼ ምኒልክ ላይ የሰራው ዶክመንተሪ ኢህአዴግ ውስጥ ቅራኔ ፈጠረ * • በርካታ የብአዴን ካድሬዎች በሰንደቅ አላማ በዓል አልተገኙም የደኢህዴን 22ኛ ዓመት ክብረ በዓልን ተከትሎ በፓርቲው ማዕከላዊ ኮሚቴ ‹‹ጮራ ፈንጣቂው ጉዟችን›› በሚል የተሰራውና አጼ ምኒልክ የደቡብ ህዝቦች ላይ አሰቃቂ ጭፍጨፋ እንደፈጸሙ የሚሳየው ዶክመንተሪ በዴኢህዴንና በብአዴን መካከል አለመግባባት መፍጠሩን አንድ ከፍተኛ የብአዴን ካድሬ ነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ገለጸ፡፡ ዶክመንተሪውን ተከትሎ የብአዴን ፖለቲከኞች ኢህአዴግ በተለይም የዶክመንተሪው አዘጋጅ ደኢህዴን ላይ ተቃውሞ ያስነሱ ሲሆን ‹‹በአንድ በኩል ምኒልክ ይወደሳል፡፡ በአንድ በኩል ደግሞ ይወገዛል፡፡ ፒያሳ ላይ ያለው ሀውልት ምኒልክ መልካም ነገር እንደሰሩ ለማሳየት የተሰራ ነው፡፡ እንዲህ የምታወግዙት ከሆነ ለምን ፒያሳ የሚገኘውን ሀውልቱንስ አታነሱትም?›› በማለት በህዝብ መካከል ግጭት ይፈጥራል ያሉት መቀስቀሻ ዶክመንተሪ ላይ ተቃውሟቸውን ማንሳታቸውን የብአዴን ከፍተኛ ካድሬ ለነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ገልጸዋል፡፡ የብአዴን ካድሬዎች ዶክመንተሪውን ባዘጋጀው ደኢህዴንም ሆነ ኢህአዴግ ላይ ባላቸው ቅሬታ የዛሬው የሰንደቅ አላማ በዓል ላይ እንዳልተገኙ ተገልጾአል፡፡ በዶክመንተሪው ምክንያት በኢህአዴግ አንዳንድ ፖሊሲዎች ላይ ጥያቄ ያነሱ ሲሆን ለአብነት ያህልም እስካሁን አንስተውት የማያውቁትንና ሰንደቅ አላማው ላይ ያለው ኮከብ ላይ ጥያቄ ማንሳታቸውን የብአዴኑ ካድሬ ገልጾዋል፡፡ በቅርቡ አጼ ምኒልክን በመኮነን ከተላለፈው ዶክመንተሪ በተጨማሪ ተማሪዎች፣ ለሰራተኞችና ለሌሎች የህብረተሰብ ክፍል በተሰጠው ስልጠና ህዝብን ከህዝብ የሚያጋጩ ታሪክ ነክ ወቀሳዎች የአብአዴን ካድሬዎች በደኢህዴንና ኢህአዴግ ላይ ላነሱት ተቃውሞ በተጨማሪ ም

From an Ethiopian Prison: Testimony of Befeqadu Hailu

This testimony was written by blogger and human rights advocate Befeqadu Hailu in late August 2014. A founding member of the Zone9 blogging collective and a Global Voices community member, he was arrested and imprisoned on April 25, 2014 along with five fellow members of Zone9 and three journalist colleagues. On July 17, 2014, all nine detainees were charged under the country’s penal code and the Terrorism Proclamation of 2009. Befeqadu mentions in his text the names of several of his fellow detainees including Abel, Mahlet, and Natnael. All are members of the Zone9 collective. This is the first of two installments of an abridged version of Befeqadu’s testimony. It was translated from Amharic to English by Endalk Chala and edited for clarity and context by Ellery Roberts Biddle. The full, unabridged testimony is available in PDF form here. “So, what do you think is your crime?” My interrogator posed this question after forcing me to recount my work as an activist and progressiv

Key Ethiopia dam talks to begin in Cairo on Thursday

_ Ethiopia's Great Renaissance Dam is constructed in Guba Woreda, some 40 km (25 miles) from Ethiopia's border with Sudan, June 28, 2013. (Photo: Reuters) ______________________________________________________________________ The tripartite technical commission will select a consultancy firm to conduct studies into the impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam as required by the international technical panel in May 2013 ________________________________________________________________________ The upcoming round of talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is the most important yet, Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi has said. Moghazi told state news agency MENA that the tripartite technical commission will select one from nine consultancy firms – three from each country – to conduct studies into the impact of the dam as required by the international technical panel in May 2013.  A panel of specialists, including several int

President Endorses Appointment of Six High-Ranking Military Officers

President Dr. Mulatu Teshome decorated six high ranking military officers in recognition of their outstanding performance on their positions. Three of the officers have been promoted from Brigadier General to Major General while the remaining three have been promoted from Major General to Lieutenant General. Accordingly Brigadier Generals Zewdu Eshete, Teklebirhan Wolde Aregay and Kinfe Dagnew have all been decorated with the title of Major General while Major Generals Abrham Woldemariam, Adem Mohammed and Birhanu Jula have all claimed the rank of Lieutenant General. Speaking at the event, President Dr. Mulatu Teshome said members of the defense forces of the country are discharging their duties in supporting the country's development journey. The President also appreciated the army's contribution in peace building process of the country as well as that of the East African region and the continent at large. Ethiopian Prime Minister and Commander In Chief of the

No Ebola case has yet been reported in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa ( DIPLOMAT.SO + Agencies ) – Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health on Sunday disclosed establishing a modern laboratory centre in a bid to scale up the nation wide efforts to prevent entry of the deadly Ebola virus. The modern laboratory which is known as Bio safety level 3 and 4 will start operating on Monday for screening and tasting purpose with the help of Ethiopian professionals who received training abroad. According to Health Minister Dr. kesetebirhan Admasu, the country has introduced a new screening machine, called Thermo Scan Thermo Meter, which has a capacity of testing 1,000 individuals per hour. As well as the new screening machine, other two thermo screening machines are currently operating at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport to test passengers particularly those coming from West African countries. As part of the national Ebola prevention efforts, the minister said the government has slated over $3 million for emergency medical services. ETHIOPIA IN