
The Sidama Liberation Movement (SLM) & Its Heroic Sacrifices at Glance!

The Sidama Liberation Movement (SLM) is over four decades old organisation of the Sidama nation fighting for nation's Freedom, Justice, Liberty and Equality. The nation has had this organisation informally for the period of over six to seven decades although it has been organisationally re-structured in early 1970s under the leadership of few groups of Sidama personalities from whom Kaala Woldeamanuel Duable was the one. Tragically and Sadly the late aforementioned SLM leadership finally surrendered his cause when he, during the May 15, 2005 Ethiopian highly rigged and fake election went back to surrender and work for the regime enslaving his own Sidama nation during his final days on earth. He campaigned on behalf of TPLF's brutal regime stating to the Sidama nation that TPLF is God's messenger for the Sidama people (a very unpalatable end for a person who claimed fighting for the freedom and justice of the nation). Besides, SLM has tremendously contributed to



ወራዊው ኣጠቃላይ ኣገራዊ የዋጋ ግሽበት በኣማካይ ጥማሪ ኣሳይቷል ተባለ

ሰሞኑን ማዕከላዊ ስታቲሰቲክስ ኤጀንሲ የወጣው መረጃ እንደምያሳየው፤ የነሐሴ ወር አጠቃላይ አገራዊ የዋጋ ግሽበት በአማካይ 7 ነጥብ 2 በመቶ ደርሷል ። እንደኤጄንሲው ከሆነ፤ የሐምሌ ወር የዋጋ ግሽበት 6 ነጥብ 9 በመቶ የ ነበ ረ ሲሆን የነሐሴ ወር 2006 ዓ . ም አጠቃላይ የዋጋ ግሽበት ከሐምሌ ወር ጋር ሲነፃፀር የ 0 ነጥብ 3 በመቶ ጭማሪ አሳይቷል። የዋጋ ግሽበቱ ልጨምሪ የቻለው በዋናነት ምግብ ነክ ባል ሆኑ ሸቀጦች ላይ በታየው ጭማሪ ነው ተብሏል ። እንደ ሬድዮ ፋና ዘጋባ ከሆነ፤ በሐምሌ ወር 5 ነጥብ 7 በመቶ የነበረው የምግብ ነክ ሸቀጦች ዋጋ የመጨመር አዝማሚያ በተጠናቀቀው የነሐሴ ወር ወደ 5 ነጥብ 2 በመቶ ዝቅ ብሏል። በአንጻሩ ምግብ ነክ ያልሆኑ ሸቀጦች ዋጋ የመጨመር አዝማሚያ በሐምሌ ወር ከነበረው 8 ነጥብ 2 በመቶ በነሐሴ ወር ወደ 9 ነጥብ 4 በመቶ ከፍ ብሏል። በዚህም መሰረት የነሐሴ ወር 2006 ዓ . ም አጠቃላይ የዋጋ ግሽበት በአማካይ 7 ነጥብ 2 በመቶ ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። አገራዊ የዋጋ ግሽበት ላስፐርስ በተባለ ዓለም አቀፍ ቀመር የሚለካ ሲሆን፥ ሲዳማን ጨምሮ በመላ አገሪቱ ባሉ 25 የኤጀንሲው ቅርንጫፎች አማካይነት ከ 119 የገበያ ቦታዎች የዕቃዎችን ዋጋ በማሰባሰብና ወደ ዋናው ቅርንጫፍ በማምጣት በባለሙያዎች ተተንትኖ በየወሩ ይፋ እንደምያደርግ ከሮይተርስ እና ፋና ብሮ ድ ካስት የተገኘው መረጃ ያመለክታል።

IBM Advises Ethiopia On Sustainable Projects

VENTURES AFRICA – As Ethiopia continues on its path of accelerated economic growth, a team of 15 IBM experts have advised its leaders on key projects believed to be supportive of the country’s national Growth and Transformation Plan. The business and technology experts pooled from ten different countries, under IBM’s Corporate Service Corps Program, and have worked with different government ministries and NGOs to help them attract foreign investment, deliver healthcare services, and track economic growth. The recommendations of the team were presented to Ethiopian leaders in Addis Ababa on Thursday. “As we continue to forge relationships across the African continent, the Corporate Service Corps Program is a powerful way for IBM to provide national, municipal, civic and social institutions here with the same expertise that we provide our commercial clients,” said Solomon Mengesha, IBM Business Development Manager East Africa. “We see great potential in Ethiopia and strong intere

የISIS ህልም

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