
የሲዳማ ዘመን መለወጫ ፊቼ በኣል በዩኔስኮ ጊዜያዊ መዝገብ መመዝገቡ ተሰማ፤ በኣሉ ከትናንትና ጀምሮ በተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች በመላው ኣለም በመከበር ላይ ነው

ፎቶ: ከመብራቴ መለሰ የፌስቡክ ገጽ ላይ የተገኘ  የፊቼን በኣል በዩኔስኮ በኣለም ቅርስነት ለማስመዝገብ ከጫፍ መደረሱን  ድረሳቸውን የሲዳማ ዞን የባህል ቱሪዝምና የመንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች መምሪያ ገለፀ። የመምሪያው ሀላፊ ካላ ወርቅነህ ፍላቴን ጠቅሶ ፋና እንደዘጋበው፥ የፊቼን በኣል በዩ ኔስኮ በማስመዝገቡ እንቅስቃሴ የመሪነቱን ሚና በመጫዎት ላይ ያለው የሲዳማ ዞን በአሉ በዩኔስኮ ጊዜያዊ መዝገብ ላይ መመዝገቡን የምገልጽ ደብዳቤ እንደደረሰው ኣስታውቋል። ኣገሪቱን የማይዳሰሱ ቅርሶች በዩኔስኮ በኣለም ቅርስነት ለማስመዝገብ በተደረገው እንቅስቃሴ እስከኣሁን የመስቀልን በኣል በኣለም ቅርስነት ለማስመዝገብ የተቻለ ሲሆን፤ ከመሰቀል በኣል ውጭ የፊቼን እና ሌሎች የማይዳሰሱ የኣገሪቱን ብርቅዬ ባህላዊ ቅርሶች በዩኔስኮ  የማስመዝገቡ ህደት ተጠናክሮ  መቀጠሉ ታውቋል። የፊቼ በኣል በዩኔስኮ በኣለም ቅርስነት መመዝገብ በኣሉን ለማሳደግ ብሎም ለመንከባከብ ከማስቻሉ በላይ የሲዳማን ህዝብ ባህላዊ ቱፊቶችን ለኣለም ህዝብ ለማስተዋወቅ ያስችላል። በኣሉ ከትናንትና ጀምሮ በመላዋ ሲዳማ በተለይ በሲዳማ መዲና በሃዋሳ ከተማ በታላቅ ድምቀት በተለያይ ዝግጅቶች በመከበር ላይ ሲሆን፤ጠዋት ላይ የአርድና የትንበያ ስነስርአት በብሄረሰቡ አባቶች ተከናውኗል። በትንበያው ዘመኑ የሰላም የፍቅርና ወጣቱ ለስራ የሚነሳሳበት ዘመን ይሆናል ብለዋል። በዛሬው እለት የጨንበላላ በአል በመከበር ላይ ነው። በተያያዘ  ዜና የፊቼ በኣል ከሲዳማ ውጭ በኣሜሪካ፤ በኣውሮፓ እና በደቡብ ኣፍሪካ በሚገኙ የሲዳማ ዳይስፖራ ኣማካይነት በኣለም ኣቀፍ ደረጃ በመከበር ላይ ነው። የወራንቻ ኔትወርክ ያሰባሰባቸው መረጃዎች እንደምያመለክቱት፤ በተለያዩ ኣገራት የምኖሩ የሲዳማ ኮሚኒት ኣባላ

Are official lies becoming TPLF ‘s preferred ways of running Ethiopia? Part I

1 JUL ory (TEO)                                                     — I – “Newspapers are read at the breakfast and dinner tables. God’s great gift to man is appetite. Put nothing in the paper that will destroy it.” W. R. Nelson, Publisher of the  Kansas City Star , 1915, quoted in Ben H. Bagdikian’s The Media Monopoly 1987 This article is an expression of this writer’s disappointment at a news item that appeared Saturday on  the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA)  page regarding the investigation by the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on May 6, 2014 of Ethiopia’s commitment, behavior and human rights performance as the Organization’s member, signatory to its Charter and several international human rights instruments. Created in 2006, the UPR is a mechanism by which the human rights records of all United Nations member states are reviewed, based on advance notification, schedule and information circulated by the United Nations to all member states, national and internati

World Bank Urges Ethiopia to Devalue Birr to Boost Exports

Ethiopia ’s birr is overvalued and the country would benefit from a devaluation to boost export revenue and accelerate economic growth, the World Bank said. Reducing the currency’s value by 10 percent in real terms may lead to a 5 percent increase in stalled export earnings and a 2 percent increase in growth, Lars Moller, the bank’s chief economist in Ethiopia, told reporters today in the capital, Addis Ababa. Ethiopia last devalued its currency by 17 percent against the dollar in September 2010. Since then, the birr has appreciated in real terms by more than 50 percent, leading to a currency that’s overvalued by 31 percent, Moller said at a presentation of the lender’s third  Ethiopia Economic Update . After growing at a rate of about 20 percent in previous years, annual Ethiopian goods exports have remained steady at about $3 billion for the past two years, primarily because of falling international commodity prices. Foreign earnings from goods may have grown about 8 perce

6 countries that U.S. airlines are prohibited from flying over

(Update:  The FAA on Tuesday  issued a notice prohibiting U.S. airlines from flying to or from Israel for 24 hours.) The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine on Thursday left many travelers wondering about other unsafe conflict zones. U.S. carriers last week said they would no longer fly over eastern Ukraine after Flight 17 was shot down reportedly by pro-Russian separatists. On Tuesday, the  FAA  issued a 24-hour ban  on flights to Tel Aviv, Israel, after reports of an explosion near the city’s  Ben Gurion International Airport . Delta    DAL   +0.19% ,  US Airways   and  United Airlines  were already in the process of canceling flights to and from Israel. The FAA last week widened its guidance on where U.S. commercial aircraft may fly. The site also lists other potentially dangerous regions including Syria. U.S. flight operations are currently prohibited over the following countries: Ethiopia:  U.S. commercial flights aren’t allowed to fly north of 12 degre

African Leaders Push to Establish Regional Court to Bypass ICC

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Complaining of bullying in the international justice arena, African leaders are forging ahead with plans to set up their own regional court — and give themselves immunity in the process. The African Union (AU) accuses the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) of anti-African bias and racism, and plans for a home-grown mechanism are inflaming a stand-off over who deals out justice in Africa. In a decision last month, AU leaders unanimously agreed to grant sitting heads of state and senior government officials immunity from prosecution at the African Court for Human and Peoples’ Rights, which is not expected to get off the ground for several years. The Hague-based ICC rules that no one is protected from prosecution, but many African leaders are quick to point out that all of the ICC’s eight cases are against Africans. Their initial enthusiasm for the international tribunal — four of the ICC’s cases were referred to it by African governments —