
The World Bank is likely to provide financing in the range of 250 million dollar to 300 million dollars for the 218km Modjo to Hawassa Highway

World Bank Cash Injection Takes Total Loans to Record High From left to right: Guang Zhe Chen, World Bank Country Director for Ethiopia , Sisay Gemechu, state minister for Industry and Ahmed Shide, state minister for Finance and Economic Development. The latest loans will help to finance industrial zones, a geothermal project and, potentially, the Modjo-Hawassa highway ምንጭ፦ Latest and expected  injection of 430 million dollars from the World Bank to Ethiopia is bringing the country’s total loans for the year to a record high of 1.64 billion dollars. Ethiopia’s loans from the Bank, coming through the International development Association – the Bank’s interest free facility for 80 of the world’s poorest countries- have been growing by hundreds of millions of dollars every year for the past few years, They have shot up from 640 million dollars in 2011 to 974 million dollars in 2012 and 1.15 billion dollar in 2013. The latest figure of 1.64 billion dollar

Fairtrade products fail to help the poor, study finds

Coffee and tea drinkers spending an extra few dollars on Fairtrade-certified products are not actually benefitting the lives of the poorest workers in rural Ethiopia and Uganda, according to a new report. Researchers at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London spent four years studying rural labour markets in areas producing coffee, tea and flower crops for export. They found that the poorest manual agricultural wage workers in Fairtrade-certified farms are in fact paid less, and experience inferior working conditions, compared with those working in areas without Fairtrade certification. “Careful fieldwork and analysis in this four-year-project leads to the conclusion that in our research sites, Fairtrade has not been an effective mechanism for improving the lives of wage workers, the poorest rural people,” said Christopher Cramer, economics professor at SOAS, and one of the study’s authors. The Fairtrade Foundation is a U.K.-based charity, fou

Elections regulatory in Africa yet to deepen democracy

A new United Nations report indicates greater regularity in holding elections in Africa since the beginning of the 1990s has not nec­essarily enhanced their value as sec­tarian mobilization, intimidation and violence have often turned polls into conflict trig­gers rather than instruments for resolving differences. The statement is made by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), which is set to launch the third edition of the Africa Governance Report (AGR III) on Thursday June 5 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This Report focuses on the theme: “Elections and Management of Diversity”. The ECA and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have worked closely in producing the report since the diversity of populations in many African countries had made it essential that the dynamics surrounding the holding of elections and the management of diversity on the African continent be examined. Both the ECA and UNDP highlight that the Report’s findings are a reflec
Tourism Natural Attraction in Sidama The magnificent natural scenery & hot spring water in the Sidama zone include: Wondo Genet, Burqito Gidabo, etc.  Like wise the zone is blessed with spectacular water falls; Logita Fall Sidama 120km from Hawassa with torrential sound and Bonora Fall Sidama 135km from Hawassa cataract & blue winged birds There are two areas proposed as protected wildlife reserve that are now being delimited. Garamba   Mountain  is the highest point in the zone. It is located at a distance of 363 km from  Addis Ababa , 84 km distance from Hawassa, and also only 14 km away from Yaye (District main town). The height of the mountain is between 2800m and 3360m. The mountain is surrounded by bamboo forest; and it is convenient for tourists who have mountain trekking hobby. The mountain is home for various wildlife and bird species. There is an attractive topography round the foot of the mountain. One can watch  Bale   Mountains  from here.

ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ወደ ይርጋለም ተጉዞ ሲዳማ ቡናን 1 ለ0 በማሸነፍ ነው የዋንጫ ባለቤት መሆኑን አስቀድሞ ኣረጋገጠ

ሀዋሳ ከተማ በሜዳው ኢትዮጵያ መድህንን አስተናግዶ 1 አቻ ሲለያይ ፥ በሊጉ ግርጌ የሚገኘው ኢትዮጵያ መድህን በበኩሉ ሶስት ነጥብ ከሀዋሳ ባለማግኘቱ በሊጉ ለመቆየት የመቆየቱ ነገር አጣብቂኝ ውስጥ እንዲገባ አድርጎታል የዜና ምንጭ፦ አዲስ አበባ ፣ ግንቦት 19፣ 2006 ( ኤ ፍ.ቢ.ሲ)   የ21ኛው ሳምንት የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ 5 ጨዋታዎች ትናንት በአዲስ አበባና በክልል ከተሞች ተካሂደዋል፡፡ 5 ጨዋታዎች በቀሩት ሊጉ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ከወዲሁ የ2006 የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ ሻምፒዮን መሆኑን ያረጋገጠበትን ውጤት አስመዝግቧል፡፡ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ወደ ይርጋለም ተጉዞ ሲዳማ ቡናን 1 ለ0 በማሸነፍ ነው የዋንጫ ባለቤት መሆኑን አስቀድሞ ያረጋገጠው፡፡ ሀዋሳ ከተማ በሜዳው ኢትዮጵያ መድህንን አስተናግዶ 1 አቻ ሲለያይ ፥ በሊጉ ግርጌ የሚገኘው ኢትዮጵያ መድህን በበኩሉ ሶስት ነጥብ ከሀዋሳ ባለማግኘቱ በሊጉ ለመቆየት የመቆየቱ ነገር አጣብቂኝ ውስጥ እንዲገባ አድርጎታል። ወላይታ ድቻ የወራጅ ስጋት የሚታይበትን ሙገር ሲሚንቶ በሜዳው አስተናግዶ 1ለ0 ማሸነፍ የቻለ ሲሆን ፥ የመውረድ ስጋት ያንዣበበበት ዳሽን ቢራ በበኩሉ ፤ ኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክን አዲስ አበባ ስታዲዮም ላይ 1 ለ0 በመርታት ሁለተኛ ተከታታይ ወሳኝ ድሉን አስመዝግቧል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ቡና እና አርባምንጭ ከነማ በአበበ ቢቄላ ስታዲዮም ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ያደረጉት ጨዋታ ሊጠናቀቅ 20 ደቂቃዎች ሲቀሩት በጣለው ከፍተኛ ዝናብ ምክንያት ተቋርጧል ፡፡ በጨዋታው አርባምንጭ ከነማ ከእረፍት በፊት ባስቆጠራት ግብ አንድ ለዜሮ እየመራ መዝለቅ ችሏል። በዚህ መሰረትም የሁለቱ ክለቦች ጨዋታ ዛሬ ከጠዋቱ 3፡00 በአበበ ቢቂላ ስታድየም የሚቀጥል