
Ethiopia Set to Save Children from Diarrhoea

Ethiopia today launches a program to protect the 2.8 million children born in the country each year with a vaccine against rotavirus, which leads to severe, and often fatal, diarrhoea. The country has one of the greatest burdens of rotavirus anywhere in the world, accounting for 6 per cent of all deaths from the disease globally. Ethiopia is the 17th country to introduce the rotavirus vaccine with GAVI Alliance support, according to UNICEF. “Few things in the world have a greater impact on public health than vaccines,” said GAVI CEO Dr Seth Berkley. “Rotavirus vaccine offers the best hope for preventing the deadly dehydrating diarrhoea caused by this disease and preventing thousands of deaths of young children in Ethiopia.” “Diarrhoea takes the lives of more than 38,500 Ethiopian children under-five each year, rotavirus being responsible for close to two-thirds of the deaths,” said Ethiopia’s Minister of Health Dr Admasu Kesetebirhan. “Providing rotavirus vaccines to our chil

Ethiopia arrests two journalists from independent paper

thiopian police have arrested without charge two editors of the independent Amharic weekly Ethio-Mihdar, according to local journalists. © wellphoto via Police in the town of Legetafo, north-east of the capital Addis Ababa, on Monday arrested Getachew Worku in connection a story published in October alleging corruption in the town administration, according to Muluken Tesfaw, a reporter with the paper, who spoke to Worku shortly after his arrest. Worku has not been charged, he said. On Saturday, police arrested Million Degnew, the general manager of the newspaper, and Muna Ahmedin, a secretary, said Muluken and local journalists. Ahmedin was released the same day but Degnew remains in custody without charge, Tesfaw said. An intimidation tactic "A free and inquisitive media is a cornerstone of development that should benefit all Ethiopians," said CPJ's Africa Program Coordinator Sue Valentine. "Repeatedly detaining journalists without charge is an in

Ethiopia arrests two journalists from independent paper

thiopian police have arrested without charge two editors of the independent Amharic weekly Ethio-Mihdar, according to local journalists. © wellphoto via Police in the town of Legetafo, north-east of the capital Addis Ababa, on Monday arrested Getachew Worku in connection a story published in October alleging corruption in the town administration, according to Muluken Tesfaw, a reporter with the paper, who spoke to Worku shortly after his arrest. Worku has not been charged, he said. On Saturday, police arrested Million Degnew, the general manager of the newspaper, and Muna Ahmedin, a secretary, said Muluken and local journalists. Ahmedin was released the same day but Degnew remains in custody without charge, Tesfaw said. An intimidation tactic "A free and inquisitive media is a cornerstone of development that should benefit all Ethiopians," said CPJ's Africa Program Coordinator Sue Valentine. "Repeatedly detaining journalists without charge is an in

IMF: Ethiopian economy needs revamp to avert slowdown

Addis Ababa - Ethiopia's economy has reached a crossroads and, to prevent growth rates from falling, needs to be restructured to encourage more private sector investments, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday. Economic output should grow 7.5 percent in each of the next two fiscal years, to July 2014 and 2015, down slightly from the 8.5 percent in 2011/12, Jan Mikkelson, the IMF's representative in Ethiopia, told reporters. It expects year-on-year inflation - which dipped to 6.9 percent in September from 7.0 percent in August - to remain in single digits. The government has reported double-digit GDP growth for much of the past decade, but some economists say those figures are inflated. It said in July it expected the economy to maintain a growth rate of 11 percent in 2013/14. Growth has been propelled by huge public spending on infrastructure, while an expansion in services and agriculture has also boosted the economy. Ethiopia's exports include coff

የጤና ጥበቃ ሚኒስቴር የ2005 ዓ.ም ሪፖርት እንደሚያመለክተው በዓመቱ የመጀመሪያ ሦስት ወራት በወባ የሚያዙ ሰዎች ቁጥር ይጨምራል፤

የወባ በሽታና የመከላከል ጥረቶች የጤና ጥበቃ ሚኒስቴር የ 2005  ዓ . ም ሪፖርት እንደሚያመለክተው በዓመቱ የመጀመሪያ ሦስት ወራት በወባ የሚያዙ ሰዎች ቁጥር ይጨምራል፤ ከሁለት ሺ ሜትር በታች በሆኑ የወይና ደጋና ቆላማ አካባቢዎች ሁሉ ይተላለፋል  -  የወባ በሽታ። በአብዛኛው ከክረምት ወራት በኋላ ከመስከረም እስከ ህዳር ባለው ወቅት ስርጭቱ የሚጨምር ሲሆን በአንዳንድ ቦታዎች ከበልግ ዝናብ ተከተሎ ባሉ ወራትም ይከሰታል። ስለ ወባ በሽታ አጠቃላይ ግንዛቤ ለማስረጽ ይረዳ ዘንድ እንዲሁም በሽታውን በመከላከል በኩል ስለሚደረጉት ጥረቶች መረጃ ለማግኘት ወደ ጤና ጥበቃ ሚኒስቴር ጎራ ብለን ነበር። በሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቱ የወባ መከላከልና መቆጣጠር ቡድን መሪ የሆኑት ወይዘሪት ህይወት ሰለሞን ስለወባ በሽታና የመከላከል ጥረቱን አስመልክቶ ማብራሪያ ሰጥተውናል። « የወባ በሽታ ፕላስሞድየም የሚባል በአይን የማይታይ ረቂቅ ጥገኛ ተህዋስ በደም ውስጥ መኖር፣ ማደግና መራባት ምክንያት የሚከሰት በሽታ ነው። ይህ በሽታ በአለም ላይ በብዙ ቦታዎች ይከሰታል። በአገራችንም ሰባ አምስት በመቶ በሚሆነው የቆዳ ስፋት የወባ በሽታ ይታያል። ስልሳ ስምንት በመቶ የሚሆነው ህዝብም ለበሽታው ተጋላጭ በሆኑ አካባቢዎች ይገኛል »  ይላሉ ወይዘሪት ሕይወት። የወባ በሽታ አኖፊለሰ በመባል በምት ታወቀው እንስት የወባ ትንኝ አማካኝነት ከሰው ወደ ሰው የሚተላለፍ ተህዋስ ነው። ትንኟ የምታስተላልፈው የበሽታው መንስኤ የሆነውን ተህዋስ ነው፡፡ በሃገራችን ሁለት ዋና ዋና የወባ ተህዋስ ዝርያዎች አሉ የሚሉት ቡድን መሪዋ ፕላዝሞዲየም ፋልሲፓረም እና ፕላዝሞዲየም ቫይቫክስ በመባል እንደሚ ታወቁ ይናገራሉ። በሽታው አኖፊለስ በመባል በምትታወቀው እንስቷ የወባ