
የሲዳማን ፊቼ በዓል በዩኔስኮ በኣለም ቅርስነት ለማስመዝገብ ዝግጅት በመጠናቀቅ ላይ ነው ተባለ

ዝርዝር ዜና እዚህ ላይ ተጨነው ይመልከቱ

Hawalle SIDAAMU DIRRU SOORO AYAANA Keeruni Illishinone! Worancha Information NETWORK

Image!i=1377146460&k=KXCQH36 New

ሲዳማ በፎቶ

Image!i=1377140446&k=ZwfsPMG Sidama - untouristed. There are none! An area rich in culture, traditions and is one of the most fertile regions of the country. Rolling hills, a patchwork of intense greens, coffee plantations and waterfalls. An area where there is no tourist infrastructure but with so much to see. The people were shocked to see a traveller - even more so than in the remote tribal regions. The roads are, however, improving and when hotels improve this region will at last be on the map! ተጨማሪ ፎቶግራፎችን ለማየት እዚህ ላይ ይጫኑ፦!i=1377140446&k=ZwfsPMG

Typologies of National-isms in Ethiopia

(OPride) – Over the last several weeks, a lot has been said on both sides of the “I am Oromo first” and “I am Ethiopian first” divide. But very little about why people choose those positions. This piece is inspired by Abebe Gelaw’s commentary on Jawar Mohammed’s statement . In “ I am Ethiopian First ”, I thought, Abebe presented a sensible and sober contrast to a catalogue of pieces with vulgar and repulsive sentiments from many Ethiopian writers. His call for calm among Amhara activists regarding their sudden Jawar mania as well as his plea for consensus and compromise between the two communities were commendable. However, Abebe’s characterizations of the typologies of national-isms in Ethiopia were rather troublesome. He writes, My understanding is that Jawar is an ethno-nationalist. As an ethno-nationalist, he says he is an Oromo first. Unlike him, I am a nationalist. But that is not the major problem. The problem is the way he has chosen to articulate and present his vie

በሀዋሳ ሀይቅ በጉማሬ ጥቃት የደረሰበት የ15 አመቱ ታዳጊ ለህልፈት ተዳረገ

አዲስ አበባ ፣ሀምሌ 25 ፣ 2005 (ኤፍ ቢ ሲ)  በሐዋሳ አዲስ ከተማ ክፍለ ከተማ ዳጋ ቀበሌ ውስጥ የ15 አመት እድሜ ያለው የ9ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ከትናንት በስቲያ 3 ከ30 ላይ ሃዋሳ ሃይቅ ውስጥ ሞቶ ተገኝቷል። ሟች ሃይቅ ውስጥ በመዋኘት ላይ እያለ አጠገቡ የነበረች አንድ ጉማሬ ግራ እግሩን በመንከስ እና አንስታ በመወርወር ህይዎቱ    እንዲያልፍ አድርጋዋለች። ከሃይቁ ውጭ ሆነው ሁኔታውን ሲከታተሉ የነበሩ ጓደኞቹ ለፖሊስ በመናገራቸው ፖሊስ ደርሶ ጉዳዩን እንዲመለከት አድርገዋል። ኢንስፔክተር ሳሙኤል ኩማ እንዳሉት    ፥ በአዲስ ከተማ አካባቢ ጉማሬዎች ይበዛሉ ፤ ይሁን እንጅ የጉማሬዎቹ ባህሪ ስለማይታወቅ ሰዎች ባይነኳቸው ይመረጣልም ነው ያሉት። በሀይቁ ላይ ጉማሬ መሰል አደጋ ሲያደርስ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ መሆኑን የጠቀሱት ኢንስፔክተር ሳሙኤል ፥ ጉማሬዎቹ በሃዋሳ ሃይቅ ላይ ብቅ የሚሉበት የራሳቸው የሆነ ጊዜ እንዳላቸው እና    በተለይ ጤዛ የመላስ ባህሪ ስላላቸው እና ቁስለት ሲኖርባቸውም ውጭ ስለሚያገግሙ ሰዎች ባይቀርቧቸው የተሻለ ነው በማለት መክረዋል ።