
“ቦተሊካ”ና ነጻ ነገር…

Written by  ኤፍሬም እንዳለ እንዴት ሰነበታችሁሳ! ለእስልምና ተከታዮች በሙሉ ኢድ ሙባረክ! ይመቻችሁማ! እኔ የምለው…የእነኚህ፣ አለ አይደል…”ሪሞት ኮንትሮሉን” ይዘውብናል የሚባሉት አሳዳሪዎቻችን የምርጫ ክርክር አሪፍ አይደል! እንደዛ ልክ ልካቸውን “አጠጥተውና ጠጥተው” ሲተቃቀፉ ማየት መአመት ነገር እንድትናፍቁ አያደርጋችሁም! እኛ አገር እኮ…አለ አይደል…አይደለም “ቦተሊከኞች”፣ ኳስ ተጫዋቾች እንኳን የጨዋታው መጨረሻ ፊሽካ ሲነፋ ጀርባቸውን አዙረው ወደ መልበሻ ቤት አይደል እንዴ የሚሄዱት!እናማ…”ቦተሊከኞች” በሆዳቸው “እንዲህ ብለኸኝማ፣ የተወለድክበትን ቀን ባላስረግምህ…” ምናምን አይነት እየዛቱ የሚሄዱ ነው የሚመስለው፡፡ ድሮም እንዲያው ነን…ዘንድሮ ደግሞ ብሶብናል፡፡  ስሙኝማ…የዘንድሮ “ቦተሊከኝነት” ለምን ይናፍቅሃል አትሉኝም…ነፃ “ፉድና ድሪንክ”! ልጄ ቀላል ግብዣ አለ እንዴ! ወላ አሮስቶ ዲቢቴሎ፣ ወላ ስቴክ በያይነቱ፣ ወላ ስቶሊችኒያ…ምን አለፋችሁ የሦስተኛው ዓለም “ቦተሊከኛ” ዝም ብሎ በባዶ ሜዳ ፊቱ የቅቤ ቅል የሚሆን አይምሰላችሁ! በ “ፍሪ ፉድ”ማ እኛም ቅል (የቤውን ለማለት ነው፡፡ ቂ…ቂ…ቂ…) የማንመስልሳ! ኮሚክ እኮ ነው…ዘንድሮ ነፍስ ያለው ምግብ በመጽሔት ማስታወቂያና በአረብ ሳት ጣቢያዎች ላይ ብቻ እያየን…በ’አቋራጭ የሚበላበትን የማንመኝሳ! እናማ…አንዳንዴ የግብዣውን ብዛት ስታዩ…አለ አይደል…አንዳንድ ቦሶች “እሺ፣ ጤፍ ለምን፣ ለምን ያገለግላል?” ተብሎ ይጠይቁ፡፡ ምን አለ በሉኝ፣ አንዳንዶቹ…ለአርባ አራት ደቂቃ ካሰቡ በኋላ ትዝ ብሏቸው…”እሱ ነገር አሁንም አለ እንዳትሉኝ!” ባይሉ ምን አለ በሉኝ፡፡ (“ከምላሴ ፀጉር…” መባባል የቀረው ምላሳችን ፀጉር ባይኖረውም “በመኮሰኮሱ” ነው እንዴ!) ኑሮ እንዲህ የሆረር ፊልም በ

ኣቶ ፍሬህይወት ሳሙኤል የተባሉ የቀድሞ የደቡብ ክልል ክፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ኃላፊ እና ዳኛ ሰሞኑን ከኣራምባ ታምስ ጋር ስለሲዳማ እና ወላይታ ህዝብ በተመለከተ የሰጡትን ቃለ ምልልስ በተመለከተ የተሰጠ ምላሽ

A Personal Response to Irresponsible Interview Made by “Judge” Firehiwot Samuel with Awrabatimes on October  24/2012   The so called ‘Judge’Firehiwot, I know that had been head of High court in SNNPRG until you left Ethiopia three years ago. I do not know your educational background, but I had chance to know you in Hawassa and we both left Ethiopia behind in four months apart. As long as I know you, you are one of those cadres who were chewed like a gum, once turned sour or useless, spited out.  That is what happens to idiots like you in Ethiopian politicswho make decision through political and personal will rather than principles of universal accepted law. What interests me in this interview is the part you spoke on the issues of Hawassa, conflict between Sidama and Wolayta Nationals and your relationship with Haile Mariam Desalegn, the current prime minister of Ethiopia. You lamented on Hawassa: “Hawassa was Sidama administration center and at the same time SNNPRG capital, but

-Ethiopia:Joint Press Release: Sidama and Oromo National Youth Movements

Joint Press Release Sidama and Oromo National Youth Movements The oppressed peoples in Ethiopia have spent years of painful struggle against alien’s domination and dictatorship. To this end, the struggles of the Sidama and Oromo peoples have already costed countless lives and a great deal of material destruction. Based on this foundation and fact, we, the Youth Representatives of the Oromo and Sidama peoples, have met from 24th-26th October 2012 and discussed on a wide range of matters concerning our peoples and the need for a common struggle against the common enemy. We have noted the current TPLF government’s deliberate impoverishment, looting, exiling, confiscation of land and unlawful imprisonment being unleashed against the Oromo and Sidama peoples. After long deliberation, we have agreed on the need to keep the struggle inherited from our struggle’s heroes and the need to realise them. Accordingly, we have agreed: 1.  To work together to realise our freedom an

Bad governance and failing states

The modern nation states incorporate some kind of mechanism through which the voice of the mass can find listening ears inside the corridors of power. Prior to these modern states, it was mostly a variety of Kingdoms that ruled the days in the lives of subjects and masters (serfs, kings, lords, etc.) In today’s world, almost all countries have ‘rule based’ governance institutions/structure, (constitutions, judiciary, etc) save few kingdoms under the tutelage of monarchs. In such not-so-modern states, the majority of inhabitants are mere subjects of their rulers and can hardly be considered citizens in the proper sense. These modern day serfs have to put up with the eccentricities of their masters without having much input in their own public existence. At least citizens elsewhere can still make noise, for whatever it is worth; elections, etc. To us, this archaic form of governance is the epitome of ‘bad governance.’ But so long as there are benefits to be derived from such abomin

Pessimism and Ethiopian Politics in the Diaspora

By Seble Teweldebirhan Addis Ababa, October 28, 2012 ( - Ethiopians have continuously chosen and sometimes forced by circumstances to leave their country and reside in different parts of the world. The dispiriting politics that failed to improve and tolerate opposite views, extreme poverty and the desire to enjoy better standard of living in other parts of the world and so many other causes made Ethiopians frontrunners when it comes to immigration. Decades later, one way or another, this massive Diaspora has a significant role to play in the Ethiopian social, political and economic setup. While the social and economic aspects are independent agendas, the politics from abroad is the focus of this article. The Diaspora has been playing a considerable part in the inside politics of Ethiopia by establishing opposition parties, support the existing parties by finance and expertise, shape debate agendas and give influential opinions and suggestions in both the ruling