
በቅርቡ በሲዳማ ዞን የተከሰተውን ችግር ተከትሎ የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ወደ እስር ቤት እየተጋዙ ነው

ሐምሌ ፲፪ (አስራ ሁለት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና:-የኢሳት የደቡብ ዘጋቢ እንደገለጠው በሲዳማ ዞን በዳሌ ወረዳ ይርጋለም ከተማ 3 የልማት ሰራተኞች ከስራ የተባረሩ ሲሆን ፤ ከትናንት በስቲያ ከታሰሩት መካከል ደግሞ፣ የግብርና ሰራተኞች የሆኑት አቶ ዳዊት ኡጋሞና አቶ በለጠ በልጉዳ፣ የመዘጋጃ ሰራተኛ የሆኑት አቶ ዘሪሁን፣ መምህር ተስፋየ ተሻለ፣ መምህር አብዮት ዘሪሁን፣ መምህር በፍቃዱ ዱሞ፣ መምህር ለገሰ ገሰሰ፣ መምህር ዶልቃ ዱጉና እና ቀበሌ አመራሩ አቶ ካያሞ ፋቶ ይገኙበታል። በአለታ ጭኮ ወረዳ ደግሞ የፌደራል ፖሊስ አባላት የወረዳውን ፖሊስ አዛዥ ክፉኛ በመደብደባቸው አዛዡ ሆስፒታል ተኝተዋል። አዛዡ የፖሊስ አባል መሆኑን መታወቂያውን በማውጣት ለፖሊሶች ቢያሳይም ፣ መታወቂያህን ለእናትህ አሳያት በማለት ቀጥቅጠው ደብድበውታል።  በሁሉም የሲዳማ ወረዳዎች ላይ የፌደራል ፖሊስ አባላት በብዛት ተብትነዋል። በዞኑ የሚገኙ ወረዳዎች የፌደራል ፖሊስ አባላትን ወጪ እንዲሸፍኑ በመጠየቃቸው ፣ ከክልሉ ጋር ውዝግብ ውስጥ ገብተዋል። የወረዳው ሀላፊዎች ለፖሊሶች ተብሎ የተያዘ በጀት በሌለበት ሁኔታ እንዴት ወጪያቸውን እንሸፍናለን የሚል ጥያቄ ቢያቀረቡም፣ የክልሉ መንግስት ለሴፍትኔት ተብሎ ከተያዘው ባጀት አውጥተው እንዲከፍሉ አዟል። አብዛኛው የሴፍትኔት ባጀት የሚያዘው ከአለም ባንክ በሚበጀት በጀት ነው። በቀርቡ በአዋሳ እና በጪኮ ወረዳ የታሰሩት ወጣቶች ከአሸባሪው የግንቦት7 ጋር ተባብራችሁዋል በሚል ክስ ተመስርቶባቸው እንደነበር መዘገባችን ይታወሳል። ______________________

Yirgalem was the first provincial capital of Sidamo province and it has the famous YIRGALEM HOSPITAL & RAS DESTA SCHOOL

ከዩ ቱይብ ላይ ያገኘሁት ቪዲዮው ነው፤ ቪዲዮው በኣብዛኛው በኣማተር የተቀረጸ ትራክንግ ሾት ነው። ምናልባት ውጭ ኣገር ብዙ ጊዜ ለቆያችሁ የዳሌ ይርጋለም ልጆች ትዝታ ይጫርባችሁ ብዬ ነው ።   

Wish you were here: Yirgalem, Ethiopia

Khieta Davis at the Aregash Eco Lodge. (Provided photo I visited the Aregash Eco Lodge in the town of Yirgalem, Ethiopia, as part of a Fulbright Group Project Abroad. The bamboo thatched tukul dwellings are built in the style of a traditional Sidama village. The tukuls are built entirely by hand, except the floors, and took two years to construct. The high ceilings, beautifully appointed furnishings and modern amenities make the bungalow a home away from home, except without television. The sounds of nature — flowing streams, serenading crickets and the faint howl of hyenas — create a distinctive and relaxing ambiance. The grounds were lush and immaculately landscaped. The surrounding forest is home to more than 100 species of birds and mammals. Source: Democrat and

Today Southern Ethiopia regional state Cadres representatives went to Malga Districts to talk to Sidama people who refused to attend/listen to any of district pariahs whom the Sidama people consider them to be the enemies of the nation of 6 million.

 The entire people of this districts as others vehemently rejected Meles's cadres plan of uprooting Sidama people from their capital city since day one. They insisted to continue with their peaceful and non-violent resistance to date and vowed not to stop until they secure their constitutional right to regional self administration. Such a united action of the Sidama people became serious head ache to the brutal regime's cadres who decided to go and speak to the Sidama people under the pretext of talking to the Development workers (ye limat serategnch sibseba). The identity of the regional cadres who went in attempt of lecturing the Sidama people in Malga district yet to be identified. The reporter say that it won't be an easy one for the pariahs as the Sidama people had consolidated their grounds. When I complied this information, most of the Sidama elders arrived to Hawassa for today's (19 July 2012) scheduled meeting with the Zone puppet president and others cadre

Shiferaw’s Cadres and Police Forces are brutalizing Sidama Civilians in Dale and Malga Districts

About 3 Sidama sidama-civilians-while-health-deteorates.pdf civilians who were arrested at the demonstration in Yirgalem on 17th of July 2012 in allegation of organizing and coordinating the demonstration were released at a later stage without the choice of authorities. The Sidama people shown their indefatigability when they peacefully pushed with their demand for their immediate release. They told the culprits that they don’t leave police station unless they release the arrested Sidamas and emphasized that the question is a regional self-administration about which all Sidama people are unanimously demanding. Before the release of the arrestees, the Sidamas threatened to take united actions if the polices don’t release their people. As a result of their untied efforts the Sidamas reclaimed their sons before midnight. However, the happiness only short lived as on the 18th of July