
ዛሬ ኣለታ ወንዶ ወረዳ ጩኮ ከተማ ላይ በሃዋሳ ከተማ የወደፊት እጣ ፋንታ ላይ እና የሲዳማ የክልል ጥያቄ ባነሱ ተማሪዎች እና በፖሊስ መካከል በተፈጠረው ግጭት ኣራት ተማሪዎች መቁሰላቸውን እና ሁለት ደግሞ መሞታቸው እየተነገረ ነው

New ዛሬ ኣለታ ወንዶ ወረዳ ጩኮ ከተማ ላይ በሃዋሳ ከተማ የወደፊት እጣ ፋንታ ላይ እና የሲዳማ የክልል ጥያቄ ባነሱ ተማሪዎች እና በፖሊስ መካከል በተፈጠረው ግጭት ኣራት ተማሪዎች መቁሰላቸውን እና ሁለት ደግሞ መሞታቸው እየተነገረ መሆኑን ከታማኝ ምንጮች ያገኘነው መረጃ ያመለክታል:: ልጆቻቸው ላጡት እና ልጆቻቸው ለተጎዱባቸው ቤተሰቦች የተሰማንን ጥልቅ ሃዘን እንገልጻለን:: በጉዳዩ ላይ ተጨማሪ መረጃ እንዳገኘን እናሳውቃለን::

Ethiopian politician’s visit to University ...

Shiferaw Shigute, left, watches a presentation from the International Livestock Research Institute on Sept. 16, 2011 alongside other officials from Ethiopia's southern region. The location of the photo is unknown. The University of Saskatchewan says it was only made aware of an Ethiopian politician’s alleged controversial behaviour a few days prior to his arrival on campus but that had it found out about the accusations against Shiferaw Shigute earlier, it still would have welcomed him to the U of S. Shigute is the president of Ethiopia’s southern regional state and the chairman of the board at Hawassa University, located in the region’s capital city Hawassa. He visited the U of S from June 10 to 15 alongside other delegates from the Hawassa campus. A few days prior to Shigute’s arrival, U of S president Peter MacKinnon received a handful of open letters from human rights organizations and individual activists accusing Shigute of ethnic cleansing and corruption, among othe

Matter Concerning a Delegation from Hawassa University.

From: Wishart, Tom Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 5:13 PM Cc: Wishart, Tom Subject: Matter Concerning a Delegation from Hawassa University Colleagues: Some, but not all of you, will have learned of a deluge of emails, phone calls and faxes that have been directed to various offices and individuals at the UofS in recent days. These messages concern an imminent visit to the UofS by a delegation from Hawassa University in Ethiopia. As background information, our relationship with Hawassa University extends back to 1997 and has involved 9 distinct projects, most funded by IDRC, CIDA or AUCC. These projects have included faculty and student exchanges in both directions and, of course, research. Our collaboration has largely centered on agriculture but has also included nutrition and technology transfer. We have assisted Hawassa University to develop their capacity to deliver Master’s and Ph.D. programming in Nutrition. The President and the Chair of the Board of Hawassa University wil

An Open Letter to President Peter MacKinnon, University of Saskatchewan

June 8, 2012 “The people of Ethiopia are being bled dry. No matter how hard they try to fight their way out of absolute destitution and poverty, they will be swimming upstream against the current of illicit capital leakage.” (Comment highlighting Ethiopia made by Global Financial Integrity on December 5, 2011 preceding the release of their study on Illicit Financial Outflows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending in 2009[i]) Dear President MacKinnnon, President MacKinnnon On June 10-15, an Ethiopian delegation of top-level officials from Hawassa University (HU), located in Ethiopia’s Southern Regional State, will arrive in Saskatoon to further their long-standing collaboration with the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) in the advancement of sustainable agricultural development, land management, human nutrition, community health and food security in Ethiopia, all with a strong emphasis on education. This relationship dates back to 1997, when the U of S and HU fi

Hawassi Universite Sidaamu rosano Sidaamu qoqowu xa’mo higgonke yitte xa’mittu

Ella 17/ 2012,MD ,Hawassa, Hawassi Universite Sidaamu rosano univeristete hari giddo gamba yite Hawassi katami gashooti hajja la’anohuni addi addi xa’mo kayissino.  Tene lamalara hasawantani noota Hawassa Mittimate gashshino yitano hedo ishinamo coyeti yituhu gedensani konni worron no xa’muba kayissino: 1. Sidaamunita higemengisitawe kililete xamossi lowo mundde du’nantinota rakine dawarenke 2. Babaxxitino tajuwa gamba assite tene lamalara (Hawassa mitimate gashino) yitano hedo Sidaama amanshishate qixxesinonita iillite/ amadde lowo xamuba shiqishena Hassawisinori 1. Yoonasi Yoosefihu Hawassi katami gashanchi 2. Milloni Matosihuna siddami zoone gashanchi 3. Leggese Hawassi katami dirigiteteni Daginori xammo’ne nikke haqime aleni ikkitino dafira Kala Shifari Shuguxehu dayena hassabanita ikkitano yitte dawartunisakini baxxitino Roosanono hallonsa bashshohuni roorre ussudhite ayirino dayena koni ka’ani badhera higanokita egenssissino. Mito mito fafise la’a danditanok