
Inauguration of three micro hydropower plants in Sidama

Three micro hydropower plants were inaugurated at the villages of Ererte, Gobecho and  Hagara Sodicha in the Sidama zone in the Southern Nations and Nationalities People’s  Regional State (SNNPRS) on February 24th and 25th, 2012. In total, they have a power  generation capacity of 125 Kilowatt, which for example can be used to light up more  than 17,000 energy saving light bulbs.  The Energy Coordination Office of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale  Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supported the construction of the three micro hydropower plants on behalf of the German and Dutch Governments. It was implemented in  partnership with Sidama Mines, Water and Energy Agency, the Sidama Development  Association and local communities.  Small rivers and waterfalls could generate electricity to energize many off-grid rural  areas in Ethiopia – however, this potential is often not used: “Ethiopia is referred to as  ‘the water tower of Africa’. Despite the fact that around 97 percent of

Sidama Nation Marks 10 th Anniversary of Loqqe Massacre

Sidama nation across the world marked the 10th anniversary of the May 24 2002 Loqqe massacre.  Ten years after Ethiopian government orchestrated killing that claimed more than 100 innocent sidama people, commemorations were held in many places around world, with Sidama people in Diaspora and at home voicing renewed commitments to unity of their nation. Ten years ago today, the nation confronted one of darkest days in Sidama History. Lives ended instantly. Dreams were shattered. Friends and neighbors, farmers and teachers, students and business people, fathers and sons – they were taken from loved ones with heartbreaking cruelty. In the decade since, perpetuators have never been brought to justice. Sidama people have endured hardship and gross human right violations. History shows that, sidama nation does not give in to fear. The attempt that the successive brutal regimes waged to put sidama people into submission has repeatedly failed. Today, the nation has united more tha

World Bank Loans 50 Million US Dollars to Ethiopia. Hawassa is among the Cities which benefits from the project.

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a 50 million US dollars credit from the International Development Association (IDA) for the Women Entrepreneur Development Project to help open doors for female entrepreneurs in Ethiopia and give them access to appropriate skills and employment opportunities to contribute to the country’s economic growth. The Bank is committed to help in creating equal access to the necessary resources for both female and male entrepreneurs in Ethiopia so that they can develop their business and generate employment in the country” said Guang Z. Chen, Country Director for Ethiopia. According to the bank, resources from IDA bring positive change for 2.5 billion people living on less than 2 US dollars a day. Since its inception, IDA has supported activities in 108 countries. Annual commitments have increased steadily and averaged about 15 billion US dollars over the last three years, with about 50 percent of commitments going to Afr

የሐዋሳ ማራቶን ታቅዷል

.ታላቁ ሩጫ በኢትዮጵያ  በሐዋሳ ዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ሊኖረው የሚችል የማራቶን ውድድር ለማዘጋጀት ማቀዱ ታወቀ፡፡ የሃዋሣ ከተማ ዓለምአቀፍ ደረጃ ያለው የማራቶን ውድድር ለማዘጋጀት ተስማሚ አየርና የመሮጫ ጐዳና ያላት ሲሆን በ2013 የመጀመሪያ ማራቶንን ለማካሄድ የታላቁ ሩጫ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ እየተሯሯጠ ነው፡፡  ባለፈው ሳምንት በሐዋሳ ከእንግሊዝ ሕፃናት አድን ድርጅት ጋር በመተባበር ‹‹ሁሉም›› በሚል መሪ ቃል የተዘጋጀ ግማሽ ማራቶን የሩጫ ውድድር የተካሄደው በርካታ የውጭ አገር እና የከተማውን ህዝብ በማሳተፍ ነበር፡፡ የውድድሩ አዘጋጆች እንደገለፁት ከ60 በላይ የውጭ አገር ተሳታፊዎች ከዩናይትድ ;;;; ጀርመንና ጣሊያን በመምጣት ተሳትፈዋል፡፡ ባለፈው እሑድ በዋናው የግማሽ ማራቶን ውድድር ላለፉት ሁለት ዓመታት አሸናፊ የነበሩት ኬንያውያን  አልተሳካላቸውም፡፡ኢትዮጵያውያንና ኬንያውያን ታዋቂ አትሌቶች በተሳተፉበት የሴቶች 21 ኪሎ ሜትር የማረሚያ ቤቶቿ አትሌት ዘይቱና አረዋ ርቀቱን 1 ሰዓት 13 ደቂቃ 40 ሰከንድ አጠናቃ ስታሸንፍ፣ ሁለተኛ የማረሚያ ቤቶቿ ጽጌረዳ ግርማ ሦስተኛ ቀነኔ ሆነዋል፡፡ በወንዶች ምድብ የግል ተወዳዳሪው ሀብታሙ አሰፋ 1 ሰዓት 03 ደቂቃ፣ 38 ሰከንድ በማጠናቀቅ አንደኛ ሲወጣ፣ ስንታየሁ መርጋና ፀጋዬ አሰፋ ከኦሮሚያ ፖሊስና በግል ሁለተኛና ሦስተኛ ሆነው የብርና ነሐስ ተሸላሚ ሆነዋል፡፡ በሁለቱም ጾታ ከአንደኛ እስከ ሦስተኛ በመውጣት ያጠናቀቁ አትሌቶች የአሥራ አራት፣ የሰባት እና የሦስት ሺሕ ብር የገንዘብ ሽልማት ተበርክቶላቸዋል፡፡ በሌላ በኩል በታዋቂ አትሌቶች መካከል በተደረገው ሰባት ኪሎ ሜትር የሩጫ ውድድር ሴቶች፣ ፀጋ ደሳለኝ ቀዳሚ ሆና ስታጠናቅቅ ሁለተኛና ሦስተኛ የወጡት ደግሞ ትዕግስት ተካና ሃና አሕመድ ናቸው፡

Habtamu Assefa and Zeytuna Areb win Hawassa Half Marathon

    Hawassa, Ethiopia   - Habtamu Assefa and Zeytuna Areb scooped the top prizes at the 3rd edition of the Every One Half Marathon Races staged at Haile Resort in Hawassa on Sunday. Areb, a member of the Federal Prisons club and who trains alongside Dire Tune and Teyba Erkesso, won in a time of 1:13:40. Assefa, who has previously raced abroad as part of Gertaneh Tessemas global club, won a closer duel with Sintayehu Merga, breaking clear in the final kilometer of the race before reaching the line in 1:03:38. Merga clocked 1:03:49. Haile Gebrselassie awarded the prizes to all race winners at the event which included a mass 7km race for 2000 participants, a non-elite race over 21km and a series of children’s races. Note: Hawassa is at 1700 metres above sea level. Leading RESULTS: Men - 1. Habtamu Assefa 1:03:38 2. Sintayehu Merga 1:03:49 3. Tsegaye Assefa 1:04:02 Women 1. Zeytuna Areb 1:13:40 2. Tsegereda Girma 1:14:03 3. Keneni Assefa 1:14:12