
Hawassa University to enroll 5000 new students

Hawassa, July 23, 2011 (Hawassa) - Hawassa University in South Ethiopia Peoples' State expressed readiness to enroll more than 5000 new students in the coming academic year. University's Planning and Program Department Head, Dr. Tsegaye Bekele told ENA on Friday that most of the construction of expansion projects launched for the university has been completed. Dr. Tsegaye said the government allocated 540 million Birr budget for construction of the projects. The projects include, among others, construction of classrooms, dormitories, library, laboratory and offices. Preparations necessary for the learning-teaching process have been finalized, he said, adding, special attention has been given to provide support to girl students. The university is undertaking preparation to launch new programs including in journalism field of study. Over 470 million Birr is allocated to carry out additional expansion projects. The expansion project will help the university to increas

የሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በመጪው የትምህርት ዘመን ከአምስት ሺ በላይ አዲስ ተማሪዎችን ለመቀበል ዝግጁ መሆኑን አስታወቀ

አዲስ አበባ፣ ሀምሌ 16 2003 (ኤፍ ቢ ሲ) የሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በመጪው የትምህርት ዘመን ከአምስት ሺ በላይ አዲስ ተማሪዎችን ለመቀበል  ዝግጁ መሆኑን አስታወቀ። ዩኒቨርሲቲው በትምህርት ዘመኑ ከሚቀበላቸው ተማሪዎች 70 በመቶዎቹን በሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ቀሪዎቹ ደግሞ  በማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ዘርፎች ለማሰልጠን ነው የተዘጋጀው።  አዲስ ለሚቀበላቸው ተማሪዎች በ540 ሚሊዮን ብር ከተጀመሩት 33 ነባር  የማስፋፊያ ፕሮጀክቶች አብዛኛዎቹ ተጠናቀው ለአገልግሎት መዘጋጀታቸውንም ገልጿል። በየትምህርት ዘርፉ የሚያስተምሩ መምህራንና መጻህፍት ማሟላትን ጨምሮ ሌሎችም ለመማር ማስተማሩ ስራ የሚያስፈልጉ ዝግጅቶች ተጠናቀዋል። ዩኒቨርሲቲው ለተጨማሪ የማስፋፊያ ፕሮጀክቶች ግንባታ ማስፈጸሚያም ከ470 ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ መመደቡንም አስታውቋል።  ዩኒቨርሲቲው በአሁኑ ወቅት በመደበኛና በተከታታይ የትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች 23 ሺ የሚጠጉ ተማሪዎችን በማስተማር ላይ እንደሚገኝ የኢዜአ ዘገባ ያመለክታል።

Hawassa Town at 50 - Celebration

Hawassa area Attractions

Hawassa / Yirgalem Hawassa,  the capital city of SNNPRs, is positioned at the edge of Lake Hawassa. It is an attractive  town in a beautiful setting. The town is a pleasant place to break the north- south journey and is well equipped with places for recreations Lake Hawassa and different standard Hotels, lodges established along the shore of the lake and with in the town. Visitors enjoy with boat trip on the lake in the morning and late afternoon, which make a nice pleasure trip, and to see the different bird’s species, hippo herds as well as the beautiful early afternoon sunset. The lake is known for its high edible fish production (tilapia, catfish, barbus) and also harbor very good bird life.. Egyptian goose, kingfishers, herons, strokes, crakes, darters, and plovers are among others easily seen on the water.   A pleasant walk is along the shore of the lake and for good view of the lake and the surrounding areas it is preferred to climb either on Tabore hill or use the top of some

the surprising team of the year Sidama Coffee beat Sebeta City 2-0 in Yirgalem to share second place with Dedebit FC.

  Addis Ababa  -  The surprising team of the year Sidama Coffee beat Sebeta City 2-0 in Yirgalem to share second place with Dedebit FC. Meanwhile   Ethiopian Coffee defeated Dedebit FC 2-1 here today to seat on top of the Ethiopian Premier League.  Ethiopian Coffee has now collected 55 points, followed by Dedebit FC (52 pts), Sidama Coffee (52 pts), St. George (51 pts) and Defence Force (49 pts).  However, the latter two have a game to play tomorrow. Coffee and Dedebit concluded the first half of the game with Ethiopian Coffee leading 2-1. The match not only turned out to be very entertaining but also produced 3 goals, with both teams playing a very open and attacking game. Goalcorers: Ethiopian Coffee: Mulu Alem Tilahun and Dawit Stefanos Dedebit FC: Getaneh Kebede. Meanwhile, Sidama Coffee defeated Sebeta City 2-0 in Yirgalem, Trans Ethiopia beat Dire Dawa City 3-0 in Adigrat and Adma squeezing past EEPCO (1-0) at home. Top-5 League Standings: Rank Teams Played Wins Draw L