
የጅቡቲው የኢንተርኔት ዳታ ሴንተር የኣገሪቱ የኢንተርኔት ፍጥነት ያሻሽለዋል ተባለ

Djibouti internet start-up to boost broadband Internet access in east Africa is still relatively slow and costly but a Djibouti-based technology start-up company has ambitions to help change that. Djibouti Data Centre (DDC), set up by a group of local and international investors 18 months ago, is the first data centre and internet exchange in east Africa connected to eight fibre optic cables that are part of the main internet route from Europe to Asia. The internet route travels through the Mediterranean, Red Sea and into the Indian Ocean, passing by tiny Djibouti, which is sandwiched between Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia. African internet users have typically enjoyed little benefit from these cables passing along its coast because connectivity to them has been limited, something the DDC aims to correct as it plans to expand from its home base into Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Somalia, which are all at varying stages of internet development. “The Djibouti market itself may be

Doctors without Borders transferring successfully its Mother and Child Project in Sidama

Photo: Doctors without Borders transferring successfully its Mother and Child Project in Ethiopia Doctors without Borders (MSF) announced the beginning of transferring the successful Mother and Child Healthcare project in Sidama Zone to the Ministry of Health at the end of this month, Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) reported. The philanthropist group has been implementing a Mother and Child Healthcare project providing free medical service for mothers and children in Aroressa and Chire Woredas of Sidama Zone, SNNP regional state, since 2012, the MSF released reported. The MSF have been providing consultations for at least 12027 prenatal and postnatal cases as well as over 2,000 deliveries registered since the initiation of the intervention.  Source:

በዚህ ሳምንት የኢትዮጵያ ፕ/ ሊግ ውድድር ሲዳማ ቡና እና ሃዋሳ ሲቲ በሜዳቸው ይጫዎታሉ

በዘንድሮው የኢትዮጵያ ፕ/ ሊግ ውድድር መጪው እሁድ ጥቅምት 16፣2007 የሲዳማ ቡና ከሙገር ሲሚንቶ በይርጋለም ስታድዬም ከቀኑ ዘጠኝ ሰዓት ላይ የምጋጠሙ ሲሆን፤ ሌላው የሲዳማ ክለብ የሆነው ሃዋሳ ሲቲ  በተመሳሳይ ቀን እና ሰዓት በመዳው ኣርባምንጭ ከነማን ይገጥማል።  ለሁለቱም የሲዳማ ክለቦች መልካም እድል ወራንቻ ብሎግ ይመኛል።

From kites to coffee, global cultures on display

Rhythmic drum beats echoed for blocks, and tantalizing smells of made-to-order dumplings and freshly stuffed pupusas welcomed guests to the sixth annual World of Montgomery Festival on Sunday. Westfield Wheaton’s parking lot was transformed into a brilliantly colored display of cultural diversity. Thousands enjoyed the free event showcasing Montgomery County’s rich diversity. The festival was sponsored by Fund for Montgomery and organized by KID (Kids International Discovery) Museum. The museum, which will have a grand opening on Sunday in Bethesda, led many hands-on, kid-friendly activities, such as making, decorating, and flying kites. Parents joined children in directing newly made kites through the windy weekend sky. The museum also organized a festival passport for children, with a scavenger hunt, fun facts about cultures, and a spot for stamps from each country’s booth. “I love this event,” said Amanda West, a mother of two from Silver Spring. “My kids interact with t

የእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ለኢትዮጵያ ያዘጋጀውን የደኅንነት ማኔጅመንት ፈንድ አቋረጠ

‹‹ፈንዱ የተቋረጠው ከአቶ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ጋር በተገናኘ አይደለም››  ዲኤፍአይዲ በእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ገንዘብ ለኢትዮጵያ የደኅንነት ኃላፊዎች ይሰጥ የነበረው የደኅንነት ማኔጅመንት ፕሮግራም ተቋረጠ፡፡ ሪፕሪቭ የተባለ ነፃ የሕግ አገልግሎት የሚሰጥ የእንግሊዝ ኩባንያና ሌሎች የሰብዓዊ መብት አቀንቃኞች፣ ካለፈው ዓመት አጋማሽ ጀምሮ የእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ይህንን ፕሮግራም እንዲያቋርጥ ግፊት ሲያደርጉ ነበር፡፡  እነዚህ ወገኖች ይህንን ግፊት የጀመሩት የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በልማት ምክንያት ዜጐችን ከመኖሪያ አካባቢያቸው ያፈናቅላል በሚል ክስ ነበር፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ የግንቦት ሰባት ጸሐፊ የሆኑት አቶ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ በየመንና በኢትዮጵያ የፀጥታ ኃይሎች፣ ባለፈው ሐምሌ 1 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም. ወደ ኤርትራ ለመጓዝ የመን ሰንአ አውሮፕላን ማረፊያ በቁጥጥር ሥር ውለው ወዲያውኑ ለኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ከተላለፉ በኋላ፣ በእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ላይ ጫናው እንዲጠናከር ሲጥሩ ነበር፡፡ አቶ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ አሁን ያለውን የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በኃይልም ሆነ በተገኘው አማራጭ ለመለወጥ የሚታገለው የግንቦት ሰባት አመራር ይሁኑ እንጂ፣ ዜግነታቸው እንግሊዛዊ መሆኑ ተጨማሪ ግፊት ይፈጥራል ብለውም ነበር፡፡ እሳቸው በቁጥጥር ሥር ከዋሉ በኋላ በእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ላይም ሆነ በኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ላይ ከፍተኛ ግፊት ከሚያደርጉት መካከል፣ መቀመጫውን ለንደን ያደረገው ነፃ የሕግ አገልግሎት የሚሰጠው ተቋም የሆነው ሪፕሪቭና የአውሮፓ ኅብረት የሰብዓዊ መብት ኮሚቴ ይገኙበታል፡፡ የሪፕሪቭ የሕግ ዳይሬክተር ቲኔክ ሀሪስ በነሐሴ ወር ለእንግሊዝ መንግሥት ዓለም አቀፍ ትብብር ሚኒስትር ጀስቲገን ግሪንግ በጻፉት ደብዳቤ፣ ‹‹የእንግሊዝ ዜግነት ያለውን ግለሰብ ላገተውና ቶርቸር በማድረግ