
Ethiopia plans bond market debut by early January, says official

Photo from Sheger Tribune ADDIS ABABA  Oct 6 (Reuters) - Ethiopia aims to make its first foray into the international bond markets by early January, the Finance Ministry spokesman said on Monday, plans that will be closely watched by investors who have snapped up other African debt. "We are aiming for late December to early January at the latest as the time for our debut into the international capital markets," Finance Ministry spokesman Haji Ibsa told Reuters, when asked about a Eurobond or other bond plans. "Bonds are very much part of the plan to improve infrastructure." (Reporting by Aaron Maasho; Writing by Edmund Blair) Reuters

Irecha Celebrated At Bishoftu

Irecha, the thanks giving day of the Ethiopian Oromo people to God (Waqa), was celebrated colorfully on Sunday at the town of Bishoftu. Though Irecha celebration takes place mainly at Bishoftu by Lake Hora-Arsedi, it is also conducted in different parts of the State of Oromiya. The Ethiopian Culture and Tourism Minister Amin Abdulkadir said on the occasion that the government is working to develop and promote the country's cultural heritages including Irecha, having the appropriate policy. Traditionally the Oromo people have their own cultural, social and political system known as the Gada system. The head or the leader of the Geda system is locally known as Aba Geda. During the Irecha Festival, community leaders and Aba Gedas give thanks to Waqa for the blessed transition from the rainy season to the new bright year. Head of the Oromia Tourism and Culture Bureau, Mohamed Jilo, said that this year's celebration is special for the Bureau in collaboration with feder

The impact of poor quality roads in Sidama

Video from Youtube published by SIDAMA   teshome wogaso An efficient transportation system is importance for the development of a country. Having good quality read network is crucial in fighting against poverty by opening up more areas and stimulating economic and social development. Especially in Region like Sidama,good maintained roads will enhance poverty reduction by improving access to social, health and education services. Following the rainy season most of the time most of Pista roads in Sidama require maintenance, however, concerning body neglects of maintaining roads like the one on the video. Building new roads cost money, but without maintaining the roads properly, they deteriorate very quickly. If nothing is done, roads with a design life of decades can need replacing or major repair work after just a few years. That  deterioration will very fast infect road transport in general where  the costs will soar, which again will infect the economy of the 

መንግስት የገንዘብ ምጣኔ ማስተካከያ እንደማያደርግ ገለፀ

አዲስ አበባ፣ መስከረም 26፣ 2007 ( ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ .) በአሁኑ ወቅት በአገሪቱ የገንዘብ ምጣኔ ማስተካከያ እንዲደረግ የሚያስገድድ የኢኮኖሚ ሁኔታ ባለመኖሩ መንግስት የማስተካከያ እርምጃ እንደማይወስድ የገንዘብና ኢኮኖሚ ልማት ሚኒስትር አስታወቁ። ሚኒስትሩ አቶ ሱፍያን አህመድ እንዳሉት፥ በአሁኑ ወቅት የብር ምጣኔ እንዲለወጥ የሚፍለጉ የኢኮኖሚ ምክንያቶች የሉም። ይህ በሌለበት ሁኔታ መንግስት የገንዘብ ምጣኔ ማስተካከያ እንደማያደርግ ህብረተሰቡም ሆነ ባለሀብቱ ሊገነዘብ ይገባል ብለዋል። ቀጣዩ የአምስት ዓመት የእድገትና ትራንስፎርሜሽን እቅድም ማስተካከያ እንደማይደረግ ታሳቢ ተደርጎ መዘጋጀቱን ነው ያረጋገጡት። በቅርቡ የዓለም ባንክ የኢትዮጵያ ብር ከሚገባው በላይ ጥንካሬን እንደያዘ በማንሳት መንግስት የገንዘብ ምጣኔ ማስተካከያ በማድረግ ጥንካሬውን እንዲቀንስ መክሮ ነበር። አቶ ሱፍያን መንግስት በእንደዚህ ዓይነቱ የየትኛውም ወገን ጫና እንደማይሰራ በመግለፅ ማስተካከያው አይደረግም በሚለው አቋሙ መፅናቱን ጠቁመዋል። በአውሮፓውያኑ 2011 ላይ የገንዘብ ምጣኔ ማስተካከያ ተደርጎ በ20 በመቶ የብር ዋጋ ዝቅ መደረጉ ይታወሳል።

Ethiopia: HPR to Launch Its Fifth Term On Monday

The House of People's Representatives (HPR) is to launch its fifth term on Monday. House Speaker, Abadula Gemeda, said the House will give priority to monitoring ongoing development of the county during the fifth term. Ethiopia's first Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) period comes to an end by this 2007 E.C. The year also marks the 5th term of the House of People's Representatives. The House is mandated with the follow up of the major development activities of the country. House Speaker, Abadula Gemeda, says during the current year the House will focus on monitoring and evaluation of performance on the GTP. "We will carry out our monitoring and evaluation throughout the year focusing on assessing the performance of the various mega projects. The House has also prepared the procedures to be followed up to effectively evaluate the ongoing development scheme." The different standing committees of the House that are in charge of various sectors a