
ኢትዮጵያ በዚህ ዓመት አንድ ቅርሷን በዩኔስኮ ልታስመዘግብ ነው፤ የፊቼ ጫምባላላስ ጉዳይ ከምን ደረሰ?

አዲስ አበባ መስከረም 15/2007 ኢትዮጵያ ካሏት ቅርሶች መካከል በተያዘው ዓመት አንዱን በመንግሥታቱ ድርጅት የትምህርት፣ የሳይንስና የባልህ ድርጅት (ዩኔስኮ) በቅርስነት እንደምታስመዘግብ የቅርሥ ጥናትና ጥበቃ ባለሥልጣን አስታወቀ። የባለሥልጣኑ የባህላዊ ቅርስ ጥናትና ምርምር ዳይሬክተር አቶ ደሳለኝ አበባው ለኢዜአ እንዳስታወቁት አገሪቷ በድርጅቱ በጊዚያዊነት ካስመዘገበቻቸው አራት ቅርሶች መካከል አንዱን በዚህ ዓመት በቋሚነት ለማስመዝገብ እየተንቀሳቀሰች ነው። ዩኔስኮ በጊዚያዊነት ከመዘገባቸው መካከል የመልካ ቁንጡሬና የባጭልት የቅሪት አካል አካባቢዎች፣ የጌዲኦ ባህላዊና ተፈጥሯዊ መልከአ ምድር እንዲሁም የሶፍ ዑመር ዋሻና የድሬ ሼክ ሁሴን መንፈሳዊ፣ ባህላዊና ታሪካዊ ቅርሶች እንደሚገኙበት ገልጸዋል። ድርጅቱ ከየአገራቱ በየዓመቱ አንዳንድ ቅርሶች እንዲመዘገቡ በሚፈቅደው መሰረት ኢትዮጵያ ከእነዚህ አራት በጊዚያዊነት ከተመዘገቡት ቅርሶች አንዱን በተያዘው ዓመት ታስመዘግባለች ብለዋል። በቅርስነት ይመዘገባሉ ከሚጠበቁት ቅርሶች አንዱ የሆነው በላይኛው የአዋሽ ሸለቆ የሚገኘው የመልካ ቁንጡሬ ከግማኝ ክፍለ ዘመን በላይ የቅሪተ አካል ምርምርና ጥናት የተካሄደበት አካባቢ ነው። በአካባቢው ከ80 በላይ የቅሪተ አካል ንብርብሮች የተገኙ ሲሆን 30 ያህሉም በቁፋሮ መውጣት የቻሉ እንደሆነ ዳይሬክተሩ ገልጸዋል። በአካባቢው የሆሞ ኢሬክተስን ጨምሮ በአሥር ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ የድንጋይ ቁሳቁሶች፣ የሰውና የእንስሳት ቅሪት አካላት በቁፋሮ የተገኙበት እንደሆነም ተናግረዋል። ከእነዚህ ቅርሶች በተጨማሪ ሦስት የማይዳሰሱ ቅርሶች በዩኔስኮ ጊዜያዊ መዝገብ ላይ በቅርስነት እንዲሰፈሩ ውሳኔ ይተላለፋል ተብሎ እንደሚጠበቅ አቶ ደሳለኝ አመልክተዋል። በማይዳሰስ ቅርስነ

ቡናን በቅቤ መጠጣት ለኣለም ህዝብ ያስተዋወቀው ሲዳማ ይሁን?

Adding butter to coffee isn’t a recent invention, it appears I’m sure that you have heard about  Bulletproof® Coffee , the drink that really isn’t a drink but is one part of a wider ‘lifestyle’ brand that promotes weight loss and increased cognitive functions. As the story goes, Dave Asprey, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, learned about the “power of butter” in hot drinks when climbing Mount Kailash in Tibet and was given a cup of yak butter tea. We imagine at this moment that the discovery was played out in a comical cartoon fashion that featured lots of cogs whirring before he ran out into the snow shouting ‘Eureka!’ As he explains: “[I] was literally rejuvenated…This bio-hacker in me asked, ‘why?’” Well, he apparently found the ‘why?’ out and released his product after some time spent tinkering. But he may have been beaten by a few hundred years, as  Susan Wong  explains for Kenya’s Capital FM. The writer says that the trend of adding butter to coffee has been practi

Politics imposes choice of being left Ethiopia behind in a digitally competitive world

By Keffyalew Gebremedhin A former colleague from my previous life, who still runs strong, recently called me to share nail-biting occurrence that he learned about in his office. It was regarding an invitation extended to a renowned Ethiopian expert in Addis Abeba to participate in an international forum on video/Skype, in tandem with other experts from other regions of the world. The organization was inviting the Ethiopian because of his expertise so that he could share his insight in the light of Ethiopia’s experiences in poverty reduction and growth and development; it boils down whether, after all, poverty is defeated or still remains daunting and, if so, the problem has its origin in vision, policies, institutions or politics. The expert’s brief response, I was told, was “heartrending.” His letter thanked the inviting agency for the honor it has bestowed on him. But he simply said he could not be a part of that important undertaking for three reasons: a.   Where he li

The UN Human Rights Council adopted the outcome of the UPR of Ethiopia

The UN Human Rights Council adopted the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Ethiopia on September 19, 2014. On that date, Ethiopia was given 252 recommendations by the UN Human Rights Council member States [1] to improve human rights infringements in the country, based on the general human rights situation assessment made to Ethiopia on May 2014 at UPR. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa welcomes the adoption of the outcome of the UPR on Ethiopia and appreciates the majority of the UN Human Rights Council member states’ recognition that one of their members, Ethiopia, has committed gross human rights abuses in its own country contrary to its responsibility to protect and promote human rights globally.  Most of the Recommendations the Ethiopian Government received on September 19, 2014 were similar to the 2009 recommendations that were given to the same country during the first round of UPR human rights situation assessment in Ethiopia [2] . This proves th

Ries Engineering SC, has finalized setting up facilities in Hawassa

-   Ries Engineering invests 150 million to introduce new facilities   Ford Motor Company, already present in Port Elizabeth and Pretoria, South Africa is keen to bring some 25 new products between now and 2016 across the Middle East and Africa.  According to Jeffery Nemeth, president and chief of the Sub-Saharan Africa region Ford will sell new products out of which 17 will specifically be destined for the Sub-Saharan region.  In his roundtable with the reporters, Nemeth said that Ford currently faces difficulties in bringing highly sophisticated and fuel-efficient vehicles. He said he was in town to discuss fuel quality with government officials so that Ford’s brand new models could be on the road.  “We can’t bring our highest technology engines because of fuel quality. But we are confident that the government will get there and the refineries will also get there. At this point we are discussing with the government what plans they have; with little sulfur and high qua