
Fair Trade coffee strong despite brewing controversy

Fair Trade, a certification system aimed at improving working conditions for some of the world’s poorest farmers, has recently come under fire. BERNARD WEIL / TORONTO STAR  Order this photo David Pritchard and Madeleine Pengelley, co-owners of Birds and Beans cafe, support the Fair Trade movement and buy beans with the designation despite the fact that the Fair Trade symbol has come under fire recently. By:   Michele Henry   Staff reporter,   Published on Fri Jul 04 2014 When David Pritchard runs out of Fair Trade coffee beans he’ll do what he always does: Order more. The coffee roaster and co-owner of  Birds & Beans café  in Mimico, pays a premium for beans that come with the newly-controversial designation. “I think it does a lot of good,” he says, of the Fair Trade system. “It’s a work in progress — but a worthy one.” Fair Trade, a certification system aimed at improving working conditions for some of the world’s poorest farmers, has recently com

Electoral Politics and Power Strategies in Ethiopia

By Elise Dufief International democracy promotion is challenged by the global retreat of democracy. The case of Ethiopia demonstrates how political space can be narrowed, a hegemonic regime strengthened, and election observer missions constricted in their capacity to influence outcomes. Election monitoring can deepen the contradictions between regime practices and democratic objectives. * Why does the Ethiopian government regularly organize elections and invite election observers only to reject their findings? How did the governing party come close to losing the 2005 election yet triumph in 2010 with 99.6% of the vote? Why do international actors such as the EU Observer Mission continue to participate in these processes where their credibility is likely to be tarnished? Such questions must be answered about the manipulation of democracy promotion instruments by a non-democratic regime. Continue reading  →

Ethiopia Aleta wondo bamboo work and garden of the new school.wmv

Structure and performance of Ethiopia’s coffee export sector

Structure and performance of Ethiopia’s coffee export sector  ለተጨማሪ ንባብ

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