
Sidama de Cali

S i dama  de  Cali  is track 01 from the album " Footprints " which is available on  Jazz  &  Milk .  [ DIRECT  DOWNLOAD]& nbsp ; [ITUNES]  [ARTIST CHANNEL]  [ NEXT TRACK >>]  This is an official audio stream from Jazz & Milk. Distributed by  Kudos .  About This  Release :  Jazz & Milk is back with a brand new compilation series featuring previously unreleased tracks by international label artists, friends & family!  Everyone  familiar with Jazz & Milk probably knows about the importance of musical diversity to the label's spirit. However, once you listen closer you will definitely hear the connecting force, a rhythmic and soulful foundation of these 15 tracks.  The sum  of the album's musical influences lead back to  Africa  and its long lasting impact on numerous modern music genres throughout the world. A good many times such musical footprints are shining through on this record ranging from Jazz,  Funk , Afrobeat, Cumbia, Ethio-Ja

በሀዋሳ ከተማ የባህል ስፖርት ይካሄዳል

አዲስ አበባ ግንቦት 7/2006 ዘጠኝ ክልሎችና ሁለት ከተማ አስተዳደሮች ተሳታፊ የሚሆኑበት 12ኛው የባህል ስፖርት ውድድር በሀዋሳ ከተማ  እንደሚካሄድ የኢትዮጵያ ባህል ስፖርት ፌዴሬሽን አስታወቀ፡፡ ውድድሩ ''የህብረተሰቡን ተስፋና ተጠቃሚነትን በባህል ስፖርት ይጎለብታል'' በሚል መሪ ቃል ከግንቦት 10 እስከ ግንቦት 20 እንደሚካሄድ  የባህል ስፖርት ሀላፊ አቶ ቢቃሙ ብሩ  ተናግረዋል። አቶ ቢቃሙ እንዳሉት የውድድሩ አላማ ህብረተሰቡን የራሱን ባህል የሚያሳድግበት ፣ የሚያስተዋውቅበት ፣ ባህልና ወግ እርስ በርስ የሚወራረስበት እና የህዝቡን ቅርርብ የሚያጠናክርበት ነው። ውድድሩ በዘጠኝ የስፖርት አይነት ይካሄዳል ያሉት ኃላፊው የገና ጨዋታ ፣ትግል ፣ ኩርቦ ፣ ገበጣ ባለ 12 ጉድጓድና ባለ 18 ፣ቡብ ፣ሻህ ፣ የፈረስ ጉግስና የፈረስ ሸርጥ  የስፖርት ዓይነቶች መሆናቸው ገልጸዋል። ወንዶች በሁሉም የስፖርት ውድድር ዓይነቶች ተካፋይ እንደሚሆን አስታውቀው ሴቶች ግን ከገና ጨዋታ ውጭ በስምንቱ እንደሚሳተፉ አስረድተዋል። ክልሎች በቂ ዝግጅት ባለ ማድረጋቸው ምክንያት በቀስትና በሀርቤ ስፖርቶች ዘንድሮ በውድድሩ ላይ አለመካተታቸውን  ኃላፊው ገልጸዋል። 11ኛው  የባህል ስፖርት ውድድር በትግራይ ክልል መቀሌ ከተማ መካሄዱን ይታወሳል። ምንጭ፦  ኢዜኣ

China Inc. moves factory floor to Africa

By Peter Wonacott CAPE TOWN, South Africa--Each sparkly green television motherboard that rolls off the Hisense Co. factory line here moves China a tiny step toward a new global manufacturing base. The line's eight South African technicians monitor the assembly process by computer and have incentives to work quickly. In less than a year of operation, they are producing at the same clip of 70 seconds per board as their Chinese counterparts. But there's a hitch: Hisense factories in China use half as many workers to make the same product. In South Africa, one technician monitors one machine. In China, the company's technicians monitor two machines apiece. "Step-by-step," says Jerry Liu, general manager for the Middle East and Africa unit of the home-appliance maker. "We'll get there." Faced with rising labor costs at home and negative perceptions about their employment practices in Africa, Chinese companies are setting up new factories on t

HIV patient nutrition more vital than once assumed

Nutrition Access to HIV medication has significantly reduced the number of AIDS related deaths in Africa. Yet in a number of African countries one in four HIV infected still dies within months of commencing treatment. One reason for these deaths is malnutrition which causes the HIV-virus to develop unreasonably aggressively. Now a team of researchers from University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Jimma University in Ethiopia have shown that a dietary supplement given during the first months of HIV treatment significantly improves the general condition of patients. Their results are published in the journal BMJ. Roughly 25 million Africans live with HIV, many of who now have access to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). Among their side effects, ARVs can cause patients to put on weight. Subsequently, attention paid to malnutrition among African HIV patients has waned. However, widespread malnutrition has been identified as a reason that up to a quarter of HIV patients in a number of Africa

Life expectancy rises in poor nations, UN reports

Credit: Rostislav Kralik/public domain Life expectancy in the globe's poorest countries has risen by an average of nine years over the past two decades, thanks to major improvements in infant health, the United Nations said Thursday. In its annual statistics, the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) said that six of the countries  had even managed to raise life expectancy to over 10 years between 1990 and 2012. The top achiever was Liberia, where average lifespans increased by a full 20 years, from 42 to 62. Next in line were Ethiopia (from 45 to 64 years), Maldives (58 to 77), Cambodia (54 to 72), East Timor (50 to 66) and Rwanda (48 to 65). "An important reason why global life expectancy has improved so much is that fewer children are dying before their fifth birthday," WHO chief Margaret Chan said in a statement. Globally,  average life expectancy  rose by six years during the same period. Based on global averages, a girl who was born in 2012 ca