
No Easy Way to Democratise Ethiopia

ANALYSIS Ethiopia must not indulge in democracy until it accomplishes good governance. There still are problems of competence, diligence, character, dedication and integrity of the civil service that need to be attended. Of course, the nation is exhibiting improvements in these tenets, even if some might erroneously claim they are deteriorating. Ethiopia's political journey must prioritise the job of creating a healthy business atmosphere the heart of good governance and electoral democracy. The business sphere and the powerhouse of the visionless Ethiopian oppositions must be corrected before it gets beyond repair. The political opposition, rather than working on developing its own capacity, is seen hunting opportunities that could quench its quest for power. This is happening whilst it is still visibly incompetent. The nation was reticent with a view to assist the private sector to flourish. But the businessmen were doing every wrong in order to collect as much wealth

Ethiopia: When an Economy Goes Wrong

ANALYSIS The change in the rate of economic growth from one year to the next is approximated by the aggregate values of goods and services adjusted in their current prices. These figures are often understood to be figures representing the annual economic growth of a country. But this expression of growth is a misnomer to many people who may be taking growth to mean the reduction in the cost of living. One can not blame such folks because they are not aware of what this economic growth concept really means when it translate into what or how much of goods and services they could buy with the money in their pockets. Official who give press conferences on this subject added that about one million jobless people were employed in the past year. This is a good news, even many world leaders, including president Barack Obama of United States, would envy even if the Ethiopian officials do not mention the number of the unemployed. Employing one million people annually, in an agricult

በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚዬር ሊግ ተሳታፊ የሆኑት የሲዳማ እግር ኳስ ክለቦች በመጀመሪያ ጫዋታዎቻቸው ሽንፈት ኣስተናግደዋል

New በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚዬር ሊግ ተሳታፊ የሆኑት የሲዳማ ቡና እና ሃዋሳ ከነማ የእግር ኳስ ክለቦች በመጀመሪያ ጫዋታዎቻቸው ሽንፈት ኣስተናግደዋል። በትናንትናው እለት መከላከያን የገጠመው የሲዳማ ቡና 3 ለ 1 የተሸነፈ ሲሆን ሃዋሳ ከነማ በበኩሉ መብራት ኃይልን ገጥሞ 2 ለ1 ተሸንፏል። ሁለቱም  የሲዳማ ክለቦች የዘንድሮውን ፕሪሚዬር ሊግ በሽንፈት መጀመራቸው ለኣመቱ ውድድር ያደረጉት ዝግጅት ጥንካሬን በተመለከተ በኣንዳንድ የክለቦቹ ደጋፊዎች ዘንድ ጥርጣሬ እንዲያድርባቸው ኣድርጓል። በምቀጥሉት ጫዋታዎች ኣቋማቸውን ኣስተካክለው ነጥብ እንደምሰበስቡ እና ወደ ቀድሞ ጥንካሬያቸው እንደምመለሱ ይጠበቃል። 

የባለፈው ኣመት የሲዳማ ብሎም የኣገሪቱ የቡና ኤክስፖርት ምን ይመስል ነበር

Price Discrepancy Stunts Coffee Exports For over four years now, the headquarters of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX), located in the Chelelk-Alsam Tower on Chad Street, has shone with the price ticker board displaying the country is own commodity prices. The prices displayed on the ticker board which is wrapped around the waist of the building appear in green, yellow and red, respectively indicating increases, stability or plunges. The prices for different varieties of coffee, however, which take up most of the space on the board, are, drawing a lot of frustration from exporters these days. They say it does not reflect international market conditions. Whereas the board was initially intended to help the traders in price discovery, that, say traders, is no longer the case. One such exporter is Adem Kedir, for whom coffee trading is not just a business, but a family heritage in which his father and brothers are also employed. After starting out helping in his father’s

የፍቼ ጫምባላላ በዓል የሲዳማ ብቻ ሳይሆን የዓለም ቅርስ ሊሆን ይገባል፤

የሲዳማ ዞን ከምድር ወገብ በስተሰሜን አካባቢ ይገኛል። በሰሜናዊ ምስራቅና በደቡባዊ ምስራቅ የኦሮሚያ ክልል በደቡብ ጌዲኦ ዞንና የኦሮሚያ ክልል፣ በምእራብ በኩል ደግሞ የወላይታ ዞን ያዋስኑታል። ዞኑ በሶስት የአየር ንብረቶች የሚካተት ሲሆን  30 በመቶ ደጋ፣  60  በመቶ ወይና ደጋ፣ 10  በመቶ በቆላ ይሸፈናል። የዞኑ አጠቃላይ የቆዳ ስፋት  7 ሺ  200  ካሬ ኪሎ ሜትር ሲሆን በ 19  የገጠር ወረዳዎችና በሁለት የከተማ አስተዳደሮች የተዋቀረ ነው። በ 1999  ዓ . ም በተካሄደው የህዝብና የቤቶች ቆጠራ መሰረት በዞኑ የሚገኘው የሲዳማ ህዝብ ብዛት  3 ነጥብ 2 ሚሊዮን እንደሚሆን ተገምቷል። የሲዳማ ብሄር በሰሜናዊ ምስራቅ አፍሪካ ከሚገኙ የኩሽ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪዎች መካከል ተጠቃሽ ሲሆን በደቡብ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦችና ህዝቦች ክልል ከሚገኙ ዞኖች አንዱ ነው። የሲዳማ ብሄር የራሱ የሆነ የጊዜ አቆጣጠር ቀመር ያለው ሲሆን ቀመሩን ተከትሎ የፍቼ የዘመን መለወጫ በዓል በድምቅት ይከበራል። የፍቼ በዓል የሚከበርበትን ቀን  « አያንቶ » ( የተመረጡ አዛውንቶች )  ክዋክብት በጨረቃ ዙሪያ የሚያደርጉትን ኡደት በመቃኘት ይወስናሉ። በጎሳ መሪው  ( ሞቴው )  ውሳኔ መሰረት የበዓሉ ቀን ከታወጀ በኋላ ሁሉም በየፊናው ዝግጅቱን ያጧጡፋል። በዓሉም እስከ ሁለት ሳምንታት ለሚደርስ ጊዜ በየአካባቢው በሚገኙ  « ጉዱማይሌዎች » ( አደባባዮች )  በድምቀት ይከበራል። ጉዱማይሌ በዞኑ በሚገኙ መንደራት ሁሉ የሚገኝ ሲሆን ትልቅ ክብር የሚሰጠው ቦታ ነው። አራስ የመታረሻ ጊዜዋ አብቅቶ ከመውጣቷ በፊት ከልጇ ጋር በቅድሚያ የምታየው ጉዱማይሌውን ነው። ሙሽሮች ከሰርጋቸው ማግስት ጀምሮ ጉዱማይሌን ሳያዩ ወደአዲሱ ኑሯቸው አይቀላቀሉም። የሲዳማ ብሄር ተወላጆች እንደየእድሜያቸውና በ