
የሃዋሳ ከተማ ሴቶች በምርጫው በንቃት በመሳተፍ ላይ መሆናቸውን ገለጹ

አዋሳ የካቲት 02/2005 በመጪው ሚያዝያ ወር በሚካሄደው የአካባቢና ከተማ ምክር ቤቶች ምርጫ በንቃት በመሳተፍ ላይ መሆናቸውን በሀዋሳ ከተማ የሚገኙ ሴቶች ገለጹ፡፡ በከተማው የኢትዮጵያ ዜና አገልግሎት ሪፖርተር ያነጋገራቸው ሴቶች እንደገለጹት ህገ መንግስቱ ያጎናፀፋቸውን የመምረጥና መመረጥ መብት በመጠቀም በሀገሪቱ ለተጀመሩ የልማትና የዲሞክራሲ ስርዓት ግንባታ የሚጠበቅባቸውን ሁሉ ለመወጣት እየሰሩ ነው፡፡ ወይዘሮ አምሳሉ ገርጎ፣ ወይዜሮ መሰሉ ደሳለኝ፣ ወይዜሮ ፀሀይ ታፈሰ፣ ወይዜሮ ጌጠ ጉግሳና ወጣት ጥሩነሽ እንድሪያስ ሴቶች ሃብት የማፍራት፣ እኩል ተጠቃሚነት፣የመደራጀትና ሌሎች መብቶቻቸው የተረጋገጠበት ህገ መንግስት ቀጣይነት እንዲኖረው ለማድረግ የሚያስችል መሪ እንደሚመርጡ ተናግረዋል፡፡ ሴቶች በቀድሞው ስርአቶች ይደረሰባቸው ከነበረው ፖለቲካዊ፣ ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ተፅዕኖ መፍትሄ ያገኙት ህገ መንግስቱ ባረጋገጠላቸው መብት በመሆኑ እነዚህን መብቶች ጠብቆ ለትውልድ ለማስተላለፍ ምርጫ ወሳኝ ነው ብለዋል፡፡ በክልሉ የሚገኙ ሴቶች ከበርካታ ጎጂ ልማዳዊ ድርጊቶች በመላቀቅ በልማትና በማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ እኩል የመሳተፍ ዕድል ባለቤት የሆኑት በሕገመንግስቱ በመሆኑ ለምርጫው ልዩ ትኩረት ሰጥተው መዘጋጀታቸውን ገልፀዋል፡፡


MAURO GHIROTTI Central Technical Unit, Directorate General for Cooperation and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via S. Contarini 25,00194 Rome - Italy Introduction Land degradation in the tropics is strongly associated with human population growth. The latter phenomenon is quite marked in humid areas and in the temperate highlands (Jahnke 1982). Notably in the plateaux of Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, several pastoral systems have gradually evolved into mixed farming, in order to cope with such pressure (Ruthenberg, 1980). Land is more intensively utilized as population density increases since mixed systems are more efficient than specialized crop or livestock systems (McIntire et al.,1992). In fact, livestock crop integration allows: to diversify production, to distribute labour and harvest better throughout the year as well as distribute tasks among the different components of the household (HH), to recycle waste products within the system, preventing nutrient

Let's advertise Side Buuna - Boltuma Single Origin Espresso, Do you have any idea how much it costs?

Ethiopia, Sidama, Boltuma (Single Origin Espresso) Email to a Friend Availability:  In stock $17.25 Qty: Add to Cart TASTE NOTES As espresso, this coffee is sweet and clean, with notes of lavender and a soft, elegant finish. DETAILS This coffee from the Sidama province displays the attributes we love about Ethiopian coffees. Much of the coffee in Sidama is cultivated using the garden coffee system -- coffee is grown near homesteads where it is planted in low densities, ranging from 1,000 to 1,800 plants per hectare, and fertilized predominantly with organic nutrients. Harvesting periods in Sidama vary from September to December, depending on rainfall and altitude, and most harvesting is done by family labor. Freshly hand-picked cherries are sorted before de-pulping and are sold to the primary cooperatives for wet processing. The fresh cherries are then washed and allowed to ferment naturally. The fermented coffee is washed with clean running water, soaked,

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The Sidama People of Africa: An Overview of History, Culture and Economy: Part I

Dr. Wolassa L. Kumo May 10, 2009 I An Overview of the Sidama History One of the ancient Kushites, the Sidama people live in the southern part of the present day Ethiopia,with notable geographical features such as lake Awassa in the North and lake Abaya in the South. The Great East African Rift Valley dissects the Sidama land into two: western lowlands and eastern highlands. During the course of the great popular migration around the first century AD from North and East Africa to the South of the continent, some Sidamas were left behind and were later scattered into different parts of the sub region. According to the Sidama oral history, during this course of popular migration, the first group of Sidamas reached as far South as the Dawa river, in the present day Ethio-Kenyan boarder before returning back to their present land. During this period, the Sidama people were separated into 5 sub groups. These are: the Major Sidama group, Alaba, Tambaro, Qewena and Marako. The latter